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MedicalCareer版 - advanced USMLE step1 study group
请教:Step1的Microbiology,Biochemistry,Immunology&Pharmocology怎样复习最高效?2014-May, step2 CK-248 考经 (2)
向各位前辈请教关于Ph.D 专业与行医问题126天USMLE-Rx题库免费share ,征人拷贝题库,flash cards和vi
寻partner一起学习step1step 1 study partner
见证奇迹--强化复习 FA: microbiology and immunology.并招学中医能否报名USMLE?
求助,STEP1的参考书seeking step1 study partner
美东, USMLE step 1 study group找step 1 partner的来
step1 FA复习小组招人step1 study group
话题: est话题: group话题: study话题: currently话题: usmle
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9
Hi all,
Our USMLE study group is looking for 2-4 new members to join in.
The study group goes through FA for the 2rd round. Currently We are at the
end of Microbiology chapter and will be starting Immunology at the end of
this week. If you want to target test day in Sept/Oct/Nov 2016, it is a good
time to join the group.
Current schedule: morning section: 8:30-10:30 AM EST
afternoon section: 1:00-2:00 PM EST
Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun---4 days/week

The schedule will make some changes depending on how many people are in the
group in the future.
Study format:
1) presentation with anki;
2) 1 page/30 min/person
3) 5/pages/day (currently)
4) 20 pages/week(currently)

Anyone interested can reach me at: step1_iupui on skype; after 7:00 PM EST
发帖数: 9
Hi all,
Our USMLE study group is looking for 2-4 new members to join in.
The study group goes through FA for the 2rd round. Currently We are at the
end of Microbiology chapter and will be starting Immunology at the end of
this week. If you want to target test day in Sept/Oct/Nov 2016, it is a good
time to join the group.
Current schedule: morning section: 8:30-10:30 AM EST
afternoon section: 1:00-2:00 PM EST
Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun---4 days/week

The schedule will make some changes depending on how many people are in the
group in the future.
Study format:
1) presentation with anki;
2) 1 page/30 min/person
3) 5/pages/day (currently)
4) 20 pages/week(currently)

Anyone interested can reach me at: step1_iupui on skype; after 7:00 PM EST
发帖数: 1

Hi! IS your group still open for a new member to join in?

【在 s******4 的大作中提到】
: Hi all,
: Our USMLE study group is looking for 2-4 new members to join in.
: The study group goes through FA for the 2rd round. Currently We are at the
: end of Microbiology chapter and will be starting Immunology at the end of
: this week. If you want to target test day in Sept/Oct/Nov 2016, it is a good
: time to join the group.
: Current schedule: morning section: 8:30-10:30 AM EST
: afternoon section: 1:00-2:00 PM EST
: Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun---4 days/week

1 (共1页)
step1 study group见证奇迹--强化复习 FA: microbiology and immunology.并招学
Green Card and USMLE, which one is your priority?美东, USMLE step 1 study group
STEP1:Recruiting new members studying FAstep1 FA复习小组招人
请教:Step1的Microbiology,Biochemistry,Immunology&Pharmocology怎样复习最高效?2014-May, step2 CK-248 考经 (2)
向各位前辈请教关于Ph.D 专业与行医问题126天USMLE-Rx题库免费share ,征人拷贝题库,flash cards和vi
寻partner一起学习step1step 1 study partner
话题: est话题: group话题: study话题: currently话题: usmle