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Georgia版 - Atlanta single family house for roommates
Looking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta)Looking for a roommate (single family house @ Atlanta) (转载)
Looking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta) (转载)Looking for a roommate for Atlanta single family house
Looking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta) (转载)Atlanta single family house for roommates
Looking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta) (转载)Looking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta) (转载)
Looking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta)Looking for roommates for a 4B3B single family house
Looking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta) (转Atlanta single family house for roommates (转载)
Atlanta single family house for roommatesAtlanta single family house for roommates (转载)
Atlanta single family house for a roommateAtlanta single family house for roommates
话题: atlanta话题: minutes话题: roommates话题: month话题: washer
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 76
Location: 0.5 mile to the 96 exit of I-85, 15 minutes to GT, 10
minutes to Emory, minutes to China Town, Farmer’s
Market and Great Wall supermarket
Facility: Beautiful home with dish-washer, washer and dryer,
fridge, heating, A/C,cable with chinese channels, internet, and

importantly parking lots
Rent: starts from as low as $360/month (furnished room), including
utilities (gas,electricity, water, cable and internet).
Availability: one room available now (360/month), another available from
5 August (480/month); Discount for one year or longer residence
Transportation: marta station near the community
If interested, please call 678-756-8056 or 770-364-5009 or send email to
diuandie@gatech. edu. We Georgia Tech Chinese Students welcome your living
with us.
1 (共1页)
Atlanta single family house for roommatesLooking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta)
Atlanta single family house for roommatesLooking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta) (转
Emory附近房屋出租(限女生)Atlanta single family house for roommates
Atlanta房屋转租Atlanta single family house for a roommate
Looking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta)Looking for a roommate (single family house @ Atlanta) (转载)
Looking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta) (转载)Looking for a roommate for Atlanta single family house
Looking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta) (转载)Atlanta single family house for roommates
Looking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta) (转载)Looking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta) (转载)
话题: atlanta话题: minutes话题: roommates话题: month话题: washer