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QueerNews版 - One More to Go: 31 Votes for Marriage Equality in New York
New Yorkers at RallyPoll: New Yorkers Pleased With Marriage Equality Law
纽约有没有动静就看今天了Half of Pennsylvanians Favor Marriage Equality
N.Y. Marriage: Hey, You Never KnowN.Y. Republican Senators Rewarded for Marriage Vote
NY governor to Hold Marriage Strategy SessionPro-Marriage Republican Announces Retirement
Major Breakthroughs on Marriage Equality in New YorkCampaign Windfall for 4 Republicans Who Voted for Same-Sex Marriage
N.J.最大的民权组织停止对该州政党提供财政资助DECISION TIME All Eyes on Senate in New York
Australians for Marriage EqualityNY marriage equality前景变化
Bill Clinton Endorses N.Y. MarriageMarriage Equality Foes Respond in New York
话题: bill话题: mcdonald话题: equality话题: republican话题: new
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19713
One More to Go: 31 Votes for Marriage Equality in New York
By Julie Bolcer
Roy McDonald became the second Republican state senator to say he would vote
yes on the marriage equality bill pending before the state legislature,
bringing the number of senators who support the measure to 31, just one vote
shy of the number needed for passage.
According to The New York Times, McDonald, who represents Long Island, told
reporters in Albany on Tuesday that, “I think I’m doing the right thing,
it’s the appropriate thing, and if the public respects that, I’m grateful.
If they don’t, then I move on.”
The announcement from McDonald followed that of his colleague James Alesi,
who became the first Republican state senator to voice support for the bill
on Monday. Alesi and McDonald both voted against the bill when it failed in
the senate in 2009 after passing the assembly.
McDonald announced his support after Gov. Andrew Cuomo submitted a program
bill with language that exempts religious institutions from solemnizing or
providing facilities for same-sex couples to marry or celebrate weddings, an
issue raised mostly by Republican state senator Greg Ball as a reason to
oppose the bill. If Republican leadership decides to bring the bill to the
floor, it could be voted on before the end of the week and become law 30
days after passing.
In a telephone conversation with The Advocate on Tuesday, Assemblymember
Daniel O’Donnell, the openly gay lead sponsor of the marriage equality bill
in the assembly, said the religious exemption language included in the
governor’s bill only makes explicit carveouts that already exist in the
state’s Human Rights Law.
“This is only spelling out what already exists in law,” he said. “This
bill will do nothing to impact on those exemptions as they currently exist.
The language that was put into this bill is language that already exists. It
is a component of the Human rights law. All this bill really does is
reference what the current Human Rights Law already says. It is not creating
anything additional."
O'Donnell, who said his chamber would vote on the governor's bill,
anticipated the process would unfold expeditiously over the next few days.
发帖数: 19713
OH YEAH!!!!!
发帖数: 4174
发帖数: 19713

【在 g********d 的大作中提到】
: 其实31:31已经够了,平的时候副州长可以投一票。现在问题是共和党控制的SENATE让
: 不让投票,到时候是不是真有31票。

发帖数: 24887
Who is he?

【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: 前几天转载的那个民主党老头儿要遗臭万年了,就差他一票,千古罪人啊!
发帖数: 19713

【在 D**S 的大作中提到】
: Who is he?
1 (共1页)
Marriage Equality Foes Respond in New YorkMajor Breakthroughs on Marriage Equality in New York
女同脱口秀主持人Rosie O'Donnell计划新节目Australians for Marriage Equality
Marriage Equality Bill Stuck in New York SenateBill Clinton Endorses N.Y. Marriage
New Yorkers at RallyPoll: New Yorkers Pleased With Marriage Equality Law
纽约有没有动静就看今天了Half of Pennsylvanians Favor Marriage Equality
N.Y. Marriage: Hey, You Never KnowN.Y. Republican Senators Rewarded for Marriage Vote
NY governor to Hold Marriage Strategy SessionPro-Marriage Republican Announces Retirement
话题: bill话题: mcdonald话题: equality话题: republican话题: new