d*********n 发帖数: 818 | 1 中国国富民退的本质跟中国政府的公务车一样,名义上是公家的,但却是少数私人(官
他们从狗B里拔出他们酱紫的狗JB,吹了吹,眼也不抬地说"别叫爷爷,叫公仆"。 |
e**s 发帖数: 4638 | 2 美国藏富于民的本质跟比尔盖茨的私人飞机一样,名义上是人民的,但却是集中到极少
数私人手中,和硅工码农/唐人街的小贩/德克萨斯的红勃儿 绝对无缘 。。。。。。lol |
l**********e 发帖数: 3149 | |
w****s 发帖数: 4430 | 4 这个也是没有办法的事。后进资本主义有优点有缺点。
【在 l**********e 的大作中提到】 : 国退民进的本质是官僚资本的复兴
d*********n 发帖数: 818 | 5 SB. a facebook, a google, even a youtube can beat easily a
ccp need return the freedom to its people. i am sure chinese people will
release the energy that push china to the first tier nation.
【在 w****s 的大作中提到】 : 这个也是没有办法的事。后进资本主义有优点有缺点。 : 象中国的民资有多少能和人几百年垄断的老牌资本家干?也就山寨山寨,搞搞假冒伪劣。 : 中国的比较强的产业还是官办企业,中国的经济也是官办为主。没有办法。
l**********e 发帖数: 3149 | 6 中国起较强的产业都是官办这个可也不太好意思大声说吧,除了资源型企业,就剩一个
【在 w****s 的大作中提到】 : 这个也是没有办法的事。后进资本主义有优点有缺点。 : 象中国的民资有多少能和人几百年垄断的老牌资本家干?也就山寨山寨,搞搞假冒伪劣。 : 中国的比较强的产业还是官办企业,中国的经济也是官办为主。没有办法。
d*****u 发帖数: 392 | 7 同意
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : SB. a facebook, a google, even a youtube can beat easily a : 老牌资本家 : ccp need return the freedom to its people. i am sure chinese people will : release the energy that push china to the first tier nation. : : 劣。
w****s 发帖数: 4430 | 8 产业需要基础,没有那么容易。
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : SB. a facebook, a google, even a youtube can beat easily a : 老牌资本家 : ccp need return the freedom to its people. i am sure chinese people will : release the energy that push china to the first tier nation. : : 劣。
w****s 发帖数: 4430 | 9 国,民,外三配合才是正常。这儿的人怎么都说一不二呢?
【在 l**********e 的大作中提到】 : 中国起较强的产业都是官办这个可也不太好意思大声说吧,除了资源型企业,就剩一个 : 华为在国际市场 : 上竞争力还不错,剩下的大国企还不都是靠政策和垄断地位发财,他们能hire多少人啊 : ,全靠这些国企 : 解决就业,中国得流民遍野。 : : 劣。
d*b 发帖数: 21830 | 10 你把一个伟大光荣正确的共产党政权跟每个毛孔都流着血和肮脏的东西的资产阶级政权
【在 e**s 的大作中提到】 : 美国藏富于民的本质跟比尔盖茨的私人飞机一样,名义上是人民的,但却是集中到极少 : 数私人手中,和硅工码农/唐人街的小贩/德克萨斯的红勃儿 绝对无缘 。。。。。。lol
d*********n 发帖数: 818 | 11 because there is tumor ccp.
look how south korean and taiwan transformed their toy-making economy into
high tech economy, how quick japs modernized it nation after opening up in
late 19th century.
【在 w****s 的大作中提到】 : 产业需要基础,没有那么容易。
d*********n 发帖数: 818 | 12 hahaha.
【在 d*b 的大作中提到】 : 你把一个伟大光荣正确的共产党政权跟每个毛孔都流着血和肮脏的东西的资产阶级政权 : 比? : 小将的脑子,真不知道你今天吃的都是些啥? : : lol
e**s 发帖数: 4638 | 13 那么土工怎么在藏富于民这个原则问题上和pussy价值接轨呢 ?
