j***b 发帖数: 5901 | 1 This really comes to me as a shock. RT critic opinion is officially
worthless to me from now on. |
y****n 发帖数: 3184 | 2 rt本来就是影评人观点
【在 j***b 的大作中提到】 : This really comes to me as a shock. RT critic opinion is officially : worthless to me from now on.
j***b 发帖数: 5901 | 3 We need to establish that 影评人 are still 人 first.
If that's the case, can we assume that they also have emotions?
Why they don't like emotional movie?
45% not like this movie is exceptionally high, because anywhere else you go,
the rating is more like 8/10.
Critics are not in really "higher". Usually, I check the rating of a movie
to decide whether to watch or not, not to marvel at the critics tremendous
movie taste. I've found that RT ratings often turn out meaningless. This is
just the last straw. I will simply ignore RT totally from now on. IMDB is
much more informative.
【在 y****n 的大作中提到】 : rt本来就是影评人观点 : imdb更普通影迷 : 而且有一半以上的影评人觉得这部片子不错啊 : 话说回来 : 忠犬八公这样一部类似导盲犬小q式的煽情片明显不是影评人的菜吧
j***b 发帖数: 5901 | 4 By the way, the story of Hachi is really moving in its own right. It's not
really 煽情, it's real. I've read the true story and it's not much less
【在 y****n 的大作中提到】 : rt本来就是影评人观点 : imdb更普通影迷 : 而且有一半以上的影评人觉得这部片子不错啊 : 话说回来 : 忠犬八公这样一部类似导盲犬小q式的煽情片明显不是影评人的菜吧
j***b 发帖数: 5901 | 5 这个电影我看了日本版的片段。感觉日本版的男主角跟狗的bond明显不如理查基尔。不
得不说好莱坞这些演员还是相当敬业的。 |
y****n 发帖数: 3184 | 6 人也分三六九等
比如变形金刚,silent hill,生化危机等等
else you go,
a movie
This is
【在 j***b 的大作中提到】 : We need to establish that 影评人 are still 人 first. : If that's the case, can we assume that they also have emotions? : Why they don't like emotional movie? : 45% not like this movie is exceptionally high, because anywhere else you go, : the rating is more like 8/10. : Critics are not in really "higher". Usually, I check the rating of a movie : to decide whether to watch or not, not to marvel at the critics tremendous : movie taste. I've found that RT ratings often turn out meaningless. This is : just the last straw. I will simply ignore RT totally from now on. IMDB is : much more informative.
j***b 发帖数: 5901 | 7 说这个电影是“廉价的煽情”有点太离谱了。
【在 y****n 的大作中提到】 : 人也分三六九等 : rt上的明显大部分都是装13文艺老中青年 : 另外很明显,能打动你的或者我的电影不一定能打动其他人 : 每个人的泪点都不一样吧 : 装13老中青们的泪点也许就比较高 : 或者觉得评价一部电影不能只靠”廉价“的煽情? : 我以前也参考rt来挑片子 : 现在主要看imdb了 : rt是拿来预测颁奖的哈哈 : 或者说rt上评价高的片子一般都值得看
j***b 发帖数: 5901 | 8 另外,像star trek这样rt吹到天上的电影错过了对我来说也无所谓。 |
y****n 发帖数: 3184 | 9 你对科幻没有爱。。。。
【在 j***b 的大作中提到】 : 另外,像star trek这样rt吹到天上的电影错过了对我来说也无所谓。
k**********i 发帖数: 8706 | 10 我咋觉得那只狗演的很好呢?
或者是驯狗人摆拍的好 |
j***b 发帖数: 5901 | 11 I have no love for action movie with the shell of Scifi.
In fact, I consider Matrix to be more of a action movie than Scifi.
【在 y****n 的大作中提到】 : 你对科幻没有爱。。。。
j***b 发帖数: 5901 | 12 When the dog jumps on RG, it's not the result of 摆拍. When the dog walks along RG without a leash, it's also not the result of 摆拍.
The dog in the Japanese version is very passive. I didn't even see shots of the professor walking together with the dog. There are only shots of the professor calling (presumably the dog) without the dog in the scene and the dog running (presumably to the professor) without the professor in the scene. This is what we call 摆拍.
【在 k**********i 的大作中提到】 : 我咋觉得那只狗演的很好呢? : 或者是驯狗人摆拍的好
k**********i 发帖数: 8706 | 13 matrix里面有的新概念还是不错的
比如数字世界, nothing is not digital
【在 j***b 的大作中提到】 : I have no love for action movie with the shell of Scifi. : In fact, I consider Matrix to be more of a action movie than Scifi.
j***b 发帖数: 5901 | 14 Check out this link.
You can see every time the professor walked the dog, he needed a leash.
There were no shots of the dog rushing/jumping to the professor. Only the
professor walking to and petting the dog when the dog sit still. In the only
shot that the dog flow into the professor, apparently he was thrown to the
professor by someone.
The bond between dog and man was basically non-exist. |