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发信人: george9900 (小小虎), 信区: WashingtonDC
标 题: 人心齐泰山移: 美国高法将重审大学招生中的种族歧视问题
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 28 20:53:19 2012, 美东)
家从而认为,在审理对该政策作出新挑战的《费歇尔对得克萨斯大学》("Fisher vs.
University of Texas.")一案时,高法可能做出新的不同判决。(更多信息请参见http://80-20initiative.blogspot.com/2011/12/80-20-may-fight-against-higher.html.)
改变大学入学政策中的种族倾向。主张“种族中立”(race neutral)和“择优录取”
80-20的立场,主张“种族中立”(race neutral)和“择优录取”(merit-based)的
A great moment has arrived. The Supreme Court has decided to review
racial preference in college admission. 80-20 will be in the fight. We'll
make a difference, IF you'll complete the SURVEY, shown below!
80-20 Educational Foundation shall file "a friend of the court" legal
WITHIN 2 MONTHS, advocating
"a race neutral and merit-based college admission policy. by
merit-based, it means based on the current scholastic achieve-
ment and evaluated future potential of an applicant."
Take 80-20's SURVEY To Project Your Voice To The
Supreme Court!
All Asian Americans (US citizens & permanent residents) may take
this SURVEY. You can choose FOR or AGAINST the race-neutral admission
policy advocated by 80-20. Result of the survey will be reported in 80-20's
legal brief to the Supreme Court.
To take the SURVEY, click on
Asian Am. Lawyers To Help File The Amicus Brief?
We have great data and new info for that brief. This may be a great
opportunity for some Asian Am lawyers to shine while doing our
community a great service. & to be remembered by history. Contact me.
Our Chance of Affecting the Supreme Court Decision?
Significant, if our SURVEY has 50,000 particpants and the consensus
is clear.
The Supreme Court last confirmed the current race-based admission
policy in 2003 by a 5-4 vote. Now that Justice O'Connor has been
replace by Justice Alito, many legal experts expect the vote will be
reversed. In addition, Justices, Elena Kagan has recused herself on
this decision.
The court will hear the case in Oct. However, the SURVEY must be done
in 2 months BEFORE the deadline to file the legal brief.
Do We Care About Giving Qualified Minority Student A Chance?
Absolutely! Note that 80-20 advocates an admission policy that also
emphasize "evaluated potential of an applicant." Current scholastic
achievement is NOT everything.
New research has found that the current admission policy 65e creates an
"academic mismatch" that injures black and Hispanic students. Many
college admission staff consider having more blacks & Hispanics on campus
as an honor badge. They admit unqualified students who would later feel
overwhelmed and discouraged by the competition resulting in low
graduation rates and avoidance of fields in STEM. See a Chronicle of
Higher Ed article:
http://chronicle.com/blogs/brainstorm/academic-mismatch-what-ac .
Go take the survey NOW & forward this email
to every Asian Am you know, especially COLLEGE BOUNDS. We need
50,000 participants to have an impact! Click on
S.B. Woo
President, 80-20 National Asian Am. Educational Foundation, Inc.
http://www.80-20EF.org .
* When a survey of 50,000 AsAm participants is projected to the national
population scale, it will be equivalent to 1,000,000 people having taken
the survey, since the national population is 20 times larger.
Speak your piece at our poster board. I welcome you!
. http://www.80-20educationalfoundation.org/politicaledu/posterboard.asp .
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