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JobHunting版 - Looking for Phd student @ Michigan State University
RA position available in ECE@MSU for May 2012‏ (转载)大家说说嵌入式编程的就业前景吧
RA Position Available for Spring 2013 in ECE @ MSU‏ ( (转载)新人求推荐,可穿戴设备相关的数据分析职位
RA positiion available @ECE of Michigan State University (转载)大家听说过fitbit这个startup吗?
RA positiion available @ECE of Michigan State University (转载)Jawbone 这公司前景怎么样?
联合烙印的结果:烙印们窜证,你坐牢Job opening for MEMS Characterization Engineer
中印校园惨案汇总:当书呆子信任半瓶醋 (转载)求工作机会:加州做可穿戴设备的公司有哪些?
面试题讨论湾区 华美半导体协会的年会
Bloomberg 最新onsite 面经 【PASS】一个湾区的 Bio-Medical Device Forum
话题: state话题: michigan话题: university话题: prof话题: mukkamala
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 65
The Physiologic Signal Processing & Modeling Laboratory is directed by
Prof. Ramakrishna Mukkamala within the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering at Michigan State University. Our mission is to
decipher the hidden information in biomedical measurements through signal
processing and modeling in order to advance the basic understanding of
physiology and establish improved patient monitoring systems. Our current
focus is to develop and experimentally validate new physiologic-based
signal processing techniques for monitoring cardiovascular function.
A Research Assistant position in our lab is now available for Spring
Semester 2017. The research area is cuffless blood pressure monitoring
for wearables and otherwise.
Qualified candidates should have a Bachelor's or Master's (preferred)
degree in electrical/electronic/biomedical engineering from a top
Chinese university with a good GPA/standing, are interested in biomedical
engineering, and would like to pursue a Ph.D. degree.
Prof. Mukkamala's website is http://www.egr.msu.edu/people/profile/rama,
if you need more information. Interested candidates should send his/her
resume/CV and transcript to Prof. Mukkamala ([email protected]/* */).
1 (共1页)
一个湾区的 Bio-Medical Device Forum联合烙印的结果:烙印们窜证,你坐牢
大家对pinterest怎么看?中印校园惨案汇总:当书呆子信任半瓶醋 (转载)
招一个mechanical engineer面试题讨论
Huami华米(小米手环)湾区招软件工程师,和internBloomberg 最新onsite 面经 【PASS】
RA position available in ECE@MSU for May 2012‏ (转载)大家说说嵌入式编程的就业前景吧
RA Position Available for Spring 2013 in ECE @ MSU‏ ( (转载)新人求推荐,可穿戴设备相关的数据分析职位
RA positiion available @ECE of Michigan State University (转载)大家听说过fitbit这个startup吗?
RA positiion available @ECE of Michigan State University (转载)Jawbone 这公司前景怎么样?
话题: state话题: michigan话题: university话题: prof话题: mukkamala