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Georgia版 - 2b/1b Townhome for Sublease Minutes to Emory/CDC
急问bus from Emory University to Aquarium新妈找新妈,Atlanta北
从机场到Emory打的要多少时间呀?Looking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta)
Atlanta single family house for roommates请问:arbor hills公寓到Emory主校区,有什么公交或者校车?
招暑假短租6-8月请问emory university住哪儿比较好?
Atlanta single family house for roommatesLooking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta) (转载)
Atlanta single family house for roommatesLooking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta) (转载)
Atlanta single family house for a roommateLooking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta) (转载)
话题: emory话题: cdc话题: sublease话题: townhome话题: minutes
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 62
Spacious 2 Bedrooms/1 Bathroom townhome at Emory Woods for Sublease. Nice
neighbourhood with siwmming pool and laundry room (just upgraded and only $1
.25 for washing and $1.00 for drying).
Very close to Emory/CDC. On Marta lines and Emory shuttles pass by. Walk
distance to Publix, FedEx, UPS, McDonald's, Sushi restaurant, Chinese
restaurant, hair cut shop, book store and more.
Available from late June (you pay the rent from July!). Lease expires on
December 31, 2010. Rent is $740/month. Perfect
1 (共1页)
Looking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta) (转载)招短租(5月底到8月中,在emory旁边)
Looking for a roommate (single family house @ Atlanta) (转载)Atlanta single family house for roommates
Looking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta) (转载)Atlanta single family house for roommates
Looking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta)Atlanta single family house for a roommate
急问bus from Emory University to Aquarium新妈找新妈,Atlanta北
从机场到Emory打的要多少时间呀?Looking for roommates (single family house @ Atlanta)
Atlanta single family house for roommates请问:arbor hills公寓到Emory主校区,有什么公交或者校车?
招暑假短租6-8月请问emory university住哪儿比较好?
话题: emory话题: cdc话题: sublease话题: townhome话题: minutes