G******y 发帖数: 1831 | 1 虽然不一定影响TD, 但是这么明显的应该吹,让Saints得球不得分,那个时候还很难说
啊 |
s********r 发帖数: 176 | 2 这比赛你还怨裁判。估计是NBA看多了。
【在 G******y 的大作中提到】 : 虽然不一定影响TD, 但是这么明显的应该吹,让Saints得球不得分,那个时候还很难说 : 啊
G******y 发帖数: 1831 | 3 不怨,不过觉得裁判能把这么明显的犯规miss不应该
【在 s********r 的大作中提到】 : 这比赛你还怨裁判。估计是NBA看多了。
s********r 发帖数: 176 | 4 这个不算PI.人就是jumping route and make a play 而以。
【在 G******y 的大作中提到】 : 不怨,不过觉得裁判能把这么明显的犯规miss不应该
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 5 你没看懂楼主在说啥。他没说是PI,
这个我没注意。楼主说的是illegle block吧?如果是这样,那这个得分应该不算。
【在 s********r 的大作中提到】 : 这个不算PI.人就是jumping route and make a play 而以。 : 大白菜和雷杰翁都犯错了。
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 6 That is called "illegal block in the back", but in that play, PM was facing
the blocker, not his back.
【在 l*****8 的大作中提到】 : 你没看懂楼主在说啥。他没说是PI, : 这个我没注意。楼主说的是illegle block吧?如果是这样,那这个得分应该不算。
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 7 他说的应该不是PM吧?PM根本就没试图去tackle
【在 o****y 的大作中提到】 : That is called "illegal block in the back", but in that play, PM was facing : the blocker, not his back.
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 8 PM was the only Colts player could stop Porter, no other Colts was in sight.
【在 l*****8 的大作中提到】 : 他说的应该不是PM吧?PM根本就没试图去tackle : : facing
G******y 发帖数: 1831 | 9 是么,看了几次录像,还是明显感觉是推人了,算是顺势推的,可能也无关大局,但是
【在 o****y 的大作中提到】 : That is called "illegal block in the back", but in that play, PM was facing : the blocker, not his back.
s********r 发帖数: 176 | 10 看一下video就是了,
【在 l*****8 的大作中提到】 : 他说的应该不是PM吧?PM根本就没试图去tackle : : facing
a********r 发帖数: 626 | 11 说的就是PM,一阵兵荒马乱的,REF肯定MISS了,去年的SB pick6也有疑似 "illegal
block in the back", 不是太blatent一般都不会吹。 |
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 12 Because PM turned his body to face the blocker, the block could push him. If
did not turn his body and continued to run away, then the block could be
But if PM ran away, that guy would not push him, he just left the route open
for Porter. The reason the blocker push him was because he tried to come
to tackle Porter.
【在 G******y 的大作中提到】 : 是么,看了几次录像,还是明显感觉是推人了,算是顺势推的,可能也无关大局,但是 : 该判还是要判,那个大个当时只要挡住就足够了,根本没必要推 : : facing
G******y 发帖数: 1831 | 13 没这么一说吧,是不是illegal blocking就是看推的位置吧,和被推的人的意向有关么
? 按照规则那个大个也应该等PM转过身来推正面才行
【在 o****y 的大作中提到】 : Because PM turned his body to face the blocker, the block could push him. If : PM : did not turn his body and continued to run away, then the block could be : called. : But if PM ran away, that guy would not push him, he just left the route open : for Porter. The reason the blocker push him was because he tried to come : back : to tackle Porter.
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 14 If you watched the video, because PM turned, the blocker pushed his side
of his back.
