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Quant版 - quant developer needed for a startup mortgage fund
junior desk quants needed for strategy group in a premium招聘: Junior Quantitative Developer –Akuna Capital-波士顿/芝加哥
junior/mid level MBS modeler needed for a top firm in NYCquant analyst for asset management fund in Northern, NJ
quant analyst needed for a hedge fund in NYC求助:请问这个工作是干什么的?
junior quant needed for a hedge fundPhD of Statistics needed for an investment bank in NYC
junior quant needed for large asset management firms in CAPhD of Statistics needed for asset management fund in NYC
[Greenwich CT]Desk Quant/Financial EngineeringHead Hunters. 整理中……
entry level申developer是不是容易点junior strategists needed for a premium bank in NYC
Energy Quant needed for an investment bankOffer 选择
话题: developer话题: mbs话题: junior话题: mortgage话题: quant
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 67
Hi, all,
A start-up hedge fund is looking for junior candidates with strong
education and development skills. they do not want a quant; they want a
junior developer. up to $200k total comp, but want to keep the base
It is run by former MD/Global Head of Structured Products of a big bank.
There are around 10 people in the organization and they have a couple of
hundred Million AUM.
Junior MBS Developer -They are looking for a 2-4 year developer ideally
with MBS experience and/or a strong educational background. This person
will be the first technologist in the door! Great opportunity to work
a lot of smart/senior mortgage people.
If you are interested, please send resume in word version to
t**[email protected].
Thomas Gan, Ph.D.
Options Group
发帖数: 10012
even did not mention skills required...

【在 t*******8 的大作中提到】
: Hi, all,
: A start-up hedge fund is looking for junior candidates with strong
: education and development skills. they do not want a quant; they want a
: junior developer. up to $200k total comp, but want to keep the base
: below
: $140k.
: It is run by former MD/Global Head of Structured Products of a big bank.
: There are around 10 people in the organization and they have a couple of
: hundred Million AUM.
: Junior MBS Developer -They are looking for a 2-4 year developer ideally

发帖数: 67
C++ programming with MBS exp.
发帖数: 169
弱弱的问:啥是 MBS
发帖数: 163
mortgage back security

【在 n******m 的大作中提到】
: 弱弱的问:啥是 MBS
1 (共1页)
Offer 选择junior quant needed for large asset management firms in CA
junior quant modeler for a top investment bank in NYC[Greenwich CT]Desk Quant/Financial Engineering
multiple junior quant roles in a premium bank strategy group.entry level申developer是不是容易点
junior quant needed for two big banks in NYCEnergy Quant needed for an investment bank
junior desk quants needed for strategy group in a premium招聘: Junior Quantitative Developer –Akuna Capital-波士顿/芝加哥
junior/mid level MBS modeler needed for a top firm in NYCquant analyst for asset management fund in Northern, NJ
quant analyst needed for a hedge fund in NYC求助:请问这个工作是干什么的?
junior quant needed for a hedge fundPhD of Statistics needed for an investment bank in NYC
话题: developer话题: mbs话题: junior话题: mortgage话题: quant