a***n 发帖数: 5665 | |
i*********r 发帖数: 5101 | |
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 3 吹的是ineligible downfield. 应该是发福不是eligible receiver.
Moss没过先。如果过线的话要loss down |
o*******6 发帖数: 6113 | 4 QB是eligible receiver啊
【在 l*****8 的大作中提到】 : 吹的是ineligible downfield. 应该是发福不是eligible receiver. : Moss没过先。如果过线的话要loss down
z*i 发帖数: 58873 | 5 The four remaining players in the backfield (five in Canadian football),
including the quarterback, are also eligible receivers—except in the
National Football League, where a quarterback in the "T" Formation is never
【在 o*******6 的大作中提到】 : QB是eligible receiver啊
S****r 发帖数: 472 | 6 Moss did not pass 40 yard line, so throw was ok.
Favre (or any offensive lineman) was not reported as a receiver before the
play, therefore cannot catch the ball down field (behind 40 line was fine). |
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 7 又仔细研究了一下,倒回去又看了一下重放,发现是如下原因:
1。这个不是T-formation,所以发福是eligible receiver.如果是ineligible receiver
,判罚是损失一个down(相当于incomplete pass)
2. 实际判罚应该是对40号,lineman. 在传球play里,ineligible receivers (包括
receiver过LOS,判罚是5码,不损失down. |
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 8 Only an eligible pass receiver may legally catch a forward pass, and only an
eligible receiver may advance beyond the neutral zone if a forward pass
which crosses the neutral zone is thrown. If the pass is received by a non-
eligible receiver, the penalty for the foul "illegal touching" is assessed (
the play is treated as an incomplete pass, unless the ball is downed behind
the line of scrimmage — in either case a down is lost). If an ineligible
receiver is beyond the neutral zone when a forward pass which crosses the
neutral zone is thrown, a foul of "ineligible receiver downfield" (penalty--
a loss of yardage, but not loss of down) is called. |
z*i 发帖数: 58873 | 9 赞对没理由的复杂规则的认真研究精神!
【在 l*****8 的大作中提到】 : 又仔细研究了一下,倒回去又看了一下重放,发现是如下原因: : 1。这个不是T-formation,所以发福是eligible receiver.如果是ineligible receiver : ,判罚是损失一个down(相当于incomplete pass) : 2. 实际判罚应该是对40号,lineman. 在传球play里,ineligible receivers (包括 : lineman)在传球前不能过LOS.在这个play里,40号线人过了LOS。如果ineligible : receiver过LOS,判罚是5码,不损失down.
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 10 呵呵,穷教书的。
【在 z*i 的大作中提到】 : 赞对没理由的复杂规则的认真研究精神! : 也是教授吧? : : receiver
a***n 发帖数: 5665 | 11 co zan
【在 z*i 的大作中提到】 : 赞对没理由的复杂规则的认真研究精神! : 也是教授吧? : : receiver
z*i 发帖数: 58873 | 12 果然是教授!
【在 l*****8 的大作中提到】 : 呵呵,穷教书的。
a******n 发帖数: 4290 | 13 arron教授每天工作15小时,你干吗啊?
【在 a***n 的大作中提到】 : co zan : 终于明白了。
z*i 发帖数: 58873 | 14 投资银行家!
【在 a******n 的大作中提到】 : arron教授每天工作15小时,你干吗啊?
a******n 发帖数: 4290 | 15 arron是指导人家如何成为投资银行家的教授。他是大牛
【在 z*i 的大作中提到】 : 投资银行家!