p***e 发帖数: 29053 | 1 according to the BSO posts,
1. 0.1% like shifting, renov and alf. I don't even know how much their
photogears are
2. 1% like xy95242,apolitical and xuaner223. Good models, good photogears
and good pic
3. 89.9% like hotmars and herbertme. God doctors......never ben....but only
buy and sell.
4. 0.1% like me,irolcst and hikari. poor but with photogears' hearts |
h*******e 发帖数: 8370 | |
s*****e 发帖数: 21415 | 3 doesn't sum to 1 ...
【在 p***e 的大作中提到】 : according to the BSO posts, : 1. 0.1% like shifting, renov and alf. I don't even know how much their : photogears are : 2. 1% like xy95242,apolitical and xuaner223. Good models, good photogears : and good pic : 3. 89.9% like hotmars and herbertme. God doctors......never ben....but only : buy and sell. : 4. 0.1% like me,irolcst and hikari. poor but with photogears' hearts
p***e 发帖数: 29053 | 4 so luo ben ba
【在 h*******e 的大作中提到】 : 你胡说。
t*a 发帖数: 18880 | 5 GA嫌疑:P
【在 p***e 的大作中提到】 : according to the BSO posts, : 1. 0.1% like shifting, renov and alf. I don't even know how much their : photogears are : 2. 1% like xy95242,apolitical and xuaner223. Good models, good photogears : and good pic : 3. 89.9% like hotmars and herbertme. God doctors......never ben....but only : buy and sell. : 4. 0.1% like me,irolcst and hikari. poor but with photogears' hearts
h*******e 发帖数: 8370 | 6 我奔的时候你没看见而已。
【在 p***e 的大作中提到】 : so luo ben ba
h****i 发帖数: 5308 | 7 本来看2011的回顾贴都说不出话来了, 不过既然你提到我..... :
我是0.01% 勉强吃虾有电视看那种 :) |
p***e 发帖数: 29053 | 8 waiting and finger crossing
【在 h*******e 的大作中提到】 : 我奔的时候你没看见而已。
d*****0 发帖数: 68029 | 9 跳老是一类特殊人群
【在 s*****e 的大作中提到】 : doesn't sum to 1 ... : hehe : : only
s******g 发帖数: 15854 | 10 我的器材拍不上号吧,王神医的莱卡舰队,贪玩的大炮军团,再生的跨党派联合政府,
【在 p***e 的大作中提到】 : according to the BSO posts, : 1. 0.1% like shifting, renov and alf. I don't even know how much their : photogears are : 2. 1% like xy95242,apolitical and xuaner223. Good models, good photogears : and good pic : 3. 89.9% like hotmars and herbertme. God doctors......never ben....but only : buy and sell. : 4. 0.1% like me,irolcst and hikari. poor but with photogears' hearts
p***e 发帖数: 29053 | 11 after viewing all those 【2011征文】,your 35L is an entry level lens here
danding le ba hehe
【在 h****i 的大作中提到】 : 本来看2011的回顾贴都说不出话来了, 不过既然你提到我..... : : 我是0.01% 勉强吃虾有电视看那种 :)
x****c 发帖数: 25662 | 12 热马和h神医杯具了
【在 p***e 的大作中提到】 : according to the BSO posts, : 1. 0.1% like shifting, renov and alf. I don't even know how much their : photogears are : 2. 1% like xy95242,apolitical and xuaner223. Good models, good photogears : and good pic : 3. 89.9% like hotmars and herbertme. God doctors......never ben....but only : buy and sell. : 4. 0.1% like me,irolcst and hikari. poor but with photogears' hearts
p***e 发帖数: 29053 | 13 to a new bird like me, you guys are in the same group, I don't even know
those prices haha
【在 s******g 的大作中提到】 : 我的器材拍不上号吧,王神医的莱卡舰队,贪玩的大炮军团,再生的跨党派联合政府, : 还有诸多的神医。。。 : : only
h****i 发帖数: 5308 | 14 本来就淡定啊, 拍娃值得用最好的器材
我把我新买的笔记本都退了, 也没想过退35L, 镜头没啥亏的
【在 p***e 的大作中提到】 : after viewing all those 【2011征文】,your 35L is an entry level lens here : hehe : danding le ba hehe
h*******e 发帖数: 8370 | 15 不要被玩大画幅的吓到
【在 p***e 的大作中提到】 : to a new bird like me, you guys are in the same group, I don't even know : those prices haha
r***v 发帖数: 12658 | 16 你搞笑来的吧。。。
【在 p***e 的大作中提到】 : according to the BSO posts, : 1. 0.1% like shifting, renov and alf. I don't even know how much their : photogears are : 2. 1% like xy95242,apolitical and xuaner223. Good models, good photogears : and good pic : 3. 89.9% like hotmars and herbertme. God doctors......never ben....but only : buy and sell. : 4. 0.1% like me,irolcst and hikari. poor but with photogears' hearts
p********s 发帖数: 1624 | 17 35L is better than laptop haha
【在 h****i 的大作中提到】 : 本来就淡定啊, 拍娃值得用最好的器材 : 我把我新买的笔记本都退了, 也没想过退35L, 镜头没啥亏的
p********s 发帖数: 1624 | 18 王神医,minivan,问少,C神 and 德叔 like 风清扬
【在 h*******e 的大作中提到】 : 不要被玩大画幅的吓到 : 大画幅不贵,只是难得玩而已。 : 要谈大中画幅各种胶片器材,猪老师alf他们肯定不是版上第一。玩这些的露头的大概 : 有问少和C神,德叔也比较猛。 : 当然象王神医minivan太空人这些玩德头的得另归一类。
x***k 发帖数: 20754 | 19 扫地僧
【在 p********s 的大作中提到】 : 王神医,minivan,问少,C神 and 德叔 like 风清扬
c********y 发帖数: 30813 | 20 是啊,把你踢出神医队伍了,
【在 r***v 的大作中提到】 : 你搞笑来的吧。。。 : : only
x*******3 发帖数: 8342 | |
r***v 发帖数: 12658 | 22 就是啊,我明显是第3类跟锅神一起的
【在 c********y 的大作中提到】 : 是啊,把你踢出神医队伍了, : 5教父该多伤心啊。。。
i*****t 发帖数: 2435 | 23
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
【在 p***e 的大作中提到】 : according to the BSO posts, : 1. 0.1% like shifting, renov and alf. I don't even know how much their : photogears are : 2. 1% like xy95242,apolitical and xuaner223. Good models, good photogears : and good pic : 3. 89.9% like hotmars and herbertme. God doctors......never ben....but only : buy and sell. : 4. 0.1% like me,irolcst and hikari. poor but with photogears' hearts
x5 发帖数: 27871 | 24 轮悲剧至少0.01%,轮折腾也得有1%了
【在 x****c 的大作中提到】 : 热马和h神医杯具了 : pad神自己承认位列0.1% : : only