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Pingpong版 - 什么是 throw angle?
dandoy-sports.com 价格怎么回事, 同一天还经常变?T05 deal 62 bucks
att,05 FX 和spin art 你试过吗?NR: rubber
问一下rubber sheet for sale
QQMJ你的木吉他打得什么感受?[合集] how to play against shakehand guys with medium pips on thei
Tenergy 05 的prime life 算起来只有3-4天听说Gates同学出10万鼓励做套
T05 rubber $10块钱?Las Vegas Day 1
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话题: throw话题: rubber话题: rubbers话题: angle话题: low
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9003
The throw angle of a rubber is whether the rubber tends to 'throw' the ball
higher or lower when making the same stroke. Given the same return from your
opponent, and the same stroke by you, a rubber that puts the ball in the
net is considered to have a 'lower throw' than a rubber than puts the ball
on the table. For the same circumstances, a rubber that puts the ball off
the end of the table is considered to have a 'high throw'. You will
sometimes hear players talk about 'degrees of throw' - basically a rubber
than puts the ball low has a low degree of throw, and vice versa.
Generally, low throw rubbers have degrees of throw in the 30s, while 40-44
degrees of throw is roughly a medium throw rubber, and higher than 44
degrees of throw is typically considered a high throw rubber. These numbers
are not exact, and may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.
This throw angle is not an exact science (contrary to what you might think
from reading on the various forums!), but more of a comparative feel between
different rubbers. A rubber with a high throw is not better or worse than a
rubber with a low throw, it is just different. Generally, low throw rubbers
are considered to be easier to play with against topspin, while high throw
rubbers are supposed to be able to lift backspin over the net more easily.
发帖数: 1565
T05 is considered as High throw since when I chop with it, the balls
sometime high compare to some of Chinese Rubbers. This could be good and bad
. Good thing is that it can return backspin; bad thing is that it often high
so that the opponent can loop easily. Therefore, when chop it, I need
control the angle of the paddle to achieve a low throw.
1 (共1页)
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dandoy-sports.com 价格怎么回事, 同一天还经常变?T05 deal 62 bucks
att,05 FX 和spin art 你试过吗?NR: rubber
问一下rubber sheet for sale
QQMJ你的木吉他打得什么感受?[合集] how to play against shakehand guys with medium pips on thei
话题: throw话题: rubber话题: rubbers话题: angle话题: low