a****r 发帖数: 387 | 1 不知我的理解是否正确:
1000FEET之内通过SCHOOL ZONE,那就犯法了。在美国大部分城市,我想几乎很难
当初我在HOUSTON ACADEMY买枪的时候,特意问了小二,小二没说要用箱子把枪锁起来
啊,所以当时我只是放在TRUNK里。而我在开车回家的时候,我肯定在1000FEETS 之内
经过了不少于一个的SCHOOL ZONE,那是否我已犯了GFSZ这个法呢?还是我知其一不知
The Gun Free School Zones Act states:[6]
(A) It shall be unlawful for any individual knowingly to possess a firearm
that has moved in or that otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce
at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is
a school zone.
(B) Subparagraph (A) does not apply to the possession of a firearm—
(i) on private property not part of school grounds;
(ii) if the individual possessing the firearm is licensed to do so by the
State in which the school zone is located or a political subdivision of the
State, and the law of the State or political subdivision requires that,
before an individual obtains such a license, the law enforcement authorities
of the State or political subdivision verify that the individual is
qualified under law to receive the license;
(iii) that is— (I) not loaded; and (II) in a locked container, or a locked
firearms rack that is on a motor vehicle;
(iv) by an individual for use in a program approved by a school in the
school zone;
(v) by an individual in accordance with a contract entered into between a
school in the school zone and the individual or an employer of the
(vi) by a law enforcement officer acting in his or her official capacity; or
(vii) that is unloaded and is possessed by an individual while traversing
school premises for the purpose of gaining access to public or private lands
open to hunting, if the entry on school premises is authorized by school
authorities. |
u*1 发帖数: 907 | 2 1.where is the '1000 ft' clause?
2.define school zone, school premises, school grounds,
as far as the material attached, it only limits individual to be at
possible school zone, knowingly, with a firearm (the condition of firearm
While it allows individual to have unloaded and locked firearm in a car
inside a school zone.
just my reading, may not be accurate.
【在 a****r 的大作中提到】 : 不知我的理解是否正确: : 根据GFSZ(请看附文),如果一个人没有CCW,即使一个州(如德州)规定车里也可放 : 枪,那如果这枪不是UNLOADED而且是锁在箱子里的话,那他/她只要车里有枪,而且 : 1000FEET之内通过SCHOOL ZONE,那就犯法了。在美国大部分城市,我想几乎很难 : 1000FEETS内开车不经过SHOOL ZONE吧? : 当初我在HOUSTON ACADEMY买枪的时候,特意问了小二,小二没说要用箱子把枪锁起来 : 啊,所以当时我只是放在TRUNK里。而我在开车回家的时候,我肯定在1000FEETS 之内 : 经过了不少于一个的SCHOOL ZONE,那是否我已犯了GFSZ这个法呢?还是我知其一不知 : 其二? : 还有一个问题就是,当联邦法和州法不一致时,我该遵守哪个呢?还是只能选择遵守严
C*******r 发帖数: 10345 | 3 原文:
Subparagraph (A) does not apply to the possession of a firearm—
(iii) that is— (I) not loaded; and (II) in a locked container, or a locked
firearms rack that is on a motor vehicle;
小车的trunk是locked,本身可以算locked container。
如果你开SUV或truck, 就需要另一个locked container。
话说回来,这个法明显又是痢膊肉abuse commerce clause。
【在 a****r 的大作中提到】 : 不知我的理解是否正确: : 根据GFSZ(请看附文),如果一个人没有CCW,即使一个州(如德州)规定车里也可放 : 枪,那如果这枪不是UNLOADED而且是锁在箱子里的话,那他/她只要车里有枪,而且 : 1000FEET之内通过SCHOOL ZONE,那就犯法了。在美国大部分城市,我想几乎很难 : 1000FEETS内开车不经过SHOOL ZONE吧? : 当初我在HOUSTON ACADEMY买枪的时候,特意问了小二,小二没说要用箱子把枪锁起来 : 啊,所以当时我只是放在TRUNK里。而我在开车回家的时候,我肯定在1000FEETS 之内 : 经过了不少于一个的SCHOOL ZONE,那是否我已犯了GFSZ这个法呢?还是我知其一不知 : 其二? : 还有一个问题就是,当联邦法和州法不一致时,我该遵守哪个呢?还是只能选择遵守严
P****8 发帖数: 678 | 4 (vii) that is unloaded and is possessed by an individual while traversing
school premises for the purpose of gaining access to public or private lands
open to hunting, if the entry on school premises is authorized by school
这个理由大家都可以用吧? |
a****r 发帖数: 387 | 5 谢谢U01和柯宓同志。
a****r 发帖数: 387 | 6 个人觉得这个理由不太好用,除非这个SCHOOL ZONE正好和一个猎场相邻。
【在 P****8 的大作中提到】 : (vii) that is unloaded and is possessed by an individual while traversing : school premises for the purpose of gaining access to public or private lands : open to hunting, if the entry on school premises is authorized by school : authorities. : 这个理由大家都可以用吧?
a****r 发帖数: 387 | 7 hi uo1,here is the definition of school zone
Title 18 U.S.C. §921(25) The term “school zone” means— (A) in, or on the
grounds of, a public, parochial or private school; or (B) within a distance
of 1,000 feet from the grounds of a public, parochial or private school. (
26) The term “school” means a school which provides elementary or
secondary education, as determined under State law.
