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PhotoGear版 - 日文网站说D800将如期发布
zzSigma lenses rumored for Photokina: 24mm f/1.4 Art and 14-24mm f/4 with OSNikon D850 and D760 coming?
丐帮的最新rumor.....New Leica R body???
家电厂4月23日发布新东西[SR5]Old lenses Canon will phase out(zz from canon rumors forum)
EF 35mm f/1.4L Mark II coming very soon [CW4]rumors from sony manager X
(SR4) Sony will announce seven(!) new lenses on Friday?H+ 乳墨,要搞俩无反相机。。。
Ok, Nikon的大日子定下来了。。。Nikon D700 现在什么价?
List of Sigma Lenses Coming in 2015(ZZ)笑翻,D800的Rumor。。。
重大利好,D800有希望了。。。canon rumor EF-S 15-60 f/2.8 IS
话题: d800话题: dx话题: lens话题: lenses话题: fx
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5022
Rumors about new products posted with the Nikon D800 to be released
· A Possible scenario for the "other three products" to be expected with
the Nikon D800 Announced
The following day, October 26 (presumably) the possible scenarios that
will be announced three new products with the D800 is expected to be
Replace the SB-SB 900 Speedlight -910.
DX lenses - lenses for consumers but probably. Are referring to is
actually the new DX wide-angle lens source, this lens is DX going to be
great for all users. Other sources, says that simply upgrading the existing
lens. DX lenses and other products that may be presented separately.
FX Lenses - There is no information on the FX lens, the lens will be
updated almost certainly existing. In a personal guess, maybe 80-400mm F4.5-
5.6, 300mm F4, 70-will or 200mm F4 (this is just a guess).
Rumors of the three possibilities above 60%.
(A digital camera info) was first mentioned in the specs "are the SD and
CF card slots with D800" also take the support of the rumors.
Previously, the specifications of the D800 was introduced in this site, so
as the take is backed by our next, without the impact of such floods in
Thailand, sounds like a high probability to appear in a few days the D800's
36MP, as rumored.
The lens will be announced along with the D800, but I think more natural for
FX, because it seems to you floating around like a list of the lens new
from before even DX, may also appear on DX lenses and perhaps not.
1 (共1页)
canon rumor EF-S 15-60 f/2.8 IS(SR4) Sony will announce seven(!) new lenses on Friday?
今年5D3会出来吗?如果会,想等等,如果不会,想进5D2.多谢。Ok, Nikon的大日子定下来了。。。
2000的d700,为啥没人买?List of Sigma Lenses Coming in 2015(ZZ)
据Canon Rumor说,Nikon的新全副会出来。。。重大利好,D800有希望了。。。
zzSigma lenses rumored for Photokina: 24mm f/1.4 Art and 14-24mm f/4 with OSNikon D850 and D760 coming?
丐帮的最新rumor.....New Leica R body???
家电厂4月23日发布新东西[SR5]Old lenses Canon will phase out(zz from canon rumors forum)
EF 35mm f/1.4L Mark II coming very soon [CW4]rumors from sony manager X
话题: d800话题: dx话题: lens话题: lenses话题: fx