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NextGeneration版 - Recall information from tru & bru
朋友推荐了这款 travel systems最近还有没有safety 1st stroller的deal呢?
刚才下了一单maclaren xt stroller $208JJ Cole Original Infant Bundle Me $20
Graco Stroller Recall 2010, Quattro and MetroLite Strollers (2000-2007)Phil & Teds strollers recall
SIMILAC GO GROW 哪里可以退空桶Phil & Teds strollers recall
Summer Infant Video Monitor RecallPhil & Teds strollers recall
关于奶粉我也说俩句Phil & Teds stroller recall
The latest child safety recallsAmazon上city mini stroller 小deal
询问意见: Safety 1st Aerolite Travel System Stroller - Jaxbabiesrus/toysrus3天sale的save20%, 换个包子行不?
话题: safety话题: recall话题: guest话题: us
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7852
Dear Valued Guest,
As a benefit of your Rewards"R"Us membership, we provide you with the latest
information on safety recalls. Children are central to who we are and what
we do, and their safety is, and always has been, our highest priority.
With that commitment in mind, we are writing to inform you that a voluntary
recall has been announced by the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission
for the following item(s):
Phil & Teds, Explorer and Hammerhead Strollers
You are receiving this email because our records indicate one or more of the
following conditions has been met:
- The above item(s) was purchased for you or by you
- The above item(s) was on your baby registry or Wish List
- You requested we email you about safety recall notices
We recommend that you stop using this product(s) immediately and follow the
directions as outlined in the recall notice, here.
Please note that if any of the above items are on your Baby Registry or Wish
List, they will be removed immediately.
For the latest product safety information, we encourage you to visit our
dedicated Safety website at www.Toysrus.com/Safety. On this site, you will
also find helpful tips on keeping kids safe, developed in partnership with
leading safety organizations.
If you have any further questions, please contact our Guest Service Team at
1-800-TOYSRUS (869-7787).
The Guest Service Team
Toys"R"Us and Babies"R"Us
1 (共1页)
babiesrus/toysrus3天sale的save20%, 换个包子行不?Summer Infant Video Monitor Recall
求推荐convertible car seat 和 strollerThe latest child safety recalls
求参加活动的britax carrier和stroller upc询问意见: Safety 1st Aerolite Travel System Stroller - Jax
朋友推荐了这款 travel systems最近还有没有safety 1st stroller的deal呢?
刚才下了一单maclaren xt stroller $208JJ Cole Original Infant Bundle Me $20
Graco Stroller Recall 2010, Quattro and MetroLite Strollers (2000-2007)Phil & Teds strollers recall
SIMILAC GO GROW 哪里可以退空桶Phil & Teds strollers recall
话题: safety话题: recall话题: guest话题: us