盖茨的私人飞机可是pussy价值中神圣不可侵犯的东西呀 。。。。。lol
【在 d*b 的大作中提到】 : 你把一个伟大光荣正确的共产党政权跟每个毛孔都流着血和肮脏的东西的资产阶级政权 : 比? : 小将的脑子,真不知道你今天吃的都是些啥? : : lol
w****s 发帖数: 4430 | 14 亚洲国家的起家经验,都是官商勾结大规模垄断。韩国是什么?韩国政府算个屁,韩国
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : because there is tumor ccp. : look how south korean and taiwan transformed their toy-making economy into : high tech economy, how quick japs modernized it nation after opening up in : late 19th century.
u****n 发帖数: 7521 | 15 中国的民营资本家就不算了?你说的internet,比如:
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : SB. a facebook, a google, even a youtube can beat easily a : 老牌资本家 : ccp need return the freedom to its people. i am sure chinese people will : release the energy that push china to the first tier nation. : : 劣。
w****s 发帖数: 4430 | 16 中国经济实际发展快,结构也渐趋合理。 但喷子无论如何总是喷子。
【在 u****n 的大作中提到】 : 中国的民营资本家就不算了?你说的internet,比如: : 马云,丁磊,张朝阳,youku刚上市,市值是youtube卖身价的两倍。 : 中国最新的首富是在小肠里面提纯元素做药用的。 : 中国的民营资本进展迅猛啊!中国每个星期都有6~10个小公司上市,市值都能达到20 : 亿RMB以上。一年能上500个企业,这些企业估计你都没有听说过。这个星期药上市的企 : 业: : 金杯电工 : 新界泵业 : 天顺风能 : 丰东股份
d*********n 发帖数: 818 | 17 sb.
british/france used to have a lot of state-owned companies but they had to
privatize them due to the low efficiency: instead generating wealth, they
sucked national wealth. Go dig UK newspapers in 1980s. Strikes were
the same in US. Reagan disregulated to market, sold many public own
companies, reduced the size of the government and the US was revitalized.
US now has only one state-owned enteprise: us post service. It has 8.5
billion loss now!
Without free market and private companies, most of the corrupted official
would fought to have a tractor for transportation.
【在 w****s 的大作中提到】 : 国,民,外三配合才是正常。这儿的人怎么都说一不二呢?
u****n 发帖数: 7521 | 18 都是盲人摸象,接着就乱喷。
【在 w****s 的大作中提到】 : 中国经济实际发展快,结构也渐趋合理。 但喷子无论如何总是喷子。 : : 20
w****s 发帖数: 4430 | 19 国,民,外三头并进,有什么不好,PERIOD。
BY THE WAY, 你是不是孤儿出生,没有家教。
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : sb. : british/france used to have a lot of state-owned companies but they had to : privatize them due to the low efficiency: instead generating wealth, they : sucked national wealth. Go dig UK newspapers in 1980s. Strikes were : everywhere. : the same in US. Reagan disregulated to market, sold many public own : companies, reduced the size of the government and the US was revitalized. : US now has only one state-owned enteprise: us post service. It has 8.5 : billion loss now! : WTF?
d*********n 发帖数: 818 | 20 SB.
My point was not them: China should have more of them China would have more
of them if CCP stops fucking people.
China now has a jobless economy. Why? Think about it.
Without political reform, China's economy will reach peak soon and will not
be sustainable.
【在 u****n 的大作中提到】 : 中国的民营资本家就不算了?你说的internet,比如: : 马云,丁磊,张朝阳,youku刚上市,市值是youtube卖身价的两倍。 : 中国最新的首富是在小肠里面提纯元素做药用的。 : 中国的民营资本进展迅猛啊!中国每个星期都有6~10个小公司上市,市值都能达到20 : 亿RMB以上。一年能上500个企业,这些企业估计你都没有听说过。这个星期药上市的企 : 业: : 金杯电工 : 新界泵业 : 天顺风能 : 丰东股份
u****n 发帖数: 7521 | 21 Can't you stop using “SB”?
