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JobHunting版 - 请教Amazon选组
Amazon- AWS Infrustracture, Cloud Drive, eCFT, SnD哪个更有前途?大牛们看过来:system design讨论
Amazon选组求建议Fresh CS Master求内推 -- LeetCode已刷5遍 + LintCode一遍
Amazon 选组,求大神指点Sr developer in Freddie Mac (NoVA) (转载)
Amazon选组,真诚求建议[转]Alibaba全球招华人技术牛人!!! (转载)
有人Amazon面试需要写off-line的两个小时的code的吗?面试结束,晒3个 Java面试题,请大家讨论。
发两个职位,攒rp[内推]HERE map 西雅图/芝加哥office 高薪急召多个核心研发
job openning-Test and Quality Engineer,MySQL Database Administrator问统计在IT公司的发展前途
[转帖]我和Google的故事HERE工作十年体会 – 终结
话题: amazon话题: data话题: team话题: hardlines
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3
eCommerce Foundational Technologies (eCFT) strives to fulfill this
aspiration by building key services that empower Amazon Retail Business
teams to rapidly develop business ideas into running, "at-scale" software
with minimal developer effort and time.
With inventory located in fulfillment centers around the world, a catalog of
products numbering in the millions, and customers across the globe, we
generate petabytes of data which helps us manage our business. Amazon’s Big
Data Technologies Team (a part of eCFT) allows our business leaders to
leverage catalog, inventory, transaction, clickstream and marketing data to
identify opportunities, support product development and optimize business
decision-making, ultimately resulting in great experiences for customers.
Amazon's Analytical Engine is powered by a heterogeneous array of storage
solutions including super-sized database clusters and non-relational data
stores. As part of the Data Management and Optimization Team, you will be at
the core of building complex software and distributed systems to tackle
some of Big Data Technologies hardest optimization challenges! Come help us
take on this challenge, create a large market impact and drive industry
change by helping define what can be done with Big Data!
We are looking for highly effective software developers that can quickly
design and deliver systems while maintaining a constant customer focus.
Developers on this team are responsible for everything from designing and
building extremely stable components and cutting-edge features to
formulating strategy for data management across all of Amazon's business.
You will mentor other engineers, and work closely with customers to ensure
quality and deliver the best results.
Voice and Nui Shopping (VANS)
Voice and Nui Shopping (VANS) is a new and highly technical org that is
building Shopping 2.0 for Amazon. This team owns creation of a natural,
personal shopping assistant on any connected device globally. Key problem
spaces include natural language understanding, conversation engine, semantic
search, knowledge graphs, algorithms, ranking problems, and significant
applications of machine learning.
The Hardlines technical teams currently own the end-to-end experience for
multiple stores on Amazon.com in areas such as Consumer Electronics,
Wireless, Automotive, and Industrial & Scientific Supplies. In addition, we
own AmazonSupply.com, which is a dedicated B2B marketplace with core
transactional and product discovery features focused on the needs of our
business customers. Our applications are built using a combination of Object
Oriented, Functional, and Scripting languages like Java, C++, Closure, Ruby
, and Perl. We consume a lot of Amazon Web Services (AWS) like EC2, S3, and
DynamoDB, and a lot of internal services like Authentication, Payments,
Catalog and Search. At the same time we produce web services that are
consumed by our teams and other teams in Amazon. Hardlines uses machine
learning to resolve some of the problems we have around pricing, data
classification and personalization. Interested in Open Source technologies?
Hardlines uses Linux, Apache, Tomcat, Spring, JUnit, jQuery, Mason, and
others; several of our developers have been Open Source contributors.
Selection Classification
Want to teach machines to search for needles in a haystack? Ever wonder how
you can keep the world’s largest selection also the world’s safest and
legally compliant selection? Then come join a team with the charter to
monitor and classify the billions of items in the Amazon catalog to ensure
compliance with various legal regulations and policies. The Selection
Classification team is looking for outstanding Software Development
Engineers to build technology to automatically monitor the billions of
products on the Amazon platform. The software and processes built by this
team are a critical component of building a catalog that our customers trust.
You will have an opportunity to work with cutting edge machine learning
algorithms on large datasets. Your will need to build Amazon scale
applications running on Amazon Cloud that both leverage and create new
technologies to process large volumes of data that derive patterns and
conclusions from the data.
发帖数: 9628


