x****g 发帖数: 325 | 1 LD申citi那个AA的卡被拒,理由“ A delinquent credit obligation(s), either
paid or unpaid, was recorded on your credit bureau report.
打电话1-888-EXPERIAN (1-888-397-3742),没有活人接听,机器提示可以通过http://www.experian.com/reportaccess/ 要报告。填写了form,提交时出错。
Important Note
We're sorry. We experienced a system problem and we are unable to provide
your personal credit report for online viewing at this time. You may want to
try again later.
又打电话,想在电话里面order,输入SSN, 生日,地址啥的,还是不行,说让邮寄材料
到一个地址。太 | i*****e 发帖数: 5233 | 2 直接call 有个选项是 如果最近被拒 要一份credit report 之类的
我gf的卡被拒 request credit report的当天发现是citi的问题 打电话给citi 摆平之
后 重新申请拿到卡了
昨天收到credit report...
【在 x****g 的大作中提到】 : LD申citi那个AA的卡被拒,理由“ A delinquent credit obligation(s), either : paid or unpaid, was recorded on your credit bureau report. : ”。想向experian要信用报告,怎么都要不了。 : 打电话1-888-EXPERIAN (1-888-397-3742),没有活人接听,机器提示可以通过http://www.experian.com/reportaccess/ 要报告。填写了form,提交时出错。 : Important Note : We're sorry. We experienced a system problem and we are unable to provide : your personal credit report for online viewing at this time. You may want to : try again later. : 试了还几次,都不行。 : 又打电话,想在电话里面order,输入SSN, 生日,地址啥的,还是不行,说让邮寄材料
| b****s 发帖数: 360 | 3 http://www.experian.com/freestate
【在 x****g 的大作中提到】 : LD申citi那个AA的卡被拒,理由“ A delinquent credit obligation(s), either : paid or unpaid, was recorded on your credit bureau report. : ”。想向experian要信用报告,怎么都要不了。 : 打电话1-888-EXPERIAN (1-888-397-3742),没有活人接听,机器提示可以通过http://www.experian.com/reportaccess/ 要报告。填写了form,提交时出错。 : Important Note : We're sorry. We experienced a system problem and we are unable to provide : your personal credit report for online viewing at this time. You may want to : try again later. : 试了还几次,都不行。 : 又打电话,想在电话里面order,输入SSN, 生日,地址啥的,还是不行,说让邮寄材料
| d*********u 发帖数: 8521 | 4 请问找citiargue的电话是什么啊?
【在 i*****e 的大作中提到】 : 直接call 有个选项是 如果最近被拒 要一份credit report 之类的 : 我gf的卡被拒 request credit report的当天发现是citi的问题 打电话给citi 摆平之 : 后 重新申请拿到卡了 : 昨天收到credit report... : : to