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Nursing版 - about Zyprexa for Alzheimer patient
为什么大家说有身份的护士也不好找工作?我在NURSING PROGRAM第一学期的经历
请问有专门针对pharmacology的RN考试书吗甩卖英汉医学字典, NCLEX-RN 备考书,医学生board review
实例:不能盲目执行医嘱。请教:哪里可以找到pharmacology of nursing的题目做?
clinical 选病人的问题快速护士本科经验-转载
去美国工作的另一种途径Suggetion needed: which program is best for me? Thanks!
老年痴呆关爱网[合集] 有没有知道NLN考试的姐妹
今天在Board上查到自己的名字了, 晚到的考经...终于考完了,一点小感动
话题: what话题: zyprexa话题: alzheimer话题: dementia话题: issues
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 673
Mental Health Co-morbidity Paper
66 year old male who has early-onset schizophrenia, for which he has been
medicated with various antipsychotics for the course of his illness, most
recently with Zyprexa for the last 15 years. At his last visit you detected
changes in his cognitive status consistent with Alzheimer’s Dementia. You
note that he has a family history of dementia.
Purpose: 7-10 page referenced paper To explore the assessment and treatment
issues where mental illness complicates treatment for an existing chronic
illness in an older adult.
Questions to consider while writing your paper:
1. What is the major area of concern for treatment of these co-morbid
conditions? HINT the issue could relate to use of pharmaceuticals in
treating both diseases; ie one may be contraindicated OR could relate to the
seriousness of the combined disease states OR could relate to safety issues
for the older patient.
2. What would be your plan of care—include all treatments both
pharmacological and non-pharmacological with rationale.
3. What is the state of the evidence in treatments of these co-morbid
4. Are there ethical issues you must consider? What are they?
发帖数: 343
这个要谈的其实还是挺多的 就不按点给你往里套了 有问题站内我
mental health issues in dementia is very common, given both physiological
and psychological reasons. It is important to assess if the patient's
current mood and behaviors are consistent with his dementia, or it is
different, such as delirium. Zyprexia is an atypical psychotropic medication
, usually if the patient is in a nursing home, or even in community setting,
I would prefer to have a mental health evaluation on the need of zyprexa,
or maybe switching to another medication. In many states, it requires that
at least 2 gradual dose reduction in 1 year to determine the lowest
effective dosage on this medication. Ethical issues are definitely involved.
发帖数: 673


【在 c*********n 的大作中提到】
: 这个要谈的其实还是挺多的 就不按点给你往里套了 有问题站内我
: mental health issues in dementia is very common, given both physiological
: and psychological reasons. It is important to assess if the patient's
: current mood and behaviors are consistent with his dementia, or it is
: different, such as delirium. Zyprexia is an atypical psychotropic medication
: , usually if the patient is in a nursing home, or even in community setting,
: I would prefer to have a mental health evaluation on the need of zyprexa,
: or maybe switching to another medication. In many states, it requires that
: at least 2 gradual dose reduction in 1 year to determine the lowest
: effective dosage on this medication. Ethical issues are definitely involved.

1 (共1页)
[合集] hospital & nursing home, which one?老年痴呆关爱网
一月开始上护士的课了,紧张,寻建议今天在Board上查到自己的名字了, 晚到的考经...
为什么大家说有身份的护士也不好找工作?我在NURSING PROGRAM第一学期的经历
请问有专门针对pharmacology的RN考试书吗甩卖英汉医学字典, NCLEX-RN 备考书,医学生board review
实例:不能盲目执行医嘱。请教:哪里可以找到pharmacology of nursing的题目做?
clinical 选病人的问题快速护士本科经验-转载
话题: what话题: zyprexa话题: alzheimer话题: dementia话题: issues