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : SB. : My point was not them: China should have more of them China would have more : of them if CCP stops fucking people. : China now has a jobless economy. Why? Think about it. : Without political reform, China's economy will reach peak soon and will not : be sustainable. : : 20
d*****l 发帖数: 8441 | 22 民资不被打压个个不比华为差。
【在 w****s 的大作中提到】 : 这个也是没有办法的事。后进资本主义有优点有缺点。 : 象中国的民资有多少能和人几百年垄断的老牌资本家干?也就山寨山寨,搞搞假冒伪劣。 : 中国的比较强的产业还是官办企业,中国的经济也是官办为主。没有办法。
y****o 发帖数: 3575 | 23 对啊,那帮美国粉们成为小丑就是这原因,他们说不清楚给官僚管和给大富豪管有什么
【在 e**s 的大作中提到】 : 美国藏富于民的本质跟比尔盖茨的私人飞机一样,名义上是人民的,但却是集中到极少 : 数私人手中,和硅工码农/唐人街的小贩/德克萨斯的红勃儿 绝对无缘 。。。。。。lol
w****s 发帖数: 4430 | 24 民资,国资要看产业,象高科技产业完全应该全民资。
期望民资是不现实。 中国在很长时间内必将民,国并行。有什么不好得呢?
【在 d*****l 的大作中提到】 : 民资不被打压个个不比华为差。 : : 劣。
e**s 发帖数: 4638 | 25 至少党章上要求 为人民服务
【在 y****o 的大作中提到】 : 对啊,那帮美国粉们成为小丑就是这原因,他们说不清楚给官僚管和给大富豪管有什么 : 差别,其实官僚们还是有所收敛的。大富豪们连面子上的收敛都没有。 : : lol
d**g 发帖数: 1727 | 26 不能那么绝对。那些山西煤老板,温州炒房团不都是民资?
【在 d*****l 的大作中提到】 : 民资不被打压个个不比华为差。 : : 劣。
w*********r 发帖数: 42116 | 27 大陆国富? 科学技术远落后于发达国家, 甚至中等发达国家, 怎么可能国富.
人均GDP根本不能和富国比, 你怎么民进?
不承认大陆生产力落后的事实, 就不可能说到点上, 结果就是TG不好, 也不看看自己有
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : 中国国富民退的本质跟中国政府的公务车一样,名义上是公家的,但却是少数私人(官 : 员)控制和使用的,同时他们又不用承担任何责任,这样的好处谁不想有呢?同理,各 : 级当权者把民脂民膏搜刮上去,说是公共财产(也就是老百姓的钱),但如何花你老百 : 姓有放个P的权力吗? : 结果就是各级官员拿着别人的血汗钱随意胡花,本来建个养路班的小楼,结果他给你搞 : 成五星级标准的大楼。为什么这么搞?说是追求政绩,为了面子,还不如说增大预算, : 好增加他们的回扣。因为发包权掌握在他们手里,他们不但可以剥几层皮,而且可以让 : 整个家族爆发。, : 所以中国就变的所谓"国富民退",本来一个破县城都建的金B辉煌,但是便民的东西 : ,比如公共图书馆,民工学校,这样不需要几个钱的东西,反而越来越少。
S*D 发帖数: 297 | 28 great!
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : 中国国富民退的本质跟中国政府的公务车一样,名义上是公家的,但却是少数私人(官 : 员)控制和使用的,同时他们又不用承担任何责任,这样的好处谁不想有呢?同理,各 : 级当权者把民脂民膏搜刮上去,说是公共财产(也就是老百姓的钱),但如何花你老百 : 姓有放个P的权力吗? : 结果就是各级官员拿着别人的血汗钱随意胡花,本来建个养路班的小楼,结果他给你搞 : 成五星级标准的大楼。为什么这么搞?说是追求政绩,为了面子,还不如说增大预算, : 好增加他们的回扣。因为发包权掌握在他们手里,他们不但可以剥几层皮,而且可以让 : 整个家族爆发。, : 所以中国就变的所谓"国富民退",本来一个破县城都建的金B辉煌,但是便民的东西 : ,比如公共图书馆,民工学校,这样不需要几个钱的东西,反而越来越少。
l**m 发帖数: 5113 | 29 nod
【在 w*********r 的大作中提到】 : 大陆国富? 科学技术远落后于发达国家, 甚至中等发达国家, 怎么可能国富. : 人均GDP根本不能和富国比, 你怎么民进? : 不承认大陆生产力落后的事实, 就不可能说到点上, 结果就是TG不好, 也不看看自己有 : 没有本事让国家富强.
a***e 发帖数: 27968 | 30 SK and TW have free access the high tech transfer.
