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Investment版 - UK's Public Debt Doubled Overnight (ZT)
New idea for home-made term insurance?UK decides to let deflation happen (zz)
头肩顶了现在是不是时候开一个Roth IRA?
请问,fund expense ratio 难道不包括redemption fee么?国有化
401K 投资组合求推荐,谢谢WSJ:艰难时世下如何度日
昨天的日本故事--21 无力回天Why not this stimulus plan?
BDI疯了? (转载)The main stream media is getting it (ZT)
新手贴:5年翻倍we are so indebted
英央行意外大幅扩大量化宽松规模,英镑重挫近两百点 (转载)当前的形势
话题: debt话题: public话题: gold话题: market话题: doubled
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8363
What's going on over there in UK? Are they still using the mark-to-market
accounting when calculating public debt? That's so 2008. Somebody please
teaches them the latest mark-to-mirage, extend and pretend, "Hope and
Change" Obama accounting to make the public debt disappear.
Excuse Me Again But Britain's Public Debt Doubled Again Overnight to Now 4
And you still count?
It was only yesterday that Britain's s
发帖数: 6125
It doesn't matter what's going on.
What matter is what the market think it's going on.
Ohh, wait, you are dead-hard bear since March 2009,
but the market doesn't think so.
So it's either you are wrong, or the market is wrong.


【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: What's going on over there in UK? Are they still using the mark-to-market
: accounting when calculating public debt? That's so 2008. Somebody please
: teaches them the latest mark-to-mirage, extend and pretend, "Hope and
: Change" Obama accounting to make the public debt disappear.
: ========================================================================
: Excuse Me Again But Britain's Public Debt Doubled Again Overnight to Now 4
: And you still count?
: It was only yesterday that Britain's s

发帖数: 8363

Yeah. Let's see what market has been saying since 2000 when measuring by
the honest money - gold.
... or you'd rather go with this one instead.

【在 w*******o 的大作中提到】
: It doesn't matter what's going on.
: What matter is what the market think it's going on.
: Ohh, wait, you are dead-hard bear since March 2009,
: but the market doesn't think so.
: So it's either you are wrong, or the market is wrong.
: economists

发帖数: 6125
LOL,bottom line,so you think the market is wrong?
Ok, if you believe the market should measured by gold, not the "worthless
paper" I can tell you that this may make sense only when you need to buy
your food from super market with gold, not the greenback $$$. Before that,
the market should be measured by $$$.
The gold is measured by $$$, not the $$$ measured by gold.
That's how it works, accept it or not, that's the reality.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Yeah. Let's see what market has been saying since 2000 when measuring by
: the honest money - gold.
: ... or you'd rather go with this one instead.

发帖数: 1962
用 gold 买 food 也无非就是多一道兑换手续而已。
其实这就是个参照系的问题。参照系之间都是可以转换的,所以没什么不 make
sense 的。有些问题换个参照系可以看得更清楚更容易理解,至少数学物理都是
道。所以到底谁靠谁 measure 还真别急着下定论。

【在 w*******o 的大作中提到】
: LOL,bottom line,so you think the market is wrong?
: Ok, if you believe the market should measured by gold, not the "worthless
: paper" I can tell you that this may make sense only when you need to buy
: your food from super market with gold, not the greenback $$$. Before that,
: the market should be measured by $$$.
: The gold is measured by $$$, not the $$$ measured by gold.
: That's how it works, accept it or not, that's the reality.

发帖数: 3158
It is not a matter about who measures who. Now we are still using US dollars.
His chart of Dow/Gold ratio shows that gold has been outperforming Dow in
the past ten years. That's it. His bearishness in the main stock market does
not mean that he has been sitting with his cash and avoiding other
Just ask youself a question, if you were given a chance to go back to year
2000 and you were bullish on US stock market, would you put your money in
Dow or gold?

【在 w*******o 的大作中提到】
: LOL,bottom line,so you think the market is wrong?
: Ok, if you believe the market should measured by gold, not the "worthless
: paper" I can tell you that this may make sense only when you need to buy
: your food from super market with gold, not the greenback $$$. Before that,
: the market should be measured by $$$.
: The gold is measured by $$$, not the $$$ measured by gold.
: That's how it works, accept it or not, that's the reality.

