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QueerNews版 - 为什么反对同志婚姻的人自己的婚姻老是有问题
Md. Can Recognize Out-of-State Gay Marriages新西兰一基督教中学开除同性恋教练,被处罚款加道歉
New Mexico will recognize out-of-state marriages墨西哥所有的州承认别州的同性婚姻
Wash. to Recognize Out-of-State Gay MarriagesNY 2,300 Gay Unions Outside City, State Says
RI to Recognize Out-Of-State Gay MarriagesHI 要实现CIVIL UNION了?!
Breaking News: Maryland high court: Recognize out-of-state, same-sex marriagesChristine Johnson无意角逐下届州议员
companionate marriageGoogle为其同性恋雇员增加新福利
[九号来稿] 征文:支持同性婚姻--Let Gay Marry!!New Marriage Campaign Presses Obama
话题: marriage话题: chavez话题: state话题: domestic话题: mexico
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2153
How do you spell ‘hypocrisy’. Well, not R-O-L-A-I-D-S, we can tell you
that. In fact, it is spelled Representative David Chavez. The man who
introduced the Defense of Marriage Act Resolution in New Mexico is also
someone who appears to have no problem being a ‘domestic abuse predator’,
as Democracy for New Mexico puts it.
According to the language of House Joint Resolution 22, “Marriage in this
state shall consist only of the union of one man and one woman. A marriage,
civil union or similar relationship entered into by persons of the same sex
that is recognized by another state or foreign jurisdiction is void and
shall not be recognized for any purpose in this state. In the exercise of
the state’s police power and recognizing the state’s strong interest in
governing the relationships between married persons, the provisions of this
section shall apply retroactively.”
When it comes to respecting marriage, though, Chavez has a pretty spotty
record. In October 2010, Chavez was accused of domestic abuse, and his wife
filed for divorce. The two were married for four years and two months.
This is a consistent theme. Many of the politicians who oppose same-sex
marriage have problems with marriage. They tend to be divorced repeatedly or
have problems with domestic abuse, and so forth.
1 (共1页)
New Marriage Campaign Presses ObamaBreaking News: Maryland high court: Recognize out-of-state, same-sex marriages
MY Idol Don Lemon 勇敢出柜反同领袖之一认输
说一套做一套的Newt Gingrichcompanionate marriage
Dennis Kucinich lost congressional seat[九号来稿] 征文:支持同性婚姻--Let Gay Marry!!
Md. Can Recognize Out-of-State Gay Marriages新西兰一基督教中学开除同性恋教练,被处罚款加道歉
New Mexico will recognize out-of-state marriages墨西哥所有的州承认别州的同性婚姻
Wash. to Recognize Out-of-State Gay MarriagesNY 2,300 Gay Unions Outside City, State Says
RI to Recognize Out-Of-State Gay MarriagesHI 要实现CIVIL UNION了?!
话题: marriage话题: chavez话题: state话题: domestic话题: mexico