Even China is as demo as US, the access will still be limited
just b/c China has the potential.
it is never a simple game.
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : because there is tumor ccp. : look how south korean and taiwan transformed their toy-making economy into : high tech economy, how quick japs modernized it nation after opening up in : late 19th century.
d*********n 发帖数: 818 | 31 exactly.
【在 d*****l 的大作中提到】 : 民资不被打压个个不比华为差。 : : 劣。
l**m 发帖数: 5113 | 32 为什么我听说的是国家花了大力气和银行贷款扶持了不少民营产业
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : exactly.
a***e 发帖数: 27968 | 33 靠,这些个哪个不是靠老牌资本家风投起来的
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : SB. a facebook, a google, even a youtube can beat easily a : 老牌资本家 : ccp need return the freedom to its people. i am sure chinese people will : release the energy that push china to the first tier nation. : : 劣。
d*********n 发帖数: 818 | 34 If they did something negative, it is because the shitty political system
built and maintained by ccp. what is politics? politics is how to distribute
the social wealth. under CCP's rule, many CCP officials became 山西煤老板.
they take the resources for themselves without giving a penny to the common
citizens, who technically are the real owners of the nation, including the
land and mine.
When ccp controls something, it does not who owns it.
It is like your daughter is yours, you have feed her, take care of her but
ccp can rape for free.
what the hell is this system?
【在 d**g 的大作中提到】 : 不能那么绝对。那些山西煤老板,温州炒房团不都是民资?
d*********n 发帖数: 818 | 35 sb. the capital market is free and open. if you want to invest, you can
invest. if there were 老牌资本家, it is you who hires him to manage your
【在 a***e 的大作中提到】 : 靠,这些个哪个不是靠老牌资本家风投起来的 : 只不过这些事自己孩子,老牌资本家很客气的,知道双赢 : 跟你中国人就是另外一套了 : 中国现在是后进,做事情要注意分寸的,逆着来肯定不行 : 完全顺着来也肯定不行
a***e 发帖数: 27968 | 36 yet US gov spending is much higher than Reagan era.
and the deregulation actually cause the biggest financial crisis since 39.
and during this process, those wallstreeters get richer in the name of
nice work.
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : sb. : british/france used to have a lot of state-owned companies but they had to : privatize them due to the low efficiency: instead generating wealth, they : sucked national wealth. Go dig UK newspapers in 1980s. Strikes were : everywhere. : the same in US. Reagan disregulated to market, sold many public own : companies, reduced the size of the government and the US was revitalized. : US now has only one state-owned enteprise: us post service. It has 8.5 : billion loss now! : WTF?
a***e 发帖数: 27968 | 37 中国这种后进的,高科技不靠国家根本没戏,就是打下手的命
【在 w****s 的大作中提到】 : 民资,国资要看产业,象高科技产业完全应该全民资。 : 其实我个人,绝对是民资的支持派,但问题,有些产业,如现在的高铁,大飞机,包括 : 金融产业,等等 : 期望民资是不现实。 中国在很长时间内必将民,国并行。有什么不好得呢? : 另外,期待民资提高普通劳动者生活待遇,我认为靠不住。中国的私人老板你也知道怎 : 么回事。 : 对于一个国家,对人民好,不是说要发钱给人民,而要保证人们的社会福利,这个还是 : 要靠政府。
l**m 发帖数: 5113 | 38 你搞错了!
