

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Macromolecules版 - this kind of polymer exists?
what is the application of PS-PMMA diblock copolymer?How to estimate price of a polymer?
self-assembly structure in solutionOpen Position for PhD Polymer Chemist
chemical or physical crosslinking?为一个学院而写的书
question: amphiphilic block copolymerStructure adhesive, 可内推
今晚怎么人这么少?我有新想法Density of Polymers
help with a papernanopaticle有多少种制备方法?
求教Dewetting on coating of amphiphilic block copolymerpolymer vendor
话题: side话题: polymer话题: chains话题: kind
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 313
I wonder if there exists such kind of a polymer which has amphiphilic
side chains and all the side chains are attached to one side of the polymer
Moreover, if the proportion of the amphiphilic side chains in one side
can be adjusted from 100pct to 50pct, that will be better.
Can anyone please shed me some light if there is any material that can do
this? If it is commercially available that would be better. Thanks.
发帖数: 50
what is amphiphilic side chain? do you mean amphiphilic block copolymer
grafted onto the backbone of a polymer chain? I don't know anything about such
kind of material, but it is technically possible.
what do you mean by "all the side chains attached to one side of the polymer
backbone"? do you mean 100% isotactic? that makes mission impossible.
if there is a way to synthesize your material, there will be a way to tailor
the content of each component.

【在 d*****s 的大作中提到】
: I wonder if there exists such kind of a polymer which has amphiphilic
: side chains and all the side chains are attached to one side of the polymer
: backbone.
: Moreover, if the proportion of the amphiphilic side chains in one side
: can be adjusted from 100pct to 50pct, that will be better.
: Can anyone please shed me some light if there is any material that can do
: this? If it is commercially available that would be better. Thanks.

发帖数: 29
sorry, it is ambigious on what kind of polymer you want to know.
But concerned with leaving all amphi groups on one side, you can find some
paper on copolymer sufatants. Face seperation is a useful method to relize
some fansy architecture.
1 (共1页)
polymer vendor今晚怎么人这么少?我有新想法
来讨论怎么做block copolymer吧这样能形成micelle吗?
听说polymer source卖的东西help with a paper
请教一个关于结晶度的问题求教Dewetting on coating of amphiphilic block copolymer
what is the application of PS-PMMA diblock copolymer?How to estimate price of a polymer?
self-assembly structure in solutionOpen Position for PhD Polymer Chemist
chemical or physical crosslinking?为一个学院而写的书
question: amphiphilic block copolymerStructure adhesive, 可内推
话题: side话题: polymer话题: chains话题: kind