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Macromolecules版 - VIRUS ASSEMBLES NANOPARTICLES- from chem & Engin. News
[合集] 昨天参加了个workshop....Top 25 authors about Quantum Dots
It seems that to simply sell nanoparticle can also make a fortune.potential commercial application of nanoparticle-based device
Re: It seems that to simply sell nanoparticle can also make a fortune.Hurry up. It is time to catch big bucks.
Is there good method to let nanoparticleHow to synthesis nanoparticle alloy?
Seems nanoparticles facing chanllengeRe: can someone know where to go for Ti or Ti/Ni ultrafine powder
Nanoparticle development scientistHow to synthesis transition metal doped TiO2 nanoparticle?
讲几个nanoparticles的有趣应用吧Re: How to synthesis transition metal doped TiO2 nanoparticle?
Re: 推荐一篇文章。an emerging hot area ?latestNatureMater.
话题: assembles话题: engin话题: virus话题: news
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2145
New way to order inorganic materials on macroscale borrows from nature
[Science, 296, 892 (2002)].
Harnessing the organizational power of biology, chemists at the University of
Texas, Austin, have developed a facile new way to precisely order
nanoparticles on the macroscale. Assistant professor Angela M. Belcher,
graduate student Seung-Wuk Lee, and coworkers find that viruses engineered to
bind zinc sulfide quantum dots self-assemble into highly ordered,
three-dimensional liquid-crystal films
发帖数: 1037
very cool
She reported this result several months before.

【在 c*s 的大作中提到】
: New way to order inorganic materials on macroscale borrows from nature
: [Science, 296, 892 (2002)].
: Harnessing the organizational power of biology, chemists at the University of
: Texas, Austin, have developed a facile new way to precisely order
: nanoparticles on the macroscale. Assistant professor Angela M. Belcher,
: graduate student Seung-Wuk Lee, and coworkers find that viruses engineered to
: bind zinc sulfide quantum dots self-assemble into highly ordered,
: three-dimensional liquid-crystal films
: Th

1 (共1页)
an emerging hot area ?latestNatureMater.Seems nanoparticles facing chanllenge
[转载] Possible to use polymer as stabilizer?Nanoparticle development scientist
到底什么是polymer matrix?讲几个nanoparticles的有趣应用吧
问个metal nanoparticle的外行问题Re: 推荐一篇文章。
[合集] 昨天参加了个workshop....Top 25 authors about Quantum Dots
It seems that to simply sell nanoparticle can also make a fortune.potential commercial application of nanoparticle-based device
Re: It seems that to simply sell nanoparticle can also make a fortune.Hurry up. It is time to catch big bucks.
Is there good method to let nanoparticleHow to synthesis nanoparticle alloy?
话题: assembles话题: engin话题: virus话题: news