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : If they did something negative, it is because the shitty political system : built and maintained by ccp. what is politics? politics is how to distribute : the social wealth. under CCP's rule, many CCP officials became 山西煤老板. : they take the resources for themselves without giving a penny to the common : citizens, who technically are the real owners of the nation, including the : land and mine. : When ccp controls something, it does not who owns it. : It is like your daughter is yours, you have feed her, take care of her but : ccp can rape for free. : what the hell is this system?
a***e 发帖数: 27968 | 39 200人一天挖的煤和人10个人4小时相当
【在 w*********r 的大作中提到】 : 大陆国富? 科学技术远落后于发达国家, 甚至中等发达国家, 怎么可能国富. : 人均GDP根本不能和富国比, 你怎么民进? : 不承认大陆生产力落后的事实, 就不可能说到点上, 结果就是TG不好, 也不看看自己有 : 没有本事让国家富强.
l**m 发帖数: 5113 | 40 sb!
sb. the capital market is free and open. if you want to invest, you can
invest. if there were 老牌资本家, it is you who hires him to manage your
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : sb. the capital market is free and open. if you want to invest, you can : invest. if there were 老牌资本家, it is you who hires him to manage your : money.
w*********r 发帖数: 42116 | 41 WB的数据, 美国人均GDP是46,436
大陆nominal是3,744, PPP是6,838, 分别是12倍和6.7倍
大陆的Engel's Coefficient是37%, 美国是13%. 3倍
把钱平均分了, 也到不了富的水平.
这就是现实, 不承认这个, 说出来的就是废话.
【在 l**m 的大作中提到】 : nod
l**m 发帖数: 5113 | 42 所言甚是
【在 a***e 的大作中提到】 : 中国这种后进的,高科技不靠国家根本没戏,就是打下手的命
d*********n 发帖数: 818 | 43 I cannot because i want to say hello to most xiaojiang here.
CCP's problem is it is higher the law of the land,the law of the people.
when it is above the law, it decides what is legal or illegal according to
its interest, in most times to its each of individual member's interest.
by controlling the law, they manage things easier than drug cartels because
they do not need landaury the "illegal money". For example, they control the
sell of state-owned mines or enterprises and they can sell it to themselves
(their relatives, their business partners...) at a dirty cheap price. They
all their earnings suddenly become legal.
CCP is China's tumor. I am amazed that China managed to grow this much with
such a tumor. Imagine how much creative energy the chinese people can
release should China becomes free and fair as most people enjoys in US, in
Japan, in Taiwan...and in most modern "normal"nations...
【在 u****n 的大作中提到】 : Can't you stop using “SB”? : : more : not
a***e 发帖数: 27968 | 44 SB,还真以为高盛给你打工的?
captital market is free and open?
从来就不是free and open的
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : sb. the capital market is free and open. if you want to invest, you can : invest. if there were 老牌资本家, it is you who hires him to manage your : money.
l**m 发帖数: 5113 | 45 穷就是穷,没啥好说的
【在 w*********r 的大作中提到】 : WB的数据, 美国人均GDP是46,436 : 大陆nominal是3,744, PPP是6,838, 分别是12倍和6.7倍 : 大陆的Engel's Coefficient是37%, 美国是13%. 3倍 : 把钱平均分了, 也到不了富的水平. : 这就是现实, 不承认这个, 说出来的就是废话.
e***n 发帖数: 3441 | 46 re,话糙理不糙
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : 中国国富民退的本质跟中国政府的公务车一样,名义上是公家的,但却是少数私人(官 : 员)控制和使用的,同时他们又不用承担任何责任,这样的好处谁不想有呢?同理,各 : 级当权者把民脂民膏搜刮上去,说是公共财产(也就是老百姓的钱),但如何花你老百 : 姓有放个P的权力吗? : 结果就是各级官员拿着别人的血汗钱随意胡花,本来建个养路班的小楼,结果他给你搞 : 成五星级标准的大楼。为什么这么搞?说是追求政绩,为了面子,还不如说增大预算, : 好增加他们的回扣。因为发包权掌握在他们手里,他们不但可以剥几层皮,而且可以让 : 整个家族爆发。, : 所以中国就变的所谓"国富民退",本来一个破县城都建的金B辉煌,但是便民的东西 : ,比如公共图书馆,民工学校,这样不需要几个钱的东西,反而越来越少。
l**m 发帖数: 5113 | 47 还好意思说日本和台湾?
