j*****t 发帖数: 5475 | 1 很久以前one take录的老歌,不少地方唱错了,貌似也没有什么时间再精雕细琢了,就
词曲:George Michael
Well I guess it would be nice
If I could touch your body
I know not everybody
Has got a body like you
But I've got to think twice
Before I give my heart away
And I know all the games you play
Because I play them too
Oh but I
Need some time off from that emotion
Time to pick my heart up off the floor
And when that love comes down
Without devotion
Well it takes a strong man baby
But I'm showing you the door
'Cause I gotta have faith....
I know you're asking me to stay
Say please, please, please, don't go away
You say I'm giving you the blues
You mean every word you say
Can't help but think of yesterday
And another who tied me down to loverboy rules
Before this river
Becomes an ocean
Before you throw my heart back on the floor
Oh baby I reconsider
My foolish notion
Well I need someone to hold me
But I'll wait for something more
Yes I've got to have faith.... |
f********a 发帖数: 4239 | 2 沙发
【在 j*****t 的大作中提到】 : 很久以前one take录的老歌,不少地方唱错了,貌似也没有什么时间再精雕细琢了,就 : 这样吧 : 词曲:George Michael : Well I guess it would be nice : If I could touch your body : I know not everybody : Has got a body like you : But I've got to think twice : Before I give my heart away : And I know all the games you play
z******n 发帖数: 8851 | |
d********n 发帖数: 3477 | 4 哇。。。好听。。。。难度好大啊。。。。爵猫的舌头太灵活了。。。。可以唱rap了
。。。。 |
j*****t 发帖数: 5475 | 5 hahaha I have sung rap before. :)
【在 d********n 的大作中提到】 : 哇。。。好听。。。。难度好大啊。。。。爵猫的舌头太灵活了。。。。可以唱rap了 : 。。。。
j*****g 发帖数: 95 | 6 nice!
you got have faith, baby
【在 j*****t 的大作中提到】 : 很久以前one take录的老歌,不少地方唱错了,貌似也没有什么时间再精雕细琢了,就 : 这样吧 : 词曲:George Michael : Well I guess it would be nice : If I could touch your body : I know not everybody : Has got a body like you : But I've got to think twice : Before I give my heart away : And I know all the games you play
d********n 发帖数: 3477 | 7 有链接否?。。。。欣赏下。。。。
【在 j*****t 的大作中提到】 : hahaha I have sung rap before. :)
s*****e 发帖数: 5471 | |
z**l 发帖数: 1022 | 9 唱得真棒!很有范。
童不宜的歌,至今印象深刻。 |
e********k 发帖数: 1110 | 10 好样的
【在 j*****t 的大作中提到】 : 很久以前one take录的老歌,不少地方唱错了,貌似也没有什么时间再精雕细琢了,就 : 这样吧 : 词曲:George Michael : Well I guess it would be nice : If I could touch your body : I know not everybody : Has got a body like you : But I've got to think twice : Before I give my heart away : And I know all the games you play
j*****t 发帖数: 5475 | 11 听听这个。:)
【在 s*****e 的大作中提到】 : 爵猫唱得太有味道了!同赞快舌头,同求rap。。
V***x 发帖数: 7626 | 12 打酱油的现身冒个泡儿~:)
【在 j*****t 的大作中提到】 : 听听这个。:) : http://fc.5sing.com/5705892.html
b***b 发帖数: 13249 | 13 爵猫自弹自唱!
【在 j*****t 的大作中提到】 : 很久以前one take录的老歌,不少地方唱错了,貌似也没有什么时间再精雕细琢了,就 : 这样吧 : 词曲:George Michael : Well I guess it would be nice : If I could touch your body : I know not everybody : Has got a body like you : But I've got to think twice : Before I give my heart away : And I know all the games you play
j*****t 发帖数: 5475 | 14 han... I did not play the guitar.
【在 b***b 的大作中提到】 : 爵猫自弹自唱! : 太赞了!
h*******y 发帖数: 686 | 15 貌似唱得很小资哦..
【在 j*****t 的大作中提到】 : 很久以前one take录的老歌,不少地方唱错了,貌似也没有什么时间再精雕细琢了,就 : 这样吧 : 词曲:George Michael : Well I guess it would be nice : If I could touch your body : I know not everybody : Has got a body like you : But I've got to think twice : Before I give my heart away : And I know all the games you play
f********a 发帖数: 4239 | 16 小气声,加轻就熟的节奏,这是对歌要有多熟!
【在 j*****t 的大作中提到】 : 很久以前one take录的老歌,不少地方唱错了,貌似也没有什么时间再精雕细琢了,就 : 这样吧 : 词曲:George Michael : Well I guess it would be nice : If I could touch your body : I know not everybody : Has got a body like you : But I've got to think twice : Before I give my heart away : And I know all the games you play
d********n 发帖数: 3477 | 17 史上最强酱油猫。。。。。
【在 V***x 的大作中提到】 : 打酱油的现身冒个泡儿~:) : 还是爵猫舌头捋的顺。。。
V*******f 发帖数: 91 | |
s*****e 发帖数: 5471 | 19 这真是强强联舌,太赞了!下次试试SHE的中国话。
【在 j*****t 的大作中提到】 : 听听这个。:) : http://fc.5sing.com/5705892.html
t*********5 发帖数: 5404 | 20 爵猫的E歌一贯的强大!到时来参加全能星战啊,呵呵。 |
f**********n 发帖数: 1278 | |
m********r 发帖数: 298 | 22 节奏真好啊,舌头好灵活
巧凸显人声,多谢! |