Y***o 发帖数: 4135 | 1 【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: Yazoo (Time is money, friend!), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 加州公立学校的 API 的 计算方法。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Aug 27 14:31:35 2013, 美东)
==== Correct me if I am wrong. ==========
Here is what I found, detail calc. methods are defined in:
In tables on page 42, the test scores of students are grouped into FIVE
1. Advanced ---> API=1000
2. Proficient--> 875
3. Basic ------> 700
4. Below Basic-> 500
5. Far Below --> 200
The band definition example:
(2013 Grade #3, STAR)
Band Score API contribution to school
Advanced: 402-600 -》 1000
Prof.: 350-401 -> 875
Basic: 300-349 -> 700
Below B: 259-299 -> 500
Far Below: 150-288 -> 200
414-600: 1000 API
350-413: 875
300-349: 750
236-299: 500
150-235: 200
So, as you can see:
(1)Scores are grouped into bands, no differentiation between scores within
same band for API calculation.
(2) Band definition varies between Math and English. I guess - this may
also depending on the difficulties of the exam, distribution of scores among
other factors.
(3) Also scores form different grades are weighted differently in
calculating API for the schools.
so, in TS78's example:
STAR score 350 is 875 in API calc. in the example given for 3rd grade.
400 is also 875 API.
500 is 1000 API.
Again, the contribution from each individual student will be weighted based
on his/her grade to the school's overall API. |