j********6 发帖数: 207 | 1 月租$500,房价5万,买下来合算吗???谢谢!!!
请问大家,我买下来这个2B2B的CONDO合算吗?敬请知无不言,言无不尽!多谢!! |
h*******y 发帖数: 864 | 2 Are you kidding? 月租$500, HOA费每月将近400, TAX:4000. 房东每个月不哭死?
【在 j********6 的大作中提到】 : 月租$500,房价5万,买下来合算吗???谢谢!!! : 请教各位出谋划策: : 我现在住2b2b的CONDO里的一间,月租500,上周听说,小区里一样的2B2B的CONDO售价 : 才5.5万,TAX:4000. : 我想要是买下来这个2B2B的CONDO的话,HOA费每月将近400,还要交UTILITY.我可能要 : 在这个城市呆至少5年以上。我一年的奖学金将近2万。要是买的话,只能向家里亲属借 : 钱买。 : 请问大家,我买下来这个2B2B的CONDO合算吗?敬请知无不言,言无不尽!多谢!!
B*S 发帖数: 1328 | 3 If the house is selling for 50k, how come the property tax is 4k - at 8%?
We have around 1% in CA. |
b*****e 发帖数: 1125 | 4 property tax is not based on mkt value, it's determined by the IRS's assess
that means the property worthed much more than 50k before the housing crash,
maybe around 200k or above.
【在 B*S 的大作中提到】 : If the house is selling for 50k, how come the property tax is 4k - at 8%? : We have around 1% in CA.
O*C 发帖数: 649 | 5 His title is misleading, I assume he means one room rent is $500, so $1000
for the whole condo?
So rent is $1000 a month, but purchase for 50K, and HOA is $400 a month
【在 h*******y 的大作中提到】 : Are you kidding? 月租$500, HOA费每月将近400, TAX:4000. 房东每个月不哭死? : 你还要去买解救他的苦难?
K****D 发帖数: 30533 | 6 It's a so-so deal.
You save approximately $2500 a year by buying. That's 2500/550000 = 4.5%
APY, looks so-so for all the trouble.
You have to rent 1 room out all the time to get that yield.
I haven't counted in any interest/人情 you'll need to pay by borrowing
【在 j********6 的大作中提到】 : 月租$500,房价5万,买下来合算吗???谢谢!!! : 请教各位出谋划策: : 我现在住2b2b的CONDO里的一间,月租500,上周听说,小区里一样的2B2B的CONDO售价 : 才5.5万,TAX:4000. : 我想要是买下来这个2B2B的CONDO的话,HOA费每月将近400,还要交UTILITY.我可能要 : 在这个城市呆至少5年以上。我一年的奖学金将近2万。要是买的话,只能向家里亲属借 : 钱买。 : 请问大家,我买下来这个2B2B的CONDO合算吗?敬请知无不言,言无不尽!多谢!!
p***n 发帖数: 635 | 7 就是一个坑。丫没个版都发了。肯定有什么别有用心的目的。
【在 K****D 的大作中提到】 : It's a so-so deal. : You save approximately $2500 a year by buying. That's 2500/550000 = 4.5% : APY, looks so-so for all the trouble. : You have to rent 1 room out all the time to get that yield. : I haven't counted in any interest/人情 you'll need to pay by borrowing : money.