【在 z********1 的大作中提到】
: 大家好。
: HR给了我几个组选。有点疑惑,请大家给点意见。有没有组非常好,或者非常坑不要去
: 的。谢谢。
: eCFT
: eCommerce Foundational Technologies (eCFT) strives to fulfill this
: aspiration by building key services that empower Amazon Retail Business
: teams to rapidly develop business ideas into running, "at-scale" software
: with minimal developer effort and time.
: With inventory located in fulfillment centers around the world, a catalog of
: products numbering in the millions, and customers across the globe, we

发帖数: 6098


【在 z********1 的大作中提到】
: 大家好。
: HR给了我几个组选。有点疑惑,请大家给点意见。有没有组非常好,或者非常坑不要去
: 的。谢谢。
: eCFT
: eCommerce Foundational Technologies (eCFT) strives to fulfill this
: aspiration by building key services that empower Amazon Retail Business
: teams to rapidly develop business ideas into running, "at-scale" software
: with minimal developer effort and time.
: With inventory located in fulfillment centers around the world, a catalog of
: products numbering in the millions, and customers across the globe, we

发帖数: 3820


【在 z********1 的大作中提到】
: 大家好。
: HR给了我几个组选。有点疑惑,请大家给点意见。有没有组非常好,或者非常坑不要去
: 的。谢谢。
: eCFT
: eCommerce Foundational Technologies (eCFT) strives to fulfill this
: aspiration by building key services that empower Amazon Retail Business
: teams to rapidly develop business ideas into running, "at-scale" software
: with minimal developer effort and time.
: With inventory located in fulfillment centers around the world, a catalog of
: products numbering in the millions, and customers across the globe, we

发帖数: 3
发帖数: 12461
hardline就是帮客户做网店的。selection classification就是给商品打tag的。都是


【在 z********1 的大作中提到】
: 大家好。
: HR给了我几个组选。有点疑惑,请大家给点意见。有没有组非常好,或者非常坑不要去
: 的。谢谢。
: eCFT
: eCommerce Foundational Technologies (eCFT) strives to fulfill this
: aspiration by building key services that empower Amazon Retail Business
: teams to rapidly develop business ideas into running, "at-scale" software
: with minimal developer effort and time.
: With inventory located in fulfillment centers around the world, a catalog of
: products numbering in the millions, and customers across the globe, we

发帖数: 2697

【在 d**e 的大作中提到】
: 所有组都描述得高大上,但最后可能你只是负责一个内部工具/网页的功能,因为大家
: 都是螺丝钉。
: 重要的是找一个听得起来不错的经理。如果有可能跟这些的经理通电话,而且只有这样
: 才能落实到具体哪一个组。下面这三个组都是无限的大,同一个大组下面各个小组的区
: 别非常非常的大。
: 不管如何,进去后,竖起耳朵听,看风头不对,赶紧换组,在内部了,就可以面对面亲
: 自跟各个具体的组聊,更清楚哪个组好。
: of

发帖数: 3
1 (共1页)
HERE工作十年体会 – 终结有人Amazon面试需要写off-line的两个小时的code的吗?
new grad 求 entry level cs 或者 machine learning 2018 inte发两个职位,攒rp
Twin City附近工作机会job openning-Test and Quality Engineer,MySQL Database Administrator
Groupon Seattle office 招人[转帖]我和Google的故事
Amazon- AWS Infrustracture, Cloud Drive, eCFT, SnD哪个更有前途?大牛们看过来:system design讨论
Amazon选组求建议Fresh CS Master求内推 -- LeetCode已刷5遍 + LintCode一遍
Amazon 选组,求大神指点Sr developer in Freddie Mac (NoVA) (转载)
Amazon选组,真诚求建议[转]Alibaba全球招华人技术牛人!!! (转载)
话题: amazon话题: data话题: team话题: hardlines