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Running版 - Even running a little each day could add years to a person’s life
Medium long run lowers blood pressure by 15mmHg.这个跑步机如何?
Tech question: will two 3-mile running/day be better or worse than one 6-mile running/day?Too much running tied to shorter lifespan, studies findZT
打算下单了LifeSpan TR 1200i Treadmill跑并生活着 - 草稿 (未完成)
求教,freemotion 跑步机 如何?有包子My Running/Jogging Training Log----5/13/07
给大家推荐一个详细对比跑步姿势的视频My Running/Jogging Training Log----5/15/07
Costco 的这两款跑步机怎么样? (转载)My Running/Jogging Training Log----5/20/07
请问green silence适合新人刚开始跑穿么?My Running/Jogging Training Log----5/22/07
话题: running话题: years话题: even话题: could话题: add
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发帖数: 309
Running could add three years to your life
Even running a little each day could add years to a person’s life.
By Vanessa Blanchard, Daily Digest News
Monday, July 28, 2014
Running could add three years to your life
Running could make you live longer, a new study suggests. In fact, those who
run could add about three years on average to their lifespans.
A study, conducted over the course of 15 years, followed 55,000 people
between the ages of 18 and 100 years old. They were questioned about their
running habits and then followed up with for the next decade and a half to
determine if running appeared to have any impact on longevity.
It turns out there is a significant health benefit that appears to be
related routine running. Researchers were able to determine a strong
correlation between running and living longer. What this means is that
though no direct causation was established, scientists were able to control
for enough factors to determine that the habit of running was often present
in those who lived longer during the course of the study.
Health benefits from running can be gleaned even from light amounts of the
exercise. Measurable differences in health were present in participants
whether they ran a lot or a little each week. People who ran for an average
of 30 minutes to an hour a week, or five to 10 minutes a day, were 28
percent less likely to die in general and 58 percent less likely to die as
the result of heart disease. Those who ran more avidly were 30 percent less
likely to die from any cause and 45 percent less likely to die of heart
The benefits did not appear any greater for those who ran more than three
hours each week than for those who ran lightly during the week.
Researchers say that an important note of interest is the fact that even
running for literally five minutes a day can produce health benefits. They
hope that knowing this will help more people feel compelled to take up
running and to stick with it for the long term, as a few minutes each day is
not a large commitment that still produces improvement in lung and heart
1 (共1页)
My Running/Jogging Training Log----5/22/07求教,freemotion 跑步机 如何?有包子
My Running/Jogging Training Log----5/24/07给大家推荐一个详细对比跑步姿势的视频
My Running/Jogging Training Log----5/25/07Costco 的这两款跑步机怎么样? (转载)
My Running/Jogging Training Log----5/27/07请问green silence适合新人刚开始跑穿么?
Medium long run lowers blood pressure by 15mmHg.这个跑步机如何?
Tech question: will two 3-mile running/day be better or worse than one 6-mile running/day?Too much running tied to shorter lifespan, studies findZT
打算下单了LifeSpan TR 1200i Treadmill跑并生活着 - 草稿 (未完成)
话题: running话题: years话题: even话题: could话题: add