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Quant版 - quant needed for a major China investment bank in Beijing
如果在金融公司做quant,还可以自己业余炒股吗?[合集] 都说要从quant转trader,为什么不直接做trader得了?
multiple junior quant roles in a premium bank strategy group.[合集] Quant市场终于崩盘喽,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
Quant Researcher for an asset management firm in NYC这里有用machine learning做quant相关的research吗?
corporate quant needed for a large asset management firm in CA[合集] 扩散思维题,两个数列的关系 (转载)
junior quant needed for two big banks in NYCQuant Role for High Frequency Algo Trading!
cs硕士 如何转 quantjunior desk quants needed for strategy group in a premium
Job Opening: Quant analyst现在quant和developer在工资上的没有差别
[合集] 大家认为香港的quant工作怎么样,经济上和在美国差别大吗?algo quant vs derivative quant
话题: beijing话题: quant话题: china话题: group话题: investment
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 67
Hi, all,
My client is looking for 1) fixed income quant, prefers rates or credit 2)
algo quant focusing on execution strategies. 2-5 years exp.
They will pay with global rate. location: Beijing.
If you are interested, please send your resume in word format to tgan@
Thomas Gan, Ph.D.
Options Group
发帖数: 2401
Options Group....
this recruiter sucks. stay away

【在 t*******8 的大作中提到】
: Hi, all,
: My client is looking for 1) fixed income quant, prefers rates or credit 2)
: algo quant focusing on execution strategies. 2-5 years exp.
: They will pay with global rate. location: Beijing.
: If you are interested, please send your resume in word format to tgan@
: optionsgroup.com.
: Thanks.
: Thomas Gan, Ph.D.
: Director
: Options Group

发帖数: 67
Hi, Niubee,
I had been a recruiter for 5 years. In 2010, I placed close 30 people in
investment banks and hedge funds. In 2011, I placed more than 20 people.
I worked with a number of candidates and lot of them became my friends.
Also they referred their friends to me.
I also gave a lot of career advises to them.
However I can not work with every candidate because I have only limit time
and energy.
I think I am a successful recruiter and a reasonable person.
If you have some personal exp with me, please share it with the group and
tell the group why I suck.
发帖数: 988

【在 t*******8 的大作中提到】
: Hi, Niubee,
: I had been a recruiter for 5 years. In 2010, I placed close 30 people in
: investment banks and hedge funds. In 2011, I placed more than 20 people.
: I worked with a number of candidates and lot of them became my friends.
: Also they referred their friends to me.
: I also gave a lot of career advises to them.
: However I can not work with every candidate because I have only limit time
: and energy.
: I think I am a successful recruiter and a reasonable person.
: If you have some personal exp with me, please share it with the group and

发帖数: 696
I have some personal exp with topgun. He is actually pretty good. Spent a
lot of times with me. Got me a lot of interviews, more than most other
recruiters find for me.

【在 t*******8 的大作中提到】
: Hi, Niubee,
: I had been a recruiter for 5 years. In 2010, I placed close 30 people in
: investment banks and hedge funds. In 2011, I placed more than 20 people.
: I worked with a number of candidates and lot of them became my friends.
: Also they referred their friends to me.
: I also gave a lot of career advises to them.
: However I can not work with every candidate because I have only limit time
: and energy.
: I think I am a successful recruiter and a reasonable person.
: If you have some personal exp with me, please share it with the group and

发帖数: 978

【在 f*******y 的大作中提到】
: 一个非常successful的recruiter显然不需要在这个版和niubee吵架
发帖数: 978
而且我老板招人也只信任options group。

【在 s******e 的大作中提到】
: I have some personal exp with topgun. He is actually pretty good. Spent a
: lot of times with me. Got me a lot of interviews, more than most other
: recruiters find for me.

1 (共1页)
algo quant vs derivative quantjunior quant needed for two big banks in NYC
求教,实验物理博士没有编程背景怎末靠向QUANT啊?cs硕士 如何转 quant
性格内向的人可以做Qaunt吗?Job Opening: Quant analyst
大家谈谈做不同公司quant的发展吧[合集] 大家认为香港的quant工作怎么样,经济上和在美国差别大吗?
如果在金融公司做quant,还可以自己业余炒股吗?[合集] 都说要从quant转trader,为什么不直接做trader得了?
multiple junior quant roles in a premium bank strategy group.[合集] Quant市场终于崩盘喽,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
Quant Researcher for an asset management firm in NYC这里有用machine learning做quant相关的research吗?
corporate quant needed for a large asset management firm in CA[合集] 扩散思维题,两个数列的关系 (转载)
话题: beijing话题: quant话题: china话题: group话题: investment