b**j 发帖数: 20742 | 1 He can't even keep his own coaches, why is he surprised he lost a recruit? | e***o 发帖数: 1244 | 2 孙红蕾说我就是要找想做将军的士兵。不知道真心的还是打肿脸说的。不过过去两年走
【在 b**j 的大作中提到】 : He can't even keep his own coaches, why is he surprised he lost a recruit?
| L*1 发帖数: 11537 | 3 That only means he is sharp and hired good assistants. Pretty sure that
those left are for better positions, not horizontal move.
【在 b**j 的大作中提到】 : He can't even keep his own coaches, why is he surprised he lost a recruit?