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Seattle版 - md,我说微软股票咋上不去啊
微软将在三月十五日发布重要消息原来保罗-艾伦对比尔-盖茨有很大意见啊 (转载)
Steve Ballmer 的伟大决策买5台surface回国,msft会不会把我赶出来?
Ballmer Unloads 49.3 Million Microsoft Shares谣言原来是真的---微软联合创始人出书指责盖茨曾“趁火打劫”
Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen tells all in new book微软员工宁愿鲍尔默辞职
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看这个离开微软的 PM 说的mourning by Bill Gates (转载)
话题: ballmer话题: microsoft话题: he话题: about话题: his
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3464
That’s Ballmer With A “B” — For “Billions”
Well, Steve Ballmer certainly had a productive week.
Over the past three days, the Microsoft CEO has sold 49.3 million shares of
his company stock, Reuters reports. With the share price hovering around $27
, the sale has made him about $1.3 billion. Not bad for three days.
And he’s not done yet. Ballmer apparently intends to sell as much as 75
million of his shares in total by the end of the year. At the current prices
, that would earn him about $2 billion, all told.
Microsoft and Ballmer are both quick to say that people shouldn’t read too
much into the massive stock sale. He called the move a “personal financial
matter,” in a statement. But that won’t stop most from doing just that. As
The Next Web wonders, why is Ballmer selling these shares right now with
two buzz-worthy products, Kinect and Windows Phone, just hitting the market
in time for the holiday shopping season? Does he not think they’ll help
propel the company’s stock price?
Truth is, despite their huge financial success, not much has helped moved
the company’s stock price over the past decade. In November of 2000, the
share price was in the $30s. The highest it has gotten in that span is just
about $37-a-share almost exactly three years ago. The price has gone as low
as $15-a-share, but that was during the most recent economic collapse.
Microsoft did split the stock in February of 2003.
Compare that stock performance to rival Apple, which has gone from around $7
-a-share a decade ago, to $317-a-share today.
Others will wonder if this means Ballmer is on his way out as CEO. Again,
despite the bottom-line success, there have been no shortage of calls for
his ouster, partially because of the success rivals like Apple and Google
have had during his tenure. ”I am excited about our new products and the
potential for our technology to change people’s lives, and I remain fully
committed to Microsoft and its success,” was Ballmer’s statement on the
But one important thing to consider is the up-in-the-air issue of the
capital gains tax. The likelihood is that it’s going to stay largely the
same but go up a bit next year, but it could go far higher as the Bush-era
tax cuts are set to expire at the end of this year. And when you’re talking
gains in the billions of dollars range, that’s a lot of money Ballmer
could lose if he’s not smart about his investments.
This news also comes just a month after it was revealed that Ballmer earned
only 50 percent of his yearly bonus in Microsoft’s last fiscal year.
Despite huge numbers for the year, Microsoft performance in mobile and
tablets — or lack thereof — knocked his million-plus bonus down to about $
670,000. But that’s chump change compared to what we’re talking about here
, obviously.
And despite the massive sale, Ballmer will remain the second largest
shareholder in the company behind only Bill Gates. He currently owns a
little over 4 percent of Microsoft, compared to Gates’ 7 percent. That
means on paper, Ballmer has been worth about $10 billion. And now he’s
converting a nice chunk of that to cheddar. Ballmer. Baller.
发帖数: 3464
steveb每年都大喊I love this company, cao,他能不爱吗?


【在 Q*K 的大作中提到】
: 原来billg跟steveb轮班卖啊
: That’s Ballmer With A “B” — For “Billions”
: Well, Steve Ballmer certainly had a productive week.
: Over the past three days, the Microsoft CEO has sold 49.3 million shares of
: his company stock, Reuters reports. With the share price hovering around $27
: , the sale has made him about $1.3 billion. Not bad for three days.
: And he’s not done yet. Ballmer apparently intends to sell as much as 75
: million of his shares in total by the end of the year. At the current prices
: , that would earn him about $2 billion, all told.
: Microsoft and Ballmer are both quick to say that people shouldn’t read too

发帖数: 262
你要是80年加入微软 你也能卖这么多
发帖数: 2865
发帖数: 1150

【在 S******4 的大作中提到】
: 操,我说怎么Kinect和WP7这么火,股票今天怎么又跌了。
: 他卖完了是不是就可以滚了?

