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Pingpong版 - 开了一个后勤部的support ticket
cheap ping pong balls $0.99 per box今天更新了job title
新手来了. 低调飘过.sports authority的有个牌子叫做ping-pong的桌子,适合新手用吗?
Free Access to Tennis/Ping Pong/Badminton CourtsBruce Lee- Ping Pong
Ping Pong MusicUSA Ping-pong could beat China
Why Doesn't Ping-Pong Get Any Respect?ping-pong table, thanks!
我喜欢乒乓的N 个理由乒乓球桌的问题
乒乓球界有个怪现象快讯:夏继伟郑佳琪 免费授课加表演两小时 11月17 中午CBA
突然会发逆旋转了.Ping Pong club around Mountain View?
话题: 后勤部话题: table话题: ticket话题: anybody
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5504
Hello, I have been at ... RTP for two years. There is an outdoor Ping Pong
table sitting in front of building 1 for years. I never saw anybody
bothering to clean it and not a single time anybody playing on this table.
Is there any plan for WPR to get rid of this table? If so I am interested
and I believe there will be some significant resurfacing work required.
Please let me know.
发帖数: 5504
尼玛,回答说,“If it is decided to get rid of it we will have to donate it
to an approved organization.”

【在 v***v 的大作中提到】
: 自从会员卡那里打了Kettler铝合金板桌子后,对它比较满意。放户外很不错
: Hello, I have been at ... RTP for two years. There is an outdoor Ping Pong
: table sitting in front of building 1 for years. I never saw anybody
: bothering to clean it and not a single time anybody playing on this table.
: Is there any plan for WPR to get rid of this table? If so I am interested
: and I believe there will be some significant resurfacing work required.
: Please let me know.

发帖数: 1753
Given the amount of work involved in transporting such a bulk item, I would
like to volunteer myself for this endeavor without incurring any expenses of
the management. Should the management need a receipt from the approved
recipient organization, I will work with the organization and be sure to
provide such paperwork to the management's satisfaction. Please endorse me
for this honored and physically involved job.
发帖数: 4072


【在 h*******a 的大作中提到】
: 回答说
: Given the amount of work involved in transporting such a bulk item, I would
: like to volunteer myself for this endeavor without incurring any expenses of
: the management. Should the management need a receipt from the approved
: recipient organization, I will work with the organization and be sure to
: provide such paperwork to the management's satisfaction. Please endorse me
: for this honored and physically involved job.

1 (共1页)
Ping Pong club around Mountain View?Why Doesn't Ping-Pong Get Any Respect?
丐帮的,我们来ping-pong马拉松吧我喜欢乒乓的N 个理由
Cornilleau 500 indoor ping pong table怎么样?突然会发逆旋转了.
cheap ping pong balls $0.99 per box今天更新了job title
新手来了. 低调飘过.sports authority的有个牌子叫做ping-pong的桌子,适合新手用吗?
Free Access to Tennis/Ping Pong/Badminton CourtsBruce Lee- Ping Pong
Ping Pong MusicUSA Ping-pong could beat China
话题: 后勤部话题: table话题: ticket话题: anybody