【在 u*1 的大作中提到】 : 1.where is the '1000 ft' clause? : 2.define school zone, school premises, school grounds, : as far as the material attached, it only limits individual to be at : possible school zone, knowingly, with a firearm (the condition of firearm : unknown). : While it allows individual to have unloaded and locked firearm in a car : inside a school zone. : just my reading, may not be accurate.
G******U 发帖数: 4211 | 8 还是要办个证。然后用这段吧:
(ii) if the individual possessing the firearm is licensed to do so by the
State in which the school zone is located or a political subdivision of the
State, and the law of the State or political subdivision requires that,
before an individual obtains such a license, the law enforcement authorities
of the State or political subdivision verify that the individual is
qualified under law to receive the license;
【在 a****r 的大作中提到】 : 不知我的理解是否正确: : 根据GFSZ(请看附文),如果一个人没有CCW,即使一个州(如德州)规定车里也可放 : 枪,那如果这枪不是UNLOADED而且是锁在箱子里的话,那他/她只要车里有枪,而且 : 1000FEET之内通过SCHOOL ZONE,那就犯法了。在美国大部分城市,我想几乎很难 : 1000FEETS内开车不经过SHOOL ZONE吧? : 当初我在HOUSTON ACADEMY买枪的时候,特意问了小二,小二没说要用箱子把枪锁起来 : 啊,所以当时我只是放在TRUNK里。而我在开车回家的时候,我肯定在1000FEETS 之内 : 经过了不少于一个的SCHOOL ZONE,那是否我已犯了GFSZ这个法呢?还是我知其一不知 : 其二? : 还有一个问题就是,当联邦法和州法不一致时,我该遵守哪个呢?还是只能选择遵守严
U*********r 发帖数: 5610 | 9 在德州,如果你没有CHL,在车里放枪来达到自卫的目的几乎是不
you don't need CHL to keep a loaded one in your vehicle, as long as it's
concealed. that's what I learned in CHL class in 2008.
【在 a****r 的大作中提到】 : 谢谢U01和柯宓同志。 : 所以我们是否可以说在德州,如果你没有CHL,在车里放枪来达到自卫的目的几乎是不 : 可能的(因为枪要UNLOADED,而且要么放在TRUNK,要么需锁在箱里)。还有,更麻烦 : 的是,你如果要去买枪或到FFL取枪,如果你是开SUV或VAN的话,你就得自带一个带锁 : 的箱子,拿到枪就要锁起来才能带回来,除非你回家的路上1000FEET之内没有任何 : SCHOOL ZONE。
C*******r 发帖数: 10345 | 10 LZ的意思是,这样无论如何不能保证不在school zone以内,所以会违反联邦法。
其实法律的情况是,除非你在school zone内被抓住,不然怎么证明你曾经经过school
zone?而且如果被抓,你一定要用fifth amendment拒绝开口,等律师。记住你可以拒
绝回答行车路线。这种不好找证据的,就看DA要不要press charge了。
楚,这样只言片语的找一两条法律是没用的。Casey Anthony这种都没法定罪。
【在 U*********r 的大作中提到】 : 在德州,如果你没有CHL,在车里放枪来达到自卫的目的几乎是不 : 可能的(因为枪要UNLOADED,而且要么放在TRUNK,要么需锁在箱里)。 : you don't need CHL to keep a loaded one in your vehicle, as long as it's : concealed. that's what I learned in CHL class in 2008.
a****r 发帖数: 387 | 11 你确定是2008年上的CHL课么?德州是2009年才通过的MPA法案 (The Motorist
Protection Act)允许没有CHL者可以在车里拥枪。
【在 U*********r 的大作中提到】 : 在德州,如果你没有CHL,在车里放枪来达到自卫的目的几乎是不 : 可能的(因为枪要UNLOADED,而且要么放在TRUNK,要么需锁在箱里)。 : you don't need CHL to keep a loaded one in your vehicle, as long as it's : concealed. that's what I learned in CHL class in 2008.
u*1 发帖数: 907 | 12 I am not a lawyer. According to
this definition, school zone is a zoning terminology. It is to define not
only the ground used by school itself, but the premises that will be
affected by school function, thus need to be reserved in zoning process on
city plan.
So in theory what happened when city planned a school was, where this zoning
was in effect, the school ground (the buildings and playgrounds) was put
at center of a reserved area, which has 1000 ft "buffer zone"
between school ground and other adjacent properties /land use - to control
noise and visual "disturbance" of a school.
To give an example, if you go check a public school, most likely it will be
located at center of a reserved empty land, and that empty land represents
the premises of school zone. Of course in some cases (not too rare), such as
in crowded city, or in a small community where land is scarce, there could
be public roads cutting through a school zone, or just passing by under the
window of a school building. But in these special occasions, there will be
plenty of warning signs to warn you the premises of school zone, or even a
specific gun control code for this area in general (such as in NYC, Chicago,
etc.) So generally you don't have to worry too much about entering a school
zone by accident. When you drive on a road, see a school "out there", and
there is no large warning sign with lights and "school zone" on it, you are
outside the school zone, with more than 1000ft away from those school
buildings at any direction.