发帖数: 4298
Microsoft Corp. CEO Steve Ballmer has sold about $1.3 billion worth of his
company shares recently, the first time he's done so in seven years.
Ballmer confirmed the stock sales Friday and said they were made to
diversify his investments and aid his year-end tax planning. He said he
plans to sell as many as 75 million shares by year's end. Securities and
Exchange Commission filings by Ballmer this week show he sold about 50
million shares.
Ballmer still holds about 350 million shares, worth some $9 billion at
Microsoft's current price of around $26. Ballmer issued a statement "to
avoid any confusion," saying he was excited about the Microsoft's new
products and is fully committed to the company.
In a rare move, Microsoft issued the statement on Ballmer's behalf, likely
looking to head off any speculation that the sale of a substantial block of
his shares indicated anything negative about the company. Ballmer heads the
powerful software giant and is also one of the biggest names in U.S.
"Even though this is a personal financial matter, I want to be clear about
this to avoid any confusion," Ballmer said in the statement. "I am excited
about our new products and the potential for our technology to change people
's lives, and I remain fully committed to Microsoft and its success."
In a gathering with technology workers last month, Ballmer dismissed
suggestions that Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft needs to take differing
approaches to technology for consumers and business users. People want the
same technology at work as they do at home, he said. Ballmer also said he
has no plans to retire anytime soon.
发帖数: 3811
steveb 卖更有深意。以前一直有人标榜他不卖微软股票.


【在 Q*K 的大作中提到】
: 原来billg跟steveb轮班卖啊
: That’s Ballmer With A “B” — For “Billions”
: Well, Steve Ballmer certainly had a productive week.
: Over the past three days, the Microsoft CEO has sold 49.3 million shares of
: his company stock, Reuters reports. With the share price hovering around $27
: , the sale has made him about $1.3 billion. Not bad for three days.
: And he’s not done yet. Ballmer apparently intends to sell as much as 75
: million of his shares in total by the end of the year. At the current prices
: , that would earn him about $2 billion, all told.
: Microsoft and Ballmer are both quick to say that people shouldn’t read too

发帖数: 245
Date Insider Shares Type Transaction Value*
Nov 2, 2010 BRUMMEL LISA EOfficer 30,000 Direct Sale at $27.31
per share. $819,300
Nov 2, 2010 GATES WILLIAM H IIIDirector 2,000,000 Direct
Automatic Sale at $27.23 per share. $54,460,000
Nov 1, 2010 TURNER BRIAN KEVINOfficer 48,956 Direct Sale at $27
per share. $1,321,812
1 (共1页)
mourning by Bill Gates (转载)MSFT还不到$40,怎么能休假呢?
Steve Ballmer I'm a PC Microsoft ADEWEEK, Why SB needs to go
SB答UW学生问--近年来微软吸引力下降,学校招新人困难Steve Baller脑子进水了,还是被驴子踢了?
Tax Proposal Splits State's Business Elite .看这个离开微软的 PM 说的
微软将在三月十五日发布重要消息原来保罗-艾伦对比尔-盖茨有很大意见啊 (转载)
Steve Ballmer 的伟大决策买5台surface回国,msft会不会把我赶出来?
Ballmer Unloads 49.3 Million Microsoft Shares谣言原来是真的---微软联合创始人出书指责盖茨曾“趁火打劫”
Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen tells all in new book微软员工宁愿鲍尔默辞职
话题: ballmer话题: microsoft话题: he话题: about话题: his