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JobHunting版 - 急问, 这种情况怎么办
有关 Intel 的 "controlled country" 黑名单有人见过这种情况么? (转载)
紧急求助:export compliance license是什么?[问题]Restricted Technology or Software export license
问问这是什么情况了?green card holder still need export license?
求教: 什么是export compliance issues的政策?job get cancelled.
有经验的人能进来帮我看看么 export controlled technologyimport/change XML then export XML in EXCEL 2010
Intel offer, 谁有Intel的Export Control regulations 经验Qualcomm的 On site
US Export Regulation是个多大的事儿?关于Intel一问
[合集] export control license申请Export Control License的看进来
话题: restricted话题: export话题: 情况话题: wish话题: 这种
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 57
不知道大家有没有遇到过这种情况 exported restricted technology , 是不是就是不
能找外国人,看到说有人办export license,是针对这种情况的么。 一下是我招聘经
理给的答复, 他也不是了解这个情况, 因为以前很少招外国人。
是否还有挽回余地, 如果要argue 不知道有没有相关的材料, 或者有人能给咨询一下
。 谢谢
We’ve heard back from our Trade Compliance group and the news is not good.
Apparently our specialty XXXX processes are classified as export restricted.
This means that foreign nationals cannot have exposure to the information
without violating U.S. law, as regulated by the Department of Commerce.
Unfortunately this means that we will not be able to extend you an offer as
we had previously hoped. I’m sorry about that, and wish it wasn’t the case
, but I’m afraid my hands are tied. I wish you the best of luck in your job
发帖数: 15689
The company can apply export license for you, but if it is not willing to do
so, you can say good-bye to it.


【在 k*******6 的大作中提到】
: 不知道大家有没有遇到过这种情况 exported restricted technology , 是不是就是不
: 能找外国人,看到说有人办export license,是针对这种情况的么。 一下是我招聘经
: 理给的答复, 他也不是了解这个情况, 因为以前很少招外国人。
: 是否还有挽回余地, 如果要argue 不知道有没有相关的材料, 或者有人能给咨询一下
: 。 谢谢
: We’ve heard back from our Trade Compliance group and the news is not good.
: Apparently our specialty XXXX processes are classified as export restricted.
: This means that foreign nationals cannot have exposure to the information
: without violating U.S. law, as regulated by the Department of Commerce.
: Unfortunately this means that we will not be able to extend you an offer as

发帖数: 483
They are done with you.
1 (共1页)
申请Export Control License的看进来有经验的人能进来帮我看看么 export controlled technology
申请google还要填export control的表?Intel offer, 谁有Intel的Export Control regulations 经验
请教:intel 会招中国学生做intern么?US Export Regulation是个多大的事儿?
请教关于export control authorization的申请[合集] export control license
有关 Intel 的 "controlled country" 黑名单有人见过这种情况么? (转载)
紧急求助:export compliance license是什么?[问题]Restricted Technology or Software export license
问问这是什么情况了?green card holder still need export license?
求教: 什么是export compliance issues的政策?job get cancelled.
话题: restricted话题: export话题: 情况话题: wish话题: 这种