发帖数: 6125

用 gold 买 food 也无非就是多一道兑换手续而已。
其实这就是个参照系的问题。参照系之间都是可以转换的,所以没什么不 make
sense 的。有些问题换个参照系可以看得更清楚更容易理解,至少数学物理都是
道。所以到底谁靠谁 measure 还真别急着下定论。

【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: 用 gold 买 food 也无非就是多一道兑换手续而已。
: 其实这就是个参照系的问题。参照系之间都是可以转换的,所以没什么不 make
: sense 的。有些问题换个参照系可以看得更清楚更容易理解,至少数学物理都是
: 这样。经济是不是这样我不妄下定论。不过纸币脱离贵重金属只有几十年的历史,
: 金属作为货币却有几千年的历史,而且这几千年中还总有一些很短的时期纸币当
: 道。所以到底谁靠谁 measure 还真别急着下定论。

发帖数: 6125
You are making an assumption that you know Dow will down,
and gold will up, but there is no IF, if there is a IF,
I'd rather buy lottery, why bother?


【在 k***n 的大作中提到】
: It is not a matter about who measures who. Now we are still using US dollars.
: His chart of Dow/Gold ratio shows that gold has been outperforming Dow in
: the past ten years. That's it. His bearishness in the main stock market does
: not mean that he has been sitting with his cash and avoiding other
: investments.
: Just ask youself a question, if you were given a chance to go back to year
: 2000 and you were bullish on US stock market, would you put your money in
: Dow or gold?

发帖数: 3158
My point is that now we know the so called "gold bubble" and the market
crash in 2008 were created by the easy money from FED. It was an "IF"
back then.
But when this situation continues now, how do you think the down trend
of Dow/Gold ratio can change?
It is not an "IF" when you see the current status.

【在 w*******o 的大作中提到】
: You are making an assumption that you know Dow will down,
: and gold will up, but there is no IF, if there is a IF,
: I'd rather buy lottery, why bother?
: dollars.
: does

发帖数: 6125

【在 k***n 的大作中提到】
: My point is that now we know the so called "gold bubble" and the market
: crash in 2008 were created by the easy money from FED. It was an "IF"
: back then.
: But when this situation continues now, how do you think the down trend
: of Dow/Gold ratio can change?
: It is not an "IF" when you see the current status.

发帖数: 3158
this one I agree
Dow/Gold will rise after hitting its bottom
but IMO, its bottom is still qutie under the horizone
BDI is in its hopeless down trend after a SHS formation
It needs at least a couple years to pick up

【在 w*******o 的大作中提到】
: 当股市恢复到真正由于经济复苏而涨的时候,
: 就是DOW/GOLD向上的时候
: 怎么知道?有很多Indicators的,
: 其中一个是我以前提到过的
: 就看看船运的股票什么时候开始启动

发帖数: 2610
I saw the news yesterday
I'm thinking where is GS's report on this?are they blind?


【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: What's going on over there in UK? Are they still using the mark-to-market
: accounting when calculating public debt? That's so 2008. Somebody please
: teaches them the latest mark-to-mirage, extend and pretend, "Hope and
: Change" Obama accounting to make the public debt disappear.
: ========================================================================
: Excuse Me Again But Britain's Public Debt Doubled Again Overnight to Now 4
: And you still count?
: It was only yesterday that Britain's s

1 (共1页)
当前的形势昨天的日本故事--21 无力回天
7 questions to ask before you buy a stock (zt)BDI疯了? (转载)
US Debt Clock (转载)新手贴:5年翻倍
how to profit from incoming crashing debt/treasury bonds英央行意外大幅扩大量化宽松规模,英镑重挫近两百点 (转载)
New idea for home-made term insurance?UK decides to let deflation happen (zz)
头肩顶了现在是不是时候开一个Roth IRA?
请问,fund expense ratio 难道不包括redemption fee么?国有化
401K 投资组合求推荐,谢谢WSJ:艰难时世下如何度日
话题: debt话题: public话题: gold话题: market话题: doubled