q**i 发帖数: 367 | 1 宝宝湿疹,过敏好一段时间了, 最近突然加重, 前个礼拜由于吃mac&cheese在背上起
了一大片, 看了医生,用了fluticasone 0.05 cream + benadole, 好一些,而且不
天扩大到全肚皮都基本上是紫青的斑痕,这是为什么阿? 这两天只是加了一次organic
芹菜,两天 organic broccoli,这两样也会过敏么?
精神不好, 胃口不好,恋奶,(已经一岁半了,前段时间明显白天不会惦记奶了)
也是前胸肋骨部位+后背最严重+肚皮,后来也是控制饮食慢慢好了, 但是留了根在
脚腕处, 时不时发作,1岁3个月时候又发烧1个礼拜,胃口很不好, rash的问题越来
越严重, 医生说more toward湿疹方面了, 最近一个月由于大人忙于搬家,宝宝有点
作息紊乱,饮食不周,爆发的很厉害,有hives的rash,而且眼袋总 | g*****j 发帖数: 1211 | 2 Don't think it has to do with 作息紊乱,饮食不周. However, the food that he
eats are critical.
You may start keeping a diary of what he eats and his symptoms, start with
the safest food, and gradually introducing food that could be suspicious.
On the other hand, 紫黑色 could be caused by low platelet count, which is
also often an immune-based problem. You need to work closely with your baby
's pediatrician, taking photos of his rash, and get him checked frequently. | M***8 发帖数: 668 | |