s********a 发帖数: 1680 | 1 我这边报价一个月110多,是不是太贵了,他们割的倒是蛮勤的,但是我觉得草长不了
实际上也就夏天需要割割吧,其他时候草不长吧 |
m*******y 发帖数: 14292 | 2 you can ask them to come in only once a month see if the price comes down....
it s hard work. they have to cut it, and use a blower to clean the yard. |
N***R 发帖数: 222 | 3 要看你的草地多大。
另外,你自己试试就知道了,很累,很麻烦。 |
s********a 发帖数: 1680 | |
l********l 发帖数: 9452 | |
r*******t 发帖数: 8550 | 6 你家草坪那么大,估计割一遍要一整天
【在 l********l 的大作中提到】 : 买个车自己割,几百块就够了
w******t 发帖数: 16937 | 7 买个手动的自己干吧,一会儿的事儿。
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【在 s********a 的大作中提到】 : 不是很大,前后各30平米左右吧
j***k 发帖数: 2719 | 8 price varies a lot depends on the company.
my yard is almost all flat, 5000 sq ft. A Jewish owned company I used last
year charged me about $2500 for the year, comes once a week, includes spring
/fall cleaning, and all chemicals. From April 1 - Dec 15 (only once every 2
weeks in Nov/Dec)
I changed to some Mexican dude owned company this year. Everything included
is $1250 a year.. So far, they are just okay, not as good as the other
company, not very clean, doesn't always show up once a week (more like twice
every 3 weeks), but at half of price, I have no significant complains...
its a lot of work, and you would be dealing with a number of potentially
harmful chemicals.. really not worth it doing it urself.
【在 s********a 的大作中提到】 : 我这边报价一个月110多,是不是太贵了,他们割的倒是蛮勤的,但是我觉得草长不了 : 这么快吧,1个月割1-2次足够了吧,这还是夏天。 : 一年的话就要1000多,自己买那个割草的小车和1,2个其他机械设备,几百块也够了吧 : 。其他技术上有啥困难的吗,他们还负责施肥?砍树枝?灌木造型?这几样倒是我自己 : 可能handle不了。 : 实际上也就夏天需要割割吧,其他时候草不长吧
s********a 发帖数: 1680 | 9 感谢信息
不过我这前后yard really small啊,一年1300(这是原房主签的那个company)真的太
【在 j***k 的大作中提到】 : price varies a lot depends on the company. : my yard is almost all flat, 5000 sq ft. A Jewish owned company I used last : year charged me about $2500 for the year, comes once a week, includes spring : /fall cleaning, and all chemicals. From April 1 - Dec 15 (only once every 2 : weeks in Nov/Dec) : I changed to some Mexican dude owned company this year. Everything included : is $1250 a year.. So far, they are just okay, not as good as the other : company, not very clean, doesn't always show up once a week (more like twice : every 3 weeks), but at half of price, I have no significant complains... : its a lot of work, and you would be dealing with a number of potentially
e*********n 发帖数: 4599 | 10 get a few quotes, and see
【在 s********a 的大作中提到】 : 感谢信息 : 不过我这前后yard really small啊,一年1300(这是原房主签的那个company)真的太 : 贵了,貌似是个老美开的公司,干活的肯定是老莫这没有疑问。我不是怕花钱,我要是 : 大yard我也就认了,就是感觉不值,他们工作量并不大在我这,当然有些额外的动作我 : 可能没看见。 : : spring : 2 : included : twice
c***a 发帖数: 942 | 11 还算好了,也不完全是看yard大小的,别人至少要来一次。你自己先试试,不行再找人
呗。 |
d*****s 发帖数: 5610 | 12 割草容易,edge难,什么时候上肥料也有讲究,自己做能上有机肥,公司肯定上
chemical。 |