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Football版 - why I think brady's quick kick was brilliant
昨晚最后denver broncos的那个队员不知道规则吗?钱贝利太烂了
干什么叫歪客去return?[bssd] 宠物龟2014赛季超级碗冠军竞猜
[主题贴] CAR@SFDenver都擅长打顺风球啊
这球punt的真差This INT is so stupid
小鸡真的错乱了XXXIX SB之我见
本周比赛猜想, 四场比赛全猜对的祥叔奖励10个包子茄子太龌龊了
vegas的上下狗Pats punt
话题: denver话题: punt话题: pats话题: think话题: down
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 27
This happened in the 4th quarter with 3:10 left. Pats possession, after 2
straight runs, it was 3rd and 10 at own 42 yard. Shot gun formation, Denver
showed blitz, surprisingly brady got a high snap and punted for 48 yards to
pin Denver down at its own 10 yard line. I think this is a brilliant design
and is not something like show-off or classlessness as some people here
thought. Here are my thoughts:
I think everyone agrees that at that point, Pats just needed to run out the
clock and not get players injured. Clock is less of an issue here because
DEV still has 2 TOs and nobody is really trying to score. Of course, you can
run a third time and punt on 4th down, which is pretty much everybody else
does. The problems are you could get injured during the run or especially
punt coverage (when almost all punter injury happened); Denver could also
potentially return your punt for TD (surely the score doesn't matter any
more, but still no professional athlete is willing to give up any points).
Now BB showed us a way to do it differently and better. Because it was a "
fake punt", no bronco was in the back field to receive it (this is the key
why it would work). The ball rolled on its own with no one from bronco side
wanted to return it or even touch it. It was simply too risky and pointless.
Now offense got off the field injury-free and defense took over on DEN deep
. You can't do this on 4th down because that is just a regular punt and DEN
will put someone to receive. No one would stupidly do it on 1st or 2nd down.
So 3rd down is the right time to do it and I believe BB did this some 6, 7
years ago.
As a fan, I appreciate all of these unconventional situational football or
unusual strategy, just like the famous intentional safety happened 8 years
ago at Denver. I think this is the beauty of football. Anyone can put any
play on you at any time. Again, as a fan, I am simply enjoying the ride.
Peace and go Pats.
发帖数: 2504
For patriots fans, it's fun, no doubt. For Broncos players, it's salt on the
ir wounds, which is why Von Miller got into a fight with Patriots players.


【在 d***g 的大作中提到】
: This happened in the 4th quarter with 3:10 left. Pats possession, after 2
: straight runs, it was 3rd and 10 at own 42 yard. Shot gun formation, Denver
: showed blitz, surprisingly brady got a high snap and punted for 48 yards to
: pin Denver down at its own 10 yard line. I think this is a brilliant design
: and is not something like show-off or classlessness as some people here
: thought. Here are my thoughts:
: I think everyone agrees that at that point, Pats just needed to run out the
: clock and not get players injured. Clock is less of an issue here because
: DEV still has 2 TOs and nobody is really trying to score. Of course, you can
: run a third time and punt on 4th down, which is pretty much everybody else

发帖数: 16730
发帖数: 3271
这也太天涯了,赢那么多乱踢一脚Have Fun而已,
想起当年Flutie的drop kick, 也是吹上了天


【在 d***g 的大作中提到】
: This happened in the 4th quarter with 3:10 left. Pats possession, after 2
: straight runs, it was 3rd and 10 at own 42 yard. Shot gun formation, Denver
: showed blitz, surprisingly brady got a high snap and punted for 48 yards to
: pin Denver down at its own 10 yard line. I think this is a brilliant design
: and is not something like show-off or classlessness as some people here
: thought. Here are my thoughts:
: I think everyone agrees that at that point, Pats just needed to run out the
: clock and not get players injured. Clock is less of an issue here because
: DEV still has 2 TOs and nobody is really trying to score. Of course, you can
: run a third time and punt on 4th down, which is pretty much everybody else

发帖数: 393
I think BB made the call to humilate Denver/Teblow


【在 d***g 的大作中提到】
: This happened in the 4th quarter with 3:10 left. Pats possession, after 2
: straight runs, it was 3rd and 10 at own 42 yard. Shot gun formation, Denver
: showed blitz, surprisingly brady got a high snap and punted for 48 yards to
: pin Denver down at its own 10 yard line. I think this is a brilliant design
: and is not something like show-off or classlessness as some people here
: thought. Here are my thoughts:
: I think everyone agrees that at that point, Pats just needed to run out the
: clock and not get players injured. Clock is less of an issue here because
: DEV still has 2 TOs and nobody is really trying to score. Of course, you can
: run a third time and punt on 4th down, which is pretty much everybody else

1 (共1页)
Pats punt[主题帖]SEA@DEN
Super bowl 46 实況报道 17:21 giants wins.本周比赛猜想, 四场比赛全猜对的祥叔奖励10个包子
昨晚最后denver broncos的那个队员不知道规则吗?钱贝利太烂了
干什么叫歪客去return?[bssd] 宠物龟2014赛季超级碗冠军竞猜
[主题贴] CAR@SFDenver都擅长打顺风球啊
这球punt的真差This INT is so stupid
话题: denver话题: punt话题: pats话题: think话题: down