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : I cannot because i want to say hello to most xiaojiang here. : CCP's problem is it is higher the law of the land,the law of the people. : when it is above the law, it decides what is legal or illegal according to : its interest, in most times to its each of individual member's interest. : by controlling the law, they manage things easier than drug cartels because : they do not need landaury the "illegal money". For example, they control the : sell of state-owned mines or enterprises and they can sell it to themselves : (their relatives, their business partners...) at a dirty cheap price. They : all their earnings suddenly become legal. : CCP is China's tumor. I am amazed that China managed to grow this much with
d*********n 发帖数: 818 | 48 sb.
i was curious about your iq.
even google's 原始股 is limited to a few investor, it is the free and open
financial market which decides and maintains the value of a stock (company).
Do not belittle the MARKET! For a long run, the market value or price is
probably the closet value for certain commodity.
It may be critical to have strategic investors but you have to remember
there are tons of companies to invest, why did they invest in certain
companies and why certain companies succeeded financially?
I tend to believe it succeeded because the market needs its service. The
market (tons of small investors) rewards its by buying piece of ownership.
You can inflate a value a company at your will but eventually it is the
dynamic, free and volunteer market who decides its value.
【在 a***e 的大作中提到】 : SB,还真以为高盛给你打工的? : captital market is free and open? : 你老投资了多少goog原始股? : 美国的金融市场,资源信息 : 从来就不是free and open的 : 更别提公平了
w*********r 发帖数: 42116 | 49 所以要认清现实. 你反TG, 挣民主, 号称要让老百姓富裕起来, 你得告诉老百姓如何提
TG下台, 民主了, 就富了, 说这话的人估计连自己都不信.
中国必须要实实在在的提高自己的生产力水平, 把越来越多的高科技变成低科技, 这样
空谈政治理念没有用的, 再变成老将化, 就只能边缘化, 王希哲民运百分之九十五都是
【在 l**m 的大作中提到】 : 穷就是穷,没啥好说的 : 中国以现在的资源和人口,变成美国那样没啥可能性
d*********n 发帖数: 818 | 50 you are one of the few who are honest and smart enough to see the whole
【在 l**m 的大作中提到】 : 穷就是穷,没啥好说的 : 中国以现在的资源和人口,变成美国那样没啥可能性
l**m 发帖数: 5113 | 51 这是在夸我么?.........
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : you are one of the few who are honest and smart enough to see the whole : picture.
w*********r 发帖数: 42116 | 52 说国富的就是不HONEST和不SMART的了.
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : you are one of the few who are honest and smart enough to see the whole : picture.
d*********n 发帖数: 818 | 53 Do you need me to tell you how to manage your family, how to make money, how
to raise your kids? Or do you think I can spend your money better than
China's problem is NOT because Chinese do not how to 提高自己的生产
力水平, China's problem is CCP thinks it knows how to "让"老百姓富裕起来 and
"告诉"老百姓, and most times it makes decisions in term of "people's
interest", in reality it is for the corrupted official themselves.
If you think you do not need me to point a fingure on you how to live, you
do not need me to spend your money, then you should understand my logic.
Please think carefully waht Milton Friedman warned us:"The society that puts
equality before freedom will end up with neither. The society that puts
freedom before equality will end up with a great measure of both."
Nobody claims more equality and fairness than socialists yet nobody fail the
human equality and fairness more than socialist nations. Those who claimed
"serve the people" are those who usually harm them the most.
You seem a good person and serious thinking about China.
Here is a series of program made in 1980. Watch yourself and draw your
Eventually it is time and time only who will tell the truth.
【在 w*********r 的大作中提到】 : 所以要认清现实. 你反TG, 挣民主, 号称要让老百姓富裕起来, 你得告诉老百姓如何提 : 高生产力. : TG下台, 民主了, 就富了, 说这话的人估计连自己都不信. : 中国必须要实实在在的提高自己的生产力水平, 把越来越多的高科技变成低科技, 这样 : 才有希望. : 空谈政治理念没有用的, 再变成老将化, 就只能边缘化, 王希哲民运百分之九十五都是 : “坏人”的说法不是没有道理的.
d*********n 发帖数: 818 | 54 yes.
