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Medicalpractice版 - 对事不对人--几问
开个帖讨论一下,怎么argue hospital billDo I need to talk with PD now or after submitting application package?
经验交流:哪家pharmacy最便宜?something funny ZZ
Obamacare要崩盘 (转载)Ridiculous, our hospital forces us to get flu shot.
FDA may let patients buy drugs without prescriptionsHHS suggests to use PA/NPs in place of hospitalists.
请教有什么over the counter medicine治肩周炎吗?GME funding 缩减会减少住院医吗?
常见病治疗讨论贴1:头疼的治疗和名校医学院affiliated的teaching hospital通常是好医院么?
Bourneville-Pringle diseasewelcome to 中美医疗合作(cooperation)俱乐部
话题: hospital话题: pharmacy话题: retail话题: er话题: ibuprofen
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 607
”If your medical condition could be solved by going to retail buying a
bottle of ibuprofen,
why do you need to come to hospital?“
“ Once again, if your medical problem could be solved by get an otc from
retail, why do you come to hospital? Retail and Hospital provide different
levels of care. If you don't want hospital care, don't go. If you want
freecare and medicine, there are indigent clinic you can go. “
问1-假如人人都能懂得医学认症,可以自我诊断, 是否还需要职业医生?
”难道我去retail pharmacy买,不是医生开处方,药师检查了给药,人家同样的服务
”Before you receive ibuprofen in hospital, MD needs to write the medical
order; RN needs to send the order to hospital pharmacy; pharmacist needs to
verify the order to see if there are contraindications, allergy issue, drug
interactions and will notify MD if changing medication is necessary. If the
ibuprofen order got through the pharmacy, then RN needs to pull out the med
from automatic dispense machine and administer to patient. Pharmacy need to
refill those automatic dispense machine at least twice a day. You are
paying the whole service, not just the drug price. “
问2- 假如,一向健康的患者,突发不适,2天后不见好转,家人担心,送到医院。 医
“In China,。。。。。。
In US, 。。。。。”
问3- 有必要进行这样的比较吗?有一句话是:“识时务者,为俊杰”。 下列连接,
发帖数: 65
The medicine part of your hospital bill comes from your inpatient stay or
the meds you have it in ER or urgent care. hospital pharmacy never details
with outpatient Rx ( unless it's emergency, like if you don't take you pill,
your blood pressure will skyrocketing. But by law, hospital can only
dispense the amount enough to cover the emergency or up to 72 hours) , In
your case, if your pt come to urgent care and doc don't admit him to
inpatient unit, Doc will give him a Rx of ibuprofen. It's the patient, the
comsumer's right to pick up any retail to fill it. Some retail offer $3
for a monthly supply of hypertension, 7 days of Abx. To be honesty with
yourself, do you think it's expensive?
In US, every pt can come to ER/UC to receive medical care no matter if he/
she can afford it. It's the law and clearly posted in every ER/UC across the
country. It's ER/UC doc's judgement that if the patient should receive any
medicine stat in ER/UC. If yes, then you will receive a $3 bill for the
ibuprofen. But this $3 not only contains drug cost, it also covers all the
work involving pharmacy and nurse. If doc say NO, you are well enough to
wait until the RX to be filled by the retail, then you won't get any charge
from hospital pharmacy.

【在 m********4 的大作中提到】
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Medicalpractice/68729.html
: 浏览一下,有几个疑问
: 引文1:
: ”If your medical condition could be solved by going to retail buying a
: bottle of ibuprofen,
: why do you need to come to hospital?“
: “ Once again, if your medical problem could be solved by get an otc from
: retail, why do you come to hospital? Retail and Hospital provide different
: levels of care. If you don't want hospital care, don't go. If you want
: freecare and medicine, there are indigent clinic you can go. “

发帖数: 65
A lot of arguments that hospital give pt high price med are based of lack of
knowledge how hospital in US is operated.
A lost of " if"s are based on your consumer experience in China, and those "
ifs" are rarely occure in US.
Also, everyone should be responsible for his/her own health. That means, buy
health insurance to get the bargain power, get preventative care before it
causes problem. From the societal view, save unnecessary ER visit also help
maximize health care resource.

【在 m********4 的大作中提到】
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Medicalpractice/68729.html
: 浏览一下,有几个疑问
: 引文1:
: ”If your medical condition could be solved by going to retail buying a
: bottle of ibuprofen,
: why do you need to come to hospital?“
: “ Once again, if your medical problem could be solved by get an otc from
: retail, why do you come to hospital? Retail and Hospital provide different
: levels of care. If you don't want hospital care, don't go. If you want
: freecare and medicine, there are indigent clinic you can go. “

1 (共1页)
welcome to 中美医疗合作(cooperation)俱乐部FDA may let patients buy drugs without prescriptions
大家对医院的CEO工资有概念吗?请教有什么over the counter medicine治肩周炎吗?
VA 系统的优缺点常见病治疗讨论贴1:头疼的治疗
谈谈找工作的感受Bourneville-Pringle disease
开个帖讨论一下,怎么argue hospital billDo I need to talk with PD now or after submitting application package?
经验交流:哪家pharmacy最便宜?something funny ZZ
Obamacare要崩盘 (转载)Ridiculous, our hospital forces us to get flu shot.
话题: hospital话题: pharmacy话题: retail话题: er话题: ibuprofen