J******9 发帖数: 62 | 1 I had failed CS twice, passed third time. Do I have a chance in future? Is
there anyone matched this year who had similar experience? Is this a fatal
hurt? Two of my friends told me their experiences.They told me fail CS,
fail all, even you pass step 3 and long-time OB. One friend had more than 8
months extenship, anther one had 2 months inpatient OB and several months OB
in family doctor. Is that true? Both of them had more than once failed CS
experience. I know lots of person celebrating right now. Thanks for any
Best wishes, | s********g 发帖数: 290 | 2 yes
【在 J******9 的大作中提到】 : I had failed CS twice, passed third time. Do I have a chance in future? Is : there anyone matched this year who had similar experience? Is this a fatal : hurt? Two of my friends told me their experiences.They told me fail CS, : fail all, even you pass step 3 and long-time OB. One friend had more than 8 : months extenship, anther one had 2 months inpatient OB and several months OB : in family doctor. Is that true? Both of them had more than once failed CS : experience. I know lots of person celebrating right now. Thanks for any : answering. : Best wishes,
| R**********n 发帖数: 473 | 3 If I tell you that you will definitely fail, will you believe that? You
already paid so much, why giving up now? Do you know how many people with 1-
2-3-4 interviews this year got matched with surprise? I don't personally
know anyone who failed cs for more than once, it's going to be difficult,
but anything can be improved with long term externship. | J******9 发帖数: 62 | | s*******i 发帖数: 44 | 5 please read LAODAO's post:
发信人: USMedEdu (US_CMGs), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 光荣榜43号
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 16 11:18:45 2011, 美东)
got a CMG matched news in my personal 北美中国医(学)生教育网站http://bbs.cmgforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1086&p=2026#p2026,
it's as follows:
Sarah wrote:
非常感谢你们的支持,经过4年的勤奋学习,我在今年match internal medicine
residency program. 87/91/cs pass, all of 2 attempted, >25 years graduated
from medical school, during 4 years,3年study,一年全日clinical observation
,当我遇到困难,经常阅读本网站,它支持了我很多. 再次感谢。 | J******9 发帖数: 62 | 6 Thanks again, OOH!!, one year all days OB. How can he support himself. If I
were him, how could I support my family, include 2 kids? It looks like OB
is key for application. | f*****w 发帖数: 1451 | 7 我知道肯定会很难,但是看看match上的名单里有不少CS过两次以上的人呢,所以我想
。 | f****e 发帖数: 260 | 8 请记住nothing is impossible!
要是被老刀看到你这个帖子,没准你要挨坎了。 | J******9 发帖数: 62 | |