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NCAA版 - Jim Tressel and Ohio State Punked Us All
NCAA: Ohio State banned from postseason play next season (zz)How will Tressel survive this one?
Should Ohio State's sanctions match USC's?Man connected to Buckeyes charged
今晚除了TP,其他4名禁赛队员可能不会上场了Are you kidding me ? These juniors wanna NFL right now
吾盖情何以堪啊:宇宙队小黑屋才关了一半,吾盖却又要进小黑屋buckeye star Herron/posey might in more trouble
Is the NCAA appeased by OSU's self-inflicted probation?ncaa denied osu appeal
Ohio State football: NCAA penalties could be severeOSU players' car deal probed
Jim Tressel: Terrelle Pryor will returnTerrelle Pryor's cars focus of probe
Trouble for Ohio State football coach (ZT)Petrino questions oSU player’s Sugar Bowl eligibility
话题: tressel话题: ohio话题: jim话题: state话题: buckeyes
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5100
Published on January 19, 2011 by cybertruth in Football
What were we thinking?
Everyone laughed when Jim Tressel made his deal with the players the NCAA
suspended for the first 5 games of 2011 season for the well publicized
tattoo scandal.
It was simple, really. In exchange for agreeing to come back in 2011 to
actually serve the suspension, Quarterback Terrelle Pryor, running back
Daniel Herron, receiver DeVier Posey, left tackle Mike Adams and defensive
end Solomon Thomas were permitted to play in this year’s Sugar Bowl. (Which
, you may remember, resulted in the Buckeyes’ first bowl victory over an
SEC team, a thrilling battle with Arkansas)
And everyone laughed. Some at Jim Tressel; surely he wasn’t naieve enough
to believe that these kids would forego NFL millions out of some misguided
sense of…. honor? Not in today’s football world, anyway. Others laughed in
sarcasm; believing that neither Tressel nor his players intended on keeping
this ridiculous promise, but simply said what needed to be said to play in
the Bowl game.
The bloggers blogged, tearing Ohio State from limb to limb, right up until
the declaring deadline. Which came and went quietly; and once it did, 5
names…. Terrelle Pryor, Daniel Herron, DeVier Posey, Mike Adams, and
Solomon Thomas….were conspicuously absent.
And of course, outside of Columbus, Ohio, no one said a word. Why would they
? Truth, integrity…. those don’t sell. They don’t, as the old saying goes
, push papers. But that’s the nature of Tressel’s Ohio State football
teams. Bring up Maurice Clarrett all you want; one misguided fool who’s
story after Ohio State showed that his problems were something far beyond
Tressel’s control…. Talk about how the Buckeyes lead the nation in minor
violations, ignoring the fact that this ‘fact’ has been so jaded ant
twisted as to have no real truth at all.
The rest of the country can continue to hate the Buckeyes, and who can blame
them? The numbers justify it: 10 Jim Tressel years, 106 wins, 7 Big Ten
titles, 8 BCS births. And with the news that the NCAA will likely shorten
the suspensions of the players to 2 games….
发帖数: 14583
发帖数: 5100
I had a hard time understanding the point until the last paragraph.

【在 b*****a 的大作中提到】
: 恶趣味啊
1 (共1页)
Petrino questions oSU player’s Sugar Bowl eligibilityIs the NCAA appeased by OSU's self-inflicted probation?
Tressel promises Michigan win at doorstep rallyOhio State football: NCAA penalties could be severe
看看Ohio自己怎么说TP的Jim Tressel: Terrelle Pryor will return
Pryor giving up senior season at Ohio StateTrouble for Ohio State football coach (ZT)
NCAA: Ohio State banned from postseason play next season (zz)How will Tressel survive this one?
Should Ohio State's sanctions match USC's?Man connected to Buckeyes charged
今晚除了TP,其他4名禁赛队员可能不会上场了Are you kidding me ? These juniors wanna NFL right now
吾盖情何以堪啊:宇宙队小黑屋才关了一半,吾盖却又要进小黑屋buckeye star Herron/posey might in more trouble
话题: tressel话题: ohio话题: jim话题: state话题: buckeyes