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Seattle版 - ***Angels United!We fight for love.Now needs your volunteer
WA为何这么蓝?Dino又悲剧了Why Kimmel's NEW Apology is Unacceptable
Looking for SDET电台已经开始抹黑抗议的华人了,大家注意斗争策略。 (转载)
Re: 如果Jimmy到时候没辞职,华人老脸往哪搁啊? (转载)明天的活动至少会有一家主流媒体前来报道
闹到媒体随便说杀光中国人的地步,只能怪中国人自己 (转载)WeChat 太好玩了!
去ABC门口游行抗议的图片 (转载)微信对买卖提的影响
建议大家使用反对种族屠杀(genocide)更好一些 (转载)求推荐私人学车教练
各地游行汇总: 请踊跃报名转贴置顶 (转载)Wechat到美国 (转载)
各地Disney/ABC游行汇总: 需要帮助! 请踊跃报名转贴置顶 (转载)留学中介
话题: angels话题: united话题: our话题: matter话题: america
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5964
发信人: boston23 (Good Will Hunting), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: (请全文转发)***★Angels United★.Now need your volunteering and support for the lawsuit!***
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 3 18:28:02 2013, 美东)
♥Please contact us on WeChat(微信),My WeChat ID:ANGELSUNITEDMIKE
MITBBS ID:boston23 Thanks!♥
Angels Strong.Your supports do matter!
Hi all friends here.I'm "boston23",the volunteer,who started the preparation
to sue ABC
&鸡毛,after they made the unforgivable genocide "joke"(No!To our American
standard,it could never be a "JOKE",as it violate the laws and fudamental
spirit of this great land,that is the equality of different races.Any adult
person in America,who has made such hatred kind of saying with racail hatred
,will always be punished by American laws,for so strong a belief in the
United States,that genocide speech,is absolutely evil&illegal.And even much
more serious,that they made innocent kids to say "killing everyone".
During the last week,hundrads of people especially expressed their sincere
support to us.We were touched,and very much appreciate it.Now we've already
founded our organization: *ANGELS UNITED*,for the lawsuit and our advocacy
this time.This is a strong team,united as one,with the mission to make our
lawsuit against ABC&Jimmy Kimmel.
We are now formally recruiting volunteers.It's no matter where you are,no
if you are Chinese or other races,it does really matter you wish to do
something at
this great moment,for a better America and our kids.We fight for love!
We also need professionals in different fields(like website designer,tech
advisor,Experienced HR,public relationship specialist,and so on).So if you
are willing to,we can always help you feel about this inspiring organization
Thanks for all.And we want your support!
1 (共1页)
留学中介去ABC门口游行抗议的图片 (转载)
学车千万别找美西那个Jack建议大家使用反对种族屠杀(genocide)更好一些 (转载)
现在最流行的IM软件是什么 (转载)各地游行汇总: 请踊跃报名转贴置顶 (转载)
周五晚上那个building 109好像有一个中国人办的‏各地Disney/ABC游行汇总: 需要帮助! 请踊跃报名转贴置顶 (转载)
WA为何这么蓝?Dino又悲剧了Why Kimmel's NEW Apology is Unacceptable
Looking for SDET电台已经开始抹黑抗议的华人了,大家注意斗争策略。 (转载)
Re: 如果Jimmy到时候没辞职,华人老脸往哪搁啊? (转载)明天的活动至少会有一家主流媒体前来报道
闹到媒体随便说杀光中国人的地步,只能怪中国人自己 (转载)WeChat 太好玩了!
话题: angels话题: united话题: our话题: matter话题: america