【在 l**m 的大作中提到】 : 这是在夸我么?.........
d*********n 发帖数: 818 | 55 I praise you too but I have to use the word sb because "sb" is a praising
word for you-see how stupid you are in logic.
【在 w*********r 的大作中提到】 : 说国富的就是不HONEST和不SMART的了.
l**m 发帖数: 5113 | 56 我到底说什么了我?
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : yes.
d*********n 发帖数: 818 | 57 You said that due to resource limit China will never enjoy a life style as
that in US.
If Chinese people in China live, drive and eat like people in US, where the
land, food, and gas come from?
If all the people in China can afford vacation on the beach, is there any
beach area in China to contain them?
【在 l**m 的大作中提到】 : 我到底说什么了我? : 我感觉我们两个意见不合啊
w*********r 发帖数: 42116 | 58 逻辑是在一个命题(结论)必然的从另外两个命题(前提)中得出的一种推论。
你先说清楚你的结论是什么, 以什么为前提得到的结论.
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : I praise you too but I have to use the word sb because "sb" is a praising : word for you-see how stupid you are in logic.
l**m 发帖数: 5113 | 59 这点你我们倒是比较一致
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : You said that due to resource limit China will never enjoy a life style as : that in US. : If Chinese people in China live, drive and eat like people in US, where the : land, food, and gas come from? : If all the people in China can afford vacation on the beach, is there any : beach area in China to contain them?
D**S 发帖数: 24887 | 60 more detail on this please?
【在 u****n 的大作中提到】 : Can't you stop using “SB”? : : more : not
d*********n 发帖数: 818 | 61 I think Chinese corrupted official wasted even more.
If your dogs become pests, your kids are starved because your dogs steal
most of food, what should you do?
Kill the dogs! While Yankees often blames others for their own problem (such
as expanding asses), Chinese people should clean up their house first:
destroy CCP!
I am not talking about destroy their flesh but destroy their so-called "make
decision for you" "spend your money" mentality.
Otherwise we will be caught up by Vietname, India in 10 years and we will
become an international joke. I am serious.
【在 l**m 的大作中提到】 : 这点你我们倒是比较一致 : 中国人应该降低一点期待,正确认识本国资源的局限性 : 当然,全球应该重新分配一次资源,欧美人应该节约点。。。 : 给中国印度人一点提高的希望。 : : the
l**m 发帖数: 5113 | 62 在这点上,我们没有太多的共同语言
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : I think Chinese corrupted official wasted even more. : If your dogs become pests, your kids are starved because your dogs steal : most of food, what should you do? : Kill the dogs! While Yankees often blames others for their own problem (such : as expanding asses), Chinese people should clean up their house first: : destroy CCP! : I am not talking about destroy their flesh but destroy their so-called "make : decision for you" "spend your money" mentality. : Otherwise we will be caught up by Vietname, India in 10 years and we will : become an international joke. I am serious.
h***l 发帖数: 3048 | 63 你这个理论没有任何依据,完全是庸人自扰型。
【在 d*********n 的大作中提到】 : SB. : My point was not them: China should have more of them China would have more : of them if CCP stops fucking people. : China now has a jobless economy. Why? Think about it. : Without political reform, China's economy will reach peak soon and will not : be sustainable. : : 20
l**i 发帖数: 8144 | 64 先富的才是民
【在 e**s 的大作中提到】 : 美国藏富于民的本质跟比尔盖茨的私人飞机一样,名义上是人民的,但却是集中到极少 : 数私人手中,和硅工码农/唐人街的小贩/德克萨斯的红勃儿 绝对无缘 。。。。。。lol
d**g 发帖数: 1727 | 65 矿和矿还不一样吧?
【在 a***e 的大作中提到】 : 200人一天挖的煤和人10个人4小时相当 : 这个问题其实是tg的问题
b*******8 发帖数: 37364 | 66 都是矮帝反动路线的结果。现在的PLA穿越去打49年的放军,能有几成胜算?手里坛坛
罐罐是多了些,但卵子没了。 |