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HouseRental版 - Looking for a room in New York this fall
寻租: One bedroom in the New York CityLooking for a roommate in New York City
Look for 1 bdrm in New York Citylooking for an apartment in new york
Looking for roomate(s) near New York Citylooking for a room in Woburn, Boston
looking for a room close to queens collegeNYC Queens: Big room in Elmhurst available Feb 1st.
去NYC找工作, Looking for apartment in New York CityNYC One Big Bedroom in Mahantan
Looking for temporary living in queens or any other place in new york city for a weekNYC 租房
Looking for a summer sublet in New York, May 18th-June 30th哥大附近出租 650
Looking for 1 bedroom in New York,(June 7th - August 23rd)求租一房(NY)
话题: new话题: york话题: looking
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3
今年秋季学期开始到CUNY the Graduate Center读书,希望租一个房间,价格控制在每
$700),我8月初到New York,如果有这样的房间出租请联系我。我的email:
w********[email protected]
1 (共1页)
求租一房(NY)去NYC找工作, Looking for apartment in New York City
求租8月纽约两室,到迈阿顿34街方便Looking for temporary living in queens or any other place in new york city for a week
Looking for female roommate to share 2-bedroom (queens, ny)Looking for a summer sublet in New York, May 18th-June 30th
Manhattan中下城找单房或合租Looking for 1 bedroom in New York,(June 7th - August 23rd)
寻租: One bedroom in the New York CityLooking for a roommate in New York City
Look for 1 bdrm in New York Citylooking for an apartment in new york
Looking for roomate(s) near New York Citylooking for a room in Woburn, Boston
looking for a room close to queens collegeNYC Queens: Big room in Elmhurst available Feb 1st.
话题: new话题: york话题: looking