c*********r 发帖数: 541 | 1 推荐两本小书,对向我这种文盲级别的扫盲用。
Maxwell Quick Medical Reference
The Washington Manual Internship Survival Guide
还有就是cs fa,病例照他写就没错了
tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia 2009
热病 MGH pocket medicine 红宝书级别的 | b*****t 发帖数: 36 | 2 i'd some problem writing PGY1 progress note, is there any format I could
follow? thanks a lot. | b*****t 发帖数: 36 | 3 i'd some problem writing PGY1 progress note, is there any format I could
follow? thanks a lot. | c*********r 发帖数: 541 | 4 从来没有写过progress note的人飘过
【在 b*****t 的大作中提到】 : i'd some problem writing PGY1 progress note, is there any format I could : follow? thanks a lot.
| b***i 发帖数: 31 | 5 Do you mean the soap notes?
It's not that hard, especially if you have been following your patients for
a couple of days.
My habit of writing SOAP notes is like this:
58 yo M here with blah, blah,blah,...s/p (procedure) day....
24 hr events: blah...
S: pt felt... complained...
A/P: 1,
A/P is the most important part of your notes, you have to think about all
of the diagnosis, what support your diagnosis, what your plan is for every
diagnosis, what you differential
【在 b*****t 的大作中提到】 : i'd some problem writing PGY1 progress note, is there any format I could : follow? thanks a lot.
| b*****t 发帖数: 36 | 6 thanks, if my patient has been on the same treatment regimen for a few days
and pt is stable,no A/P has been changed, should I just copy down the
previous A/p. and also where should i write the meds? in 24hr events or
somewhere else
thanks a lot for your help. | b***i 发帖数: 31 | 7 if the pt is stable, then the pt is ready to be D/C. you can copy, but there
always are something new.
I usually write the meds on the left side of my notes.
【在 b*****t 的大作中提到】 : thanks, if my patient has been on the same treatment regimen for a few days : and pt is stable,no A/P has been changed, should I just copy down the : previous A/p. and also where should i write the meds? in 24hr events or : somewhere else : thanks a lot for your help.