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Military版 - 基因检测数据提示,STAP细胞从来不存在。 (转载)
Stem cells: Scientist asks for research to be withdrawn小保方晴子事件时间表 (转载)
看来基本能确定是造假了 (转载)山中教授的这篇始创论文,写得挺直白的!类似学生作品。
小保方晴子玉照大家推荐一本stem cell biology的入门教材!
我被小保方晴子妹妹的简历给震惊了 (转载)non-us citizen怎么翻译?
造成这么 大的影响呀 。东京人也开始囤货了
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话题: stap话题: stem话题: cells话题: cell话题: lines
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发帖数: 40861
【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: JiangZM123 (何日归), 信区: Biology
标 题: 基因检测数据提示,STAP细胞从来不存在。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 4 05:44:49 2014, 美东)
Genetic tests suggest STAP stem cells ‘never existed’
Reports of a new kind of stem cell, produced by simply stressing mature
mouse cells, kicked up a storm of controversy soon after their publication
in Nature on 30 January. Duplicated and manipulated images as well as
plagiarism were found in the two papers, which led to a verdict of
misconduct for the lead author, Haruko Obokata of the RIKEN Center for
Developmental Biology in Kobe, Japan. There have also been calls for a
retraction (which, for at least one of the papers, looks increasingly likely
). But the controversy has left open a key question: does the phenomenon,
known as stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency, or STAP, exist?
The answer, according to Japanese media reports today on the results of
genetic tests on the cells used in the STAP experiments, is no.
STAP cells were claimed to be made by exposing bodily cells to acid or
subjecting them to physical pressure. These cells take on characteristics of
embryonic stem cells. If further manipulated, they will also form self-
renewing stem cell lines, called STAP stem cells, which share most
properties of the embryonic stem cell lines. The Nature papers reported the
creation of eight STAP stem cell lines. (Note: Nature’s news and comment
team is editorially independent of its research editorial team.)
In March, one of the co-authors of the STAP papers, Teruhiko Wakayama of
Yamanashi University, did a simple genetic analysis and found that some of
the supposed STAP stem cell lines he had produced outside of the experiments
described in the papers did not match the strain of mouse from which they
were supposed to have been derived. This would mean that the cells came from
a different mouse to that claimed, suggesting contamination. But he did not
find a problem with the STAP stem cell lines that were reported in the
Nature papers. To verify his results, Wakayama sent some 20 stem cell lines,
including samples of the eight reported in the papers, to an independent,
but unnamed, genetic analysis team for more precise tests.
According to Japanese media reports quoting “multiple sources”, the
results of those tests have now been sent to RIKEN, Obokata’s employer and
the institution that found her guilty of misconduct. They conclude that none
of the STAP stem cell lines match the original mouse strains from which
they were supposedly taken, calling into question whether the STAP
phenomenon has ever been demonstrated. Wakayama says he will release
detailed results at a press conference soon.
It was also reported that RIKEN will likely enlist Obokata in its ongoing
efforts to try to reproduce the STAP results.
1 (共1页)
球迷爆建业微博:炒萨利赫 (转载)小保方晴子这回要挂了
蛇虽然没有脚,但却有两个吊造成这么 大的影响呀 。
National Guard ad revives Nazi oath to Hitler (转载)不是joke,小保方晴子吊死在公寓了 (转载)
Stem cells: Scientist asks for research to be withdrawn小保方晴子事件时间表 (转载)
看来基本能确定是造假了 (转载)山中教授的这篇始创论文,写得挺直白的!类似学生作品。
小保方晴子玉照大家推荐一本stem cell biology的入门教材!
我被小保方晴子妹妹的简历给震惊了 (转载)non-us citizen怎么翻译?
话题: stap话题: stem话题: cells话题: cell话题: lines