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Mainland版 - Nazi Party and Communist Party
Nazi Party and Communist PartyA Nobel Vision of a Better China (转载)
Nazi Party and Communist PartyA Nobel Vision of a Better China
Nazi Party and Communist Party菲律宾说中国是纳粹
Nazi Party and Communist Party出于好奇,狗狗了一把DS-156表
Nazi Party and Communist Party共产主义 保守估计全世界弄死一亿
Nazi Party and Communist Party码农嘲笑千老真是脑残
Nazi Party and Communist PartyNazi Party and Communist Party Support Occupy Wall Street
公司一个美国同事,总爱说you communist...bla bla blah (转载)床铺对知识分子恨之入骨,现在对科学家开刀了
话题: party话题: nazi话题: communist话题: olympics话题: annexed
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 11
Jews were persecuted
Falun Gong members and political dissidents were persecuted
1933 The Reichstag Fire masterminded by the Nazi Party
2001 The Tiananmen Square Fire masterminded by the Communist Party
1936 Berlin Olympics
2008 Beijing Olympics
1938 and 1939 German-speaking Austria and Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia
annexed by Nazi Germany
2008 or 2009 Chinese-speaking Taiwan annexed by Communist China
What's next?
1 (共1页)
床铺对知识分子恨之入骨,现在对科学家开刀了Nazi Party and Communist Party
码农嘲笑千老真是脑残 (转载)Nazi Party and Communist Party
每次读完都很感慨的一首诗Nazi Party and Communist Party
Xue Gang is Communist Party Member?公司一个美国同事,总爱说you communist...bla bla blah (转载)
Nazi Party and Communist PartyA Nobel Vision of a Better China (转载)
Nazi Party and Communist PartyA Nobel Vision of a Better China
Nazi Party and Communist Party菲律宾说中国是纳粹
Nazi Party and Communist Party出于好奇,狗狗了一把DS-156表
话题: party话题: nazi话题: communist话题: olympics话题: annexed