This is my understanding, may not be accurate. If you find yourself
concerned about carrying/transportation issues, I recommend go get your CHL.
I received this advice from experts on this board, and it is the right
thing to do.
【在 a****r 的大作中提到】 : hi uo1,here is the definition of school zone : Definitions : Title 18 U.S.C. §921(25) The term “school zone” means— (A) in, or on the : grounds of, a public, parochial or private school; or (B) within a distance : of 1,000 feet from the grounds of a public, parochial or private school. ( : 26) The term “school” means a school which provides elementary or : secondary education, as determined under State law.
a****r 发帖数: 387 | 13 非常赞同柯宓的话。有时自己读法律条文,即使读得非常仔细,而且自认为自己掌握了
【在 C*******r 的大作中提到】 : LZ的意思是,这样无论如何不能保证不在school zone以内,所以会违反联邦法。 : 其实法律的情况是,除非你在school zone内被抓住,不然怎么证明你曾经经过school : zone?而且如果被抓,你一定要用fifth amendment拒绝开口,等律师。记住你可以拒 : 绝回答行车路线。这种不好找证据的,就看DA要不要press charge了。 : 俺一直觉得大家如果有机会应该仔细学习一下美国法律,特别是把普通法系的法理搞清 : 楚,这样只言片语的找一两条法律是没用的。Casey Anthony这种都没法定罪。
a****r 发帖数: 387 | 14 谢谢U01,这些讯息非常有帮助,而且MAKE SENSE!
【在 u*1 的大作中提到】 : I am not a lawyer. According to : this definition, school zone is a zoning terminology. It is to define not : only the ground used by school itself, but the premises that will be : affected by school function, thus need to be reserved in zoning process on : city plan. : So in theory what happened when city planned a school was, where this zoning : clause : was in effect, the school ground (the buildings and playgrounds) was put : at center of a reserved area, which has 1000 ft "buffer zone" : between school ground and other adjacent properties /land use - to control
U*********r 发帖数: 5610 | 15 I was just trying to say, a motorist can have a concealed loaded one in his/
her vehicle, as opposed to your original statement "因为枪要UNLOADED".
【在 a****r 的大作中提到】 : 你确定是2008年上的CHL课么?德州是2009年才通过的MPA法案 (The Motorist : Protection Act)允许没有CHL者可以在车里拥枪。
a****r 发帖数: 387 | 16 GOT YOU
【在 U*********r 的大作中提到】 : I was just trying to say, a motorist can have a concealed loaded one in his/ : her vehicle, as opposed to your original statement "因为枪要UNLOADED".
G******U 发帖数: 4211 | 17 "除了名字和住址,一定不要和警察多说什么
【在 a****r 的大作中提到】 : 非常赞同柯宓的话。有时自己读法律条文,即使读得非常仔细,而且自认为自己掌握了 : ,但和别人一讨论才知道自己的理解是错的。这也是为什么对于一些非常重要的条文我 : 想拿出来和大家讨论以验证彼此的理解是对的。 : 一个例子,就是出事后(比如自卫开枪),除了名字和住址,一定不要和警察多说什么 : ,即使事情再清楚再对你有利,你也不要和警察多说任何东西,即使警察问你。一定要 : 等律师来后再开口。这不是对警察不尊敬,而是维护自己的利益。因为你对警察说的一 : 切,如果说好了,不会在法庭上帮到你,而说的不好,却非常有可能用来指控你,所以 : 除了法律规定必须向警察提供的(比如名字和住址),其它一概不需要说,沉默是金, : 切记切记。 :
a****r 发帖数: 387 | 18 我想可以提前加入一些如TEXAS LAW SHIELD这种计划,也可事后再找,也可要求免费派
【在 G******U 的大作中提到】 : "除了名字和住址,一定不要和警察多说什么 : ,即使事情再清楚再对你有利,你也不要和警察多说任何东西,即使警察问你。一定要 : 等律师来后再开口" : 不多说明白。可是这个律师难道要一直备着吗?还是现翻黄页?你们老枪都有自己的 : 律师可以随时打电话吗?
G******U 发帖数: 4211 | 19 "事后再找,也可要求免费派一个"
【在 a****r 的大作中提到】 : 我想可以提前加入一些如TEXAS LAW SHIELD这种计划,也可事后再找,也可要求免费派 : 一个。
a****r 发帖数: 387 | 20 you don't need an attorney on scene, you only need one on courts; you still
don't have to describe the case to the polices even after you talk to your
【在 G******U 的大作中提到】 : "事后再找,也可要求免费派一个" : 法庭可以免费派一个,不认为普通警察可以有这个条件。 : 而且随便这么找一个能有用吗?再跟警察说案情就没有问题了吗? : 我对这个真不清楚,请枪友指导.
l**s 发帖数: 20567 | |