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SanFrancisco版 - 中半岛的交通要更糟了?
有住在redwood shore一带 的给说说应该在哪里买房?
关于在BELMONT, SAN CARLOS买房Redwood Shores的房子需要隔音门窗防止飞机噪音吗
再请大家评评这两个半岛上的房子Belmont,Redwood Shores, San Carlos一带前景不错
请问 Foster City 和 Redwood Shores哪个地基牢固一些?求推荐湾区San Carlos,Redwood City一带的买房Agent
哪位给点平一下这个FOSTER CITY的房子.谢谢.半岛买房 求意见
在Redwood Shores周围工作的各位都在哪里买的房啊?Re: Redwood city 的房子怎么样,sunnyvale已买哭。
Is Belmont a good town with good school?redwood shores和foster city怎么没有桥?
话题: redwood话题: city话题: downtown话题: san话题: carlos
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 682
summery:红木城要新建好多办公楼和公寓, google也要往这边扩。

Redwood City’s Downtown Development Will Impact San Carlos Real Estate..
Posted: 12 Nov 2014 02:10 PM PST
Redwood City is Growing Up.
It seems as if you can’t drive anywhere through downtown Redwood City these
days without bumping into some sort of major commercial development project
that’s in process. With no fewer than four different construction cranes
that are towering over the horizon and cavernous underground garages being
carved out, downtown Redwood City is on a development tear unlike anything
we’ve seen in recent history. Between new upscale apartment complexes, high
-end condominium/retail buildings, and simply commercial office space,
downtown Redwood City is rapidly growing “up” right before our eyes.
And this development is not going unnoticed by Silicon Valley.
Redwood City is no stranger to hosting technology companies. One of the
biggest tech giants in the world has its iconic glass towered headquarters
in Redwood Shores, and a whole slew of start-ups are filling the office
towers all around the Oracle mothership. Also, the Seaport Office Park is
home to a number of tech companies including Dreamworks, and it’s looking
very likely that one of the biggest tech companies on the planet will
swallow up the majority of that office park very soon (more on that below.)
As the tech-based economy continues to grow at a breakneck pace, companies
are simply running out of office space in the traditional Silicon Valley
locations and are starting to look at the mid-Peninsula as the next frontier.
Downtown is Hot.
Up until just recently, there has been no real magnet to draw tech companies
to the west side of 101 in Redwood City. The integration of relatively
large technology companies into urban downtown areas is far from commonplace
in Silicon Valley. Anyone who works in technology knows what I’m talking
about — with the exception of San Francisco, the vast majority of tech
companies are located in business parks that are usually devoid of
restaurants, bars, dry cleaners, and coffee shops. It’s the primary reason
why companies such as Google and Facebook have pulled these amenities back
onto their campuses and offer them for free (or heavily subsidize them.)
Sure, it’s a hiring perk, but the real reason behind these benefits is
w0rker productivity. Google in particular figured out that employees are at
their working desks working for far more hours every week if they don’t
have to drive all the way to downtown Mountain View to get lunch every day.
Now, employee subsidized cafeterias are almost commonplace in larger tech
Redwood City has spent the better part of the last decade painstakingly
revitalizing its downtown area. The theater complex was genesis of the
downtown rebirth, and now the remainder Broadway and the Courthouse Square
is teeming with new restaurants, bars and specialty shops. It’s anything
but the “Deadwood City” that I grew up in. Until just recently there has
been only one ingredient from the formula that was missing from attracting
technology companies to the Redwood City downtown — office space. And
thanks to the brilliant foresight of the Redwood City planners, that missing
ingredient will soon be filled.
Several tech start-ups have already “seen the light” with respect to what
downtown Redwood City can offer. Evernote (one of my favorite apps) has
their corporate headquarters toward the end of Walnut Street, and tech start
-ups Turn Inc., and YuMe Inc. have also chosen downtown Redwood City as
their headquarters for the reasons cited above.
Those developments alone are quite newsworthy for this part of the Peninsula
. But two recent announcements have thrust Redwood City into the “big
leagues” as an aspiring technology hub.
Box and Google…Coming Soon.
GoogleThe only thing more eye-popping than the mere physical presence of the
Crossing/900 building project that looms over the corner of Jefferson
Avenue and Middlefield Road was the announcement that pre-IPO cloud storage
company Box signed a lease to occupy all of both buildings. That would
effectively bring all 1,100 employees under one roof, with room for ample
expansion in the future. It was an aggressive move, but one that was lauded
by those who understand what downtown Redwood City has to offer.
In another stunning development, it was recently announced that Google
closed on the purchase of 6 of the towers in the Pacific Shores office
complex at the end of Seaport Boulevard. While this doesn’t count as a “
downtown” development, it exponentially raises Redwood City’s credibility
as a technology hub, and will bring thousands of Google employees to the mid
The Impact.
Will all of this development in Redwood City have an impact on the real
estate market in San Carlos? Absolutely. First of all, it’s important to
note that a significant chunk of the development that’s going on in
downtown Redwood City is indeed housing – mostly in the form of mid-rise
condos and apartments. For example, the old Mel’s Bowl on El Camino will
soon be the home to The Lane on the Boulevard, an upscale 141-unit lease-
only living facility. So clearly, developers have thought this through and
are working to provide attractive housing for this incoming wave of tech
workers who would like to shorten or avoid the unmanageable commutes that
are now the norm in the valley. These options will certainly be attractive
to the Millenials who want to live in a vibrant community that’s very close
to their work, but who are perhaps not ready to commit to the
responsibility of owning a single-family home just yet.
For all the rest, the net effect of this explosive growth is that it will
bring many more well-educated and well-compensated professionals that much
closer to San Carlos. The very qualities that have made San Carlos such an
attractive zip code for technology professionals — great schools, vibrant
downtown, and neighborly feel — will become even that much more attractive
because of its close proximity to their new work address. Just look at what
Google’s presence has done to real estate prices in Mountain View and Los
Altos, and how Facebook blew apart the housing market in Menlo Park. It’s
not a stretch to see the same thing happening to San Carlos in the near
future, especially if the perceived discrepancy in the quality of their
respective schools continues to cause buyers to eschew Redwood City in favor
of San Carlos.
That’s obviously great news for people who already own a home in San Carlos
, because this will simply push the demand for their homes and subsequent
prices higher. But this should serve as a shot across the bow for buyers
that are still hoping to land a 94070 address in the coming years. Their
competition is about to get much stronger.
It’s already happening.
发帖数: 3417
感觉redwood city downtown确实会是下一个热点。硅谷北移的趋势会继续。


