z**h 发帖数: 153 | 1 2010面试正式结束。本来想等match结果出来后再总结,但是又怕到时候全忘了,或是
interview吧。申请前我们的PD建议我们申请30多个,应该能拿到15个左右IV, 然后去
什么对申请fellowship重要,记得曾经看过一个program director调查的图表,记不太
1. Residency program:在竞争力较强的program, 像MSKCC, Hopkins, MD
Anderson, Fred-Hutch,见到的多半是名校Program的residents。一个MGH的哥们,人
家只申请了5个program,只准备rank 三个program。不过话说回来,这些人能进这些名
校residency program,多数都是名校医学院毕业,很多MD/PhD,好的research
bac |
s*******w 发帖数: 1879 | 2 我沙!!!!
强烈支持哲别老大!!!(我也没别的话能说了。。。) |
t****o 发帖数: 342 | 3 我板凳!!!!
再多说一句,崇拜死了!!!!! |
a********e 发帖数: 3771 | 4 正准备抹抹惺忪的睡眼,不经意看到这个inspiring的东东。
顶哲别老大,祝马到成功。 |
d******a 发帖数: 127 | 5 Super cow.
What a Cancelled list!
What a IV list!
My feeling is that I am watching world cup (soccer).
How about posting MSKCC and MD Anderson at same time?
No GI, Card?? No Pulm/critical care, Endo, Rheu,ID this year???
(a good post about Renal pre match) |
t*********m 发帖数: 360 | |
yf 发帖数: 272 | 7 Thanbks! Zbbh. I was waiting for your post for a long time. Your cancel list
is already my dream list. |
l********y 发帖数: 2295 | 8 超级牛!!!!!
我能得到任何一个面试就心满意足了。。。呵呵 |
E*****e 发帖数: 219 | |
z**h 发帖数: 153 | 10 多谢支持!
听二饼兄的,我试着一起写写MD Anderson和MSKCC。 |
a*********d 发帖数: 2763 | 11 holly! strongest cow i have ever seen so far! |
z**h 发帖数: 153 | 12 cancel的program不是因为这些program不好,主要是schedule的问题,去14个已经很不
【在 yf 的大作中提到】 : Thanbks! Zbbh. I was waiting for your post for a long time. Your cancel list : is already my dream list.
z**h 发帖数: 153 | 13 逆风妹妹年纪轻轻马上要做attending才是牛妞呢。
【在 a*********d 的大作中提到】 : holly! strongest cow i have ever seen so far!
s*****h 发帖数: 937 | 14 分析得真好!!!
1. Residency program:
2. Medical school:
3. Research background:
4. Recommendation letters:
5. Interest
6. Visa
1/2/6 早就定了, 3/4发挥余地也不大, 5还可以小小改善,参加些会议,争取发CASE
s*****1 发帖数: 273 | 15 Thanks a lot! Very useful information!
Good luck! |
z**h 发帖数: 153 | 16 Actually, I think there are a lot of things to do for 3 and 4, particularly
4. ROL are the most important things we can improve for fellowship
application. Do a good work and get strong letter from PD; do a good
elective and get excellent letter from a big guy in your field. Establish a
good relationship, like a mentor-student relationship. They may make phone
calls for you, which may change things dramatically.
【在 s*****h 的大作中提到】 : 分析得真好!!! : 1. Residency program: : 2. Medical school: : 3. Research background: : 4. Recommendation letters: : 5. Interest : 6. Visa : 1/2/6 早就定了, 3/4发挥余地也不大, 5还可以小小改善,参加些会议,争取发CASE : REPORT : 祝LZ拿到最心仪的FELLOWSHIP
s*****h 发帖数: 937 | 17 PD的信和导师的信当然是要努力工作争取来的,但我的意思是如果已经定格在一个普通
outside elective增加些机会,不过试试他们要是有自己内部的住院医,给你的支持和
给他们的还是有差别的。 当然了 Sky is the limit, 难归难也还是要争取的,没准
【在 z**h 的大作中提到】 : Actually, I think there are a lot of things to do for 3 and 4, particularly : 4. ROL are the most important things we can improve for fellowship : application. Do a good work and get strong letter from PD; do a good : elective and get excellent letter from a big guy in your field. Establish a : good relationship, like a mentor-student relationship. They may make phone : calls for you, which may change things dramatically. : : CASE