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Military版 - Bay Area murder suspect released on $70 m bail
索男喜讯- Tiffany Li 宣判无罪富二代华女涉杀前男友 李家争夺2女抚养权
要被判多少年刑期Coach of child sex abuse, jailed
中國红二代涉杀非裔孩子爹 豪砸7000万美元保释旧金山周边地名太鸡巴搞笑了
美华裔涉嫌谋杀前男友 亲友用加州20多套房产凑4.8亿为其保释美国有没有产妇仍掉刚出生的婴儿?
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【上将李继耐外甥女5亿保释 - 全球第十天价保释金】又逮到一个……
中央军委战斗力惊人强大32岁斯坦福琐男博士生 面临重罪起诉
话题: li话题: said话题: bail话题: wagstaffe话题: her
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4825
A Bay Area woman accused of killing the father of her two children is
planning to offer nearly $70 million in property to get out of custody.
Tiffany Li, 31, is charged with murder and accused of conspiring with two
other defendants to kill her ex-boyfriend, Keith Green, said San Mateo
County Dist. Atty. Steve Wagstaffe. Li has been held on $35 million bail for
nearly a year.
On Thursday, however, Li is expected to be released from jail after nearly
20 friends, family and business associates offered to put up their
properties as a collateral for her bail, said her attorney Geoffrey Carr.
Because Li is offering homes and business buildings to secure her $35-
million bail, he said, the equity in the property must be twice that amount.
She is also planning to pay some of her bail with cash.
“I was surprised at the number of people that came forward,” Carr said. “
She is well-liked in the community and is a straight shooter. I think people
believe she is not guilty.”
The bail posted would be highest ever in San Mateo County’s history,
Wagstaffe said. It could also be one of the largest in U.S. history,
attorneys said.
“It’s different for us, and we are a wealthy county,” he said.
During the early stages of the case, Wagstaffe said prosecutors asked for no
bail, but a judge didn’t agree. So they asked for Li’s bail to be set at
$100 million because, he said, she is a flight risk, and again the judge
declined. Eventually, Wagstaffe said, a judge agreed to set to her bail at $
35 million.
Li, who lives in the San Mateo County town of Hillsborough, one of the
nation’s wealthiest cities, is a property manager and former stockbroker,
her attorney said.
The mother of two comes from a wealthy upbringing with ties to family in
China, Wagstaffe said.
“Our belief is her family wealth is in the $100 million to $150 million
range,” he said. “She comes from enormous wealth.”
Although Wagstaffe still believes Li is a flight risk, he said, attorneys on
both sides have agree that she could be released on certain conditions: she
must wear an electronic home monitoring bracelet; be on house arrest;
surrender her passport as well as her children’s; and cannot to be within
100 yards from any airport.
Prosecutors alleged that Li and her boyfriend, Kaveh Bayat, came up with a
plan to kill Green because she was afraid of losing a custody battle with
him, Wagstaffe said. Bayat was jealous of Green, the district attorney said.
The couple then asked Olivier Adella to get rid of his body, Wagstaffe said
Green had met with Li on April 28 at a pancake restaurant in Millbrae,
authorities said, but never returned home from the meeting and was reported
Green’s body was found May 11, 2016, in a ravine off Highway 101 near
Healdsburg. He had been shot to death.
A week after the body was discovered, Li, Adella and Bayat were arrested on
suspicion of murder.
Li’s attorney said he is concerned about his client because she has
received many angry letters and death threats complaining about her making
“You are entitled to bail. Everyone is,” he said.
发帖数: 10034


【在 u***r 的大作中提到】
: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-70-million-bail-tiffany-li-20170405-story.html
: A Bay Area woman accused of killing the father of her two children is
: planning to offer nearly $70 million in property to get out of custody.
: Tiffany Li, 31, is charged with murder and accused of conspiring with two
: other defendants to kill her ex-boyfriend, Keith Green, said San Mateo
: County Dist. Atty. Steve Wagstaffe. Li has been held on $35 million bail for
: nearly a year.
: On Thursday, however, Li is expected to be released from jail after nearly
: 20 friends, family and business associates offered to put up their
: properties as a collateral for her bail, said her attorney Geoffrey Carr.

发帖数: 20965
老中来美国买房的注意了, 以后一张100 mph的罚单就可以搞你一套房子。
1 (共1页)
32岁斯坦福琐男博士生 面临重罪起诉有钱能使鬼推磨,服不服? 中国人民就是有钱 杀个美国人不算啥
Baltimore prosecutor seeks to block release of Freddie Gray autopsy【上将李继耐外甥女5亿保释 - 全球第十天价保释金】
Martin Wolf 这个老流氓终于赤膊上阵了中央军委战斗力惊人强大
索男喜讯- Tiffany Li 宣判无罪富二代华女涉杀前男友 李家争夺2女抚养权
要被判多少年刑期Coach of child sex abuse, jailed
中國红二代涉杀非裔孩子爹 豪砸7000万美元保释旧金山周边地名太鸡巴搞笑了
美华裔涉嫌谋杀前男友 亲友用加州20多套房产凑4.8亿为其保释美国有没有产妇仍掉刚出生的婴儿?
话题: li话题: said话题: bail话题: wagstaffe话题: her