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Seattle版 - Amazon.com hiring event in Minneapolis, MN- Hiring SDE's
Expedia hiring several C++/Java Web app SDEsAmazon 新项目招各个level 的 SDE
招人啦认识hiring manager,中国人,热情推荐加州硅谷 box.com (转载)
紧急求助--关于亚马逊(a)电面C++ Sr. Software Design Engineer - Full Time
帮朋友转发云计算Startup的SDE positionFull Time Positions - SALESFORCE - San Francisco - Immediate Openings
SDE positions in Redmond, WAExpedia Hiring some Dev/PM
MS 的 Sustained Engineering 这个职位怎么样?Microsoft FTE SDEs needed ASAP - C/C++/C#
Google's hiring多个微软的contract职位
微软onsite最后 能不能拿到offer 跟见到几个人有关? (转载)Expedia hiring several C++/Java Web app SDEs
话题: hiring话题: event话题: mn话题: sde
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12
Amazon.com is holding a recruiting event in the Greater Minneapolis area for
a few of the engineering teams based in Seattle, WA
Dates- 04/12- 04/14, 2011
Venue- TBD, Greater Minneapolis area
If you are interested in this GREAT opportunity:
•Please send your resume to n******[email protected] and you will be then
contacted shortly to schedule the interviews and go over the details of the
Please note the qualifications carefully-
Industry work experience with C++/JAVA
Advanced Degree in computer science, Math such as Masters/Phd, Math or
related field
Object oriented design background with expertise in either C++/Java/C
Minimum of 3 years of industry work experience needed
Phd candidates are encouraged to apply
Many open positions and background in one of these areas strongly desired-
-Distributed systems
-Machine learning
-Natural Language processing
-Information Retrieval, Search
1 (共1页)
Expedia hiring several C++/Java Web app SDEsSDE positions in Redmond, WA
微软的SDE居然不需要会C++ 和 data structure!? (转载)MS 的 Sustained Engineering 这个职位怎么样?
请教amazon选组Google's hiring
Amazon is hiring senior UI/Front end Developers-Seattle/WA微软onsite最后 能不能拿到offer 跟见到几个人有关? (转载)
Expedia hiring several C++/Java Web app SDEsAmazon 新项目招各个level 的 SDE
招人啦认识hiring manager,中国人,热情推荐加州硅谷 box.com (转载)
紧急求助--关于亚马逊(a)电面C++ Sr. Software Design Engineer - Full Time
帮朋友转发云计算Startup的SDE positionFull Time Positions - SALESFORCE - San Francisco - Immediate Openings
话题: hiring话题: event话题: mn话题: sde