g********d 发帖数: 4174 | 1 这个坑有点意思,先挖起来。谁跳?我先吃个饭,睡个觉。 |
m******1 发帖数: 19713 | |
m******1 发帖数: 19713 | |
g********d 发帖数: 4174 | 4 对不起,明天行不?这一觉睡的有点长了。
【在 m******1 的大作中提到】 : 呼唤LZ来填坑 : 弃坑者斩!
g********d 发帖数: 4174 | 5 Kagan不是lesbian, 有点令人失望,但是这不重要,重要的是她对gay marriage的态度
。本来联邦大法院里是四个保守派四个自由派加一个中间派,退休的John Paul
KAGAN在哈佛法学院做DEAN的时候对DADT的看法很明确:“I abhor the military’s discriminatory recruitment policy. This [policy] is a profound wrong – a moral injustice of the first order. And it is a wrong that tears at the fabric of our own community, because some of our members cannot, while others can, devote their professional careers to their country.” 但是,她对gay marriage的态度就不那么明确了。Ka |
m******1 发帖数: 19713 | 6 跑题了跑题了,这个坑不是Kagan看DADT,而是Kagan看DOMA。
discriminatory recruitment policy. This [policy] is a profound wrong – a
moral injustice of the first order. And it is a wrong that tears at the
fabric of our own community, because some of our members cannot, while
others can, devote their professional careers to their country.” 但是,她对
gay marriage的态度就不那么明确了。
【在 g********d 的大作中提到】 : Kagan不是lesbian, 有点令人失望,但是这不重要,重要的是她对gay marriage的态度 : 。本来联邦大法院里是四个保守派四个自由派加一个中间派,退休的John Paul : Stevens是自由派的旗帜,如果换上的一个是反同的,我们就基本上可以回家歇菜了。 : KAGAN在哈佛法学院做DEAN的时候对DADT的看法很明确:“I abhor the military’s discriminatory recruitment policy. This [policy] is a profound wrong – a moral injustice of the first order. And it is a wrong that tears at the fabric of our own community, because some of our members cannot, while others can, devote their professional careers to their country.” 但是,她对gay marriage的态度就不那么明确了。Ka
g********d 发帖数: 4174 | 7 着啥急?还在写呢。
【在 m******1 的大作中提到】 : 跑题了跑题了,这个坑不是Kagan看DADT,而是Kagan看DOMA。 : Kagan对DADT的态度很明确,但是她从来没有明确对DOMA表过态,我本来以为LZ看了什 : 么内参了 : : discriminatory recruitment policy. This [policy] is a profound wrong – a : moral injustice of the first order. And it is a wrong that tears at the : fabric of our own community, because some of our members cannot, while : others can, devote their professional careers to their country.” 但是,她对 : gay marriage的态度就不那么明确了。
m******1 发帖数: 19713 | 8 写新的话加新贴比较好,你总UPDATE前边的帖子,别人从外边看还以为没有更新呢,结
【在 g********d 的大作中提到】 : 着啥急?还在写呢。
g********d 发帖数: 4174 | 9 同样的回答,反同方的理解不一样。他们认为KAGAN的回答被断章取义,从KAGAN代表
Department of Justice写的关于加州DOMA案子的memo来看,她基本上就是一个同性恋
Organization for Marriage的原文是
“Kagan waded into the DOMA case, amending a brief that offered “
responsible procreation” as a reason for DOMA to instead explicitly reject
procreation and child wellbeing as a reason for defining marriage as one man
and one woman — undermining the law she claims to be defending. We’ve
seen this tactic in state litigation before: |
g********d 发帖数: 4174 | 10 结论是KAGAN当选,比保守派好,但是不如STEVENS不退休好,不管是因为立场的原因还
是技术的原因。 |
m******1 发帖数: 19713 | 11 这段原文我完全没看懂,怎么读着这么绕嘴呢?
另外,我觉得她说的There is no federal constitutional right to same-sex
【在 g********d 的大作中提到】 : 结论是KAGAN当选,比保守派好,但是不如STEVENS不退休好,不管是因为立场的原因还 : 是技术的原因。
m******1 发帖数: 19713 | 12 我觉得她基本上就是个中间派偏左一点点
【在 g********d 的大作中提到】 : 结论是KAGAN当选,比保守派好,但是不如STEVENS不退休好,不管是因为立场的原因还 : 是技术的原因。
g********d 发帖数: 4174 | 13 Another explanation:
"The question was phrased in the present tense. At the time Kagan answered
the question, the Supreme Court had not yet said there was such a right, so
she could say there is no right, in a narrow sense.
Now, you might think that if a person is ever going to find a right in
the Constitution, it must be that the right is already there. But that is a
view of the Constitution that fits with a strong commitment to sticking to
the original meaning of the text, and I don’t t
【在 m******1 的大作中提到】 : 我觉得她基本上就是个中间派偏左一点点
m******1 发帖数: 19713 | 14 看了半天还是从字里行间地找理由justify她的言论,这都是文字游戏。
【在 g********d 的大作中提到】 : Another explanation: : : "The question was phrased in the present tense. At the time Kagan answered : the question, the Supreme Court had not yet said there was such a right, so : she could say there is no right, in a narrow sense. : Now, you might think that if a person is ever going to find a right in : the Constitution, it must be that the right is already there. But that is a : view of the Constitution that fits with a strong commitment to sticking to : the original meaning of the text, and I don’t t
g********d 发帖数: 4174 | 15 她是反对DOMA的,把她的MEMO找出来看看。但是,她的位置要求她为DOMA辩护。
【在 m******1 的大作中提到】 : 看了半天还是从字里行间地找理由justify她的言论,这都是文字游戏。 : 为啥不直接从字面上去把她的话理解成支持DOMA呢?我还是不明白。 : : answered : so : a : only
m******1 发帖数: 19713 | 16 那么,加州的prop8的案子呢?你前边说输定了。。。
【在 g********d 的大作中提到】 : 她是反对DOMA的,把她的MEMO找出来看看。但是,她的位置要求她为DOMA辩护。
g********d 发帖数: 4174 | 17 那只是别人的一种猜测。而且,OBAMA不也是反对DOMA,但不支持gay marriage吗?有
些民主党人忸忸怩怩,人格分裂,其实就是closted gay marriage supporter.
【在 m******1 的大作中提到】 : 那么,加州的prop8的案子呢?你前边说输定了。。。
k*****e 发帖数: 22013 | 18 其实就是有投机商看准了走中间路线能将支持率最大化。
【在 g********d 的大作中提到】 : 那只是别人的一种猜测。而且,OBAMA不也是反对DOMA,但不支持gay marriage吗?有 : 些民主党人忸忸怩怩,人格分裂,其实就是closted gay marriage supporter.
X*******H 发帖数: 720 | 19 我总觉得她现在只是在做政治戏,上台了怎样很难说。不过她反对DADT是肯定的了 |