g******o 发帖数: 4042 | 1 最新爆料:马航没有购买发动机自动传送数据服务,但是仍然有ping发出
Several news outlets (Reuters, CNN, The Guardian) are reporting that WSJ has
corrected its earlier report to clarify that the most-recently detected
signals were not sent by the plane's engines, but rather by a different on-
board system.
Reports are that Boeing 777's have a satellite-communications-link system
that is capable of sending periodic updates about onboard systems during
flight. The system is by subscription, and Malaysia Airlines evidently did
not subscribe. However, even in the absence of a subscription, the satellite
link system evidently sends out a periodic signal (essentially reporting
the system's readiness to provide a report) that is detectable.
Reports are that it is that 'readiness-to-report' signal (but not any
reports, since there was no subscription) that have been detected.
I can't tell from the reports whether the satellite link system would
continue to operate if the aircraft were inoperable (i.e., whether detection
of the signals, if indeed they were detected, indicates that the aircraft
was operating at the time the signals were detected). | g******o 发帖数: 4042 | 2 More details now on the 'electronic ping'.
A source close to the investigation said communications satellites picked up
faint electronic pulses from Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 after it went
missing on Saturday.
However, the signals gave no indication about where the stray jet was
heading nor its technical condition.
The "pings" equated to an indication that the aircraft’s maintenance
troubleshooting systems were ready to communicate with satellites if needed,
but no links were opened because Malaysia Airlines and others had not
subscribed to the full troubleshooting service, the source said.
5:02 pm
BREAKING: Sources close to the investigation have told Reuters that
satellites picked up an "electronic ping" from Malaysian flight MH370 after
it lost contact with ground control.
More on this as we get it.
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【在 g******o 的大作中提到】 : 最新爆料:马航没有购买发动机自动传送数据服务,但是仍然有ping发出 : Several news outlets (Reuters, CNN, The Guardian) are reporting that WSJ has : corrected its earlier report to clarify that the most-recently detected : signals were not sent by the plane's engines, but rather by a different on- : board system. : Reports are that Boeing 777's have a satellite-communications-link system : that is capable of sending periodic updates about onboard systems during : flight. The system is by subscription, and Malaysia Airlines evidently did : not subscribe. However, even in the absence of a subscription, the satellite : link system evidently sends out a periodic signal (essentially reporting
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