【在 r*****g 的大作中提到】
: summery:红木城要新建好多办公楼和公寓, google也要往这边扩。
: Redwood City’s Downtown Development Will Impact San Carlos Real Estate..
: Posted: 12 Nov 2014 02:10 PM PST
: Redwood City is Growing Up.
: It seems as if you can’t drive anywhere through downtown Redwood City these
: days without bumping into some sort of major commercial development project
: that’s in process. With no fewer than four different construction cranes
: that are towering over the horizon and cavernous underground garages being
: carved out, downtown Redwood City is on a development tear unlike anything

发帖数: 1943
发帖数: 21328
1 (共1页)
redwood shores和foster city怎么没有桥?请问 Foster City 和 Redwood Shores哪个地基牢固一些?
如果在redwood上班,应该在哪里租房子比较好呢哪位给点平一下这个FOSTER CITY的房子.谢谢.
redwood shores 94065这个区域学区如何?在Redwood Shores周围工作的各位都在哪里买的房啊?
早晨9点从evergreen出发10点能到redwood shore吗?Is Belmont a good town with good school?
有住在redwood shore一带 的给说说应该在哪里买房?
关于在BELMONT, SAN CARLOS买房Redwood Shores的房子需要隔音门窗防止飞机噪音吗
再请大家评评这两个半岛上的房子Belmont,Redwood Shores, San Carlos一带前景不错
话题: redwood话题: city话题: downtown话题: san话题: carlos