n***a 发帖数: 1373 | 3 The most important thing is what is the reason of his chronic kidney failure
, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or many different causes. It also
depends on which stage of his kidney failure. For example, if end stage, he
will need dialysis or transplant. For early stage, he may just need to treat
the underlying causes. So your question is very hard to answer.
【在 a******s 的大作中提到】 : 急急求助!老父慢性肾衰竭!美国哪里对此有治疗的良医和良方? : 急急求助各位高人指点: : 老父还算年轻,怎么会得慢性肾衰竭呢? : 完全是因为我没有照顾好老父。 : 想哭。 : 不知道美国哪里有治疗此病的良医和良药? : 还请高人指点。 : 非常感谢啊!