【在 G******y 的大作中提到】 : 没这么一说吧,是不是illegal blocking就是看推的位置吧,和被推的人的意向有关么 : ? 按照规则那个大个也应该等PM转过身来推正面才行 : : If : open
f**********n 发帖数: 10757 | 15 重看了几遍,这个还是不吹合适,基本上是侧面,而且属于把PM往外推,这球要是吹NO
illegal blocking on the back,那就有点天理不容了
【在 G******y 的大作中提到】 : 虽然不一定影响TD, 但是这么明显的应该吹,让Saints得球不得分,那个时候还很难说 : 啊
b*****u 发帖数: 1978 | 16 PM先往边线跑,去阻挡Porter的路线,但Porter开始cut转向,往PM的背后冲过去,PM有
裁判不会吹Illegal block on the back。如果Porter是往PM的身前跑,而PM也是往前
我对Illegal block on the back的理解,不能简单的说推背后就是犯规。具体的规
(比如pass rusher不断使用spin试图接近QB,而blocker不断推他,即便推的时候恰
【在 G******y 的大作中提到】 : 虽然不一定影响TD, 但是这么明显的应该吹,让Saints得球不得分,那个时候还很难说 : 啊
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 17 没那么复杂把,这是在网上找到的定义:
Illegal Block in the Back
When an offensive player blocks a defender from behind, an illegal block in
the back occurs. A ten yard penalty is assessed. There is a gray area with
these blocks, because some blocks from the side also are called. Typically,
if a player blocks another player outside of the front shoulder pads, it is
possible for an illegal block in the back to be called.
【在 b*****u 的大作中提到】 : PM先往边线跑,去阻挡Porter的路线,但Porter开始cut转向,往PM的背后冲过去,PM有 : 个急停动作,并试图回身,此时blocker已经是在PM和Porter之间了,这时发生接触, : 裁判不会吹Illegal block on the back。如果Porter是往PM的身前跑,而PM也是往前 : 跑去阻止他,那么这个block会被吹犯规。 : 我对Illegal block on the back的理解,不能简单的说推背后就是犯规。具体的规 : 则需要BigBlue或Becket等来解释,但我的理解是,正当block的目的是使对方远离 : 球,如果blocker在对方和球之间,推的方向是使之远离球,那么即便推背也不犯规 : (比如pass rusher不断使用spin试图接近QB,而blocker不断推他,即便推的时候恰 : 好是在背上,也不犯规);如果blocker离球的距离比对方离球更远,推对方背后使 : 其倒向球的方向,那就是犯规。
b*****u 发帖数: 1978 | 18 一看字句就不是NFL规则本里的话。打回去重抄,不要随便找一条“网上说的”就来。
【在 l*****8 的大作中提到】 : 没那么复杂把,这是在网上找到的定义: : Illegal Block in the Back : When an offensive player blocks a defender from behind, an illegal block in : the back occurs. A ten yard penalty is assessed. There is a gray area with : these blocks, because some blocks from the side also are called. Typically, : if a player blocks another player outside of the front shoulder pads, it is : possible for an illegal block in the back to be called. : : PM有
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 19 NFL rule book里没找到。Wiki上是这样说的:
Block in the back
(offense, defense, or special teams): A blocker contacting a non-
ballcarrying member of the opposing team from behind and above the waist
【在 b*****u 的大作中提到】 : 一看字句就不是NFL规则本里的话。打回去重抄,不要随便找一条“网上说的”就来。 : : in : , : is
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 20 网上找illegal block in the back,看到了这张照片:
我觉得符合定义。当然,我也认为这个判罚与否和输赢无关。 |
b*****u 发帖数: 1978 | 21 "from behind"... If PM was facing the side line without turning shoulders,
this would be "from behind".
【在 l*****8 的大作中提到】 : 网上找illegal block in the back,看到了这张照片: : 我觉得符合定义。当然,我也认为这个判罚与否和输赢无关。
b*****u 发帖数: 1978 | 22 我不是原文里说的很清楚吗?
【在 l*****8 的大作中提到】 : 网上找illegal block in the back,看到了这张照片: : 我觉得符合定义。当然,我也认为这个判罚与否和输赢无关。
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 23 OK, 你的一大片理论的完全是你自己的理解,那就没啥好说的了。
没这么一说吧,是不是illegal blocking就是看推的位置吧,和被推的人的意向有关么
? 按照规则那个大个也应该等PM转过身来推正面才行
of the front shoulder pads,也会被吹IBIB.
【在 b*****u 的大作中提到】 : "from behind"... If PM was facing the side line without turning shoulders, : this would be "from behind".
b********n 发帖数: 4256 | 24
【在 G******y 的大作中提到】 : 虽然不一定影响TD, 但是这么明显的应该吹,让Saints得球不得分,那个时候还很难说 : 啊
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 25 犯规是肯定犯了。不是那个解释说了,即使从侧面推,如果是推的shoulder pad外侧,
【在 b********n 的大作中提到】 : : block的时候,前面被block的扣子队员侧身了,不算犯规。最多可吹可不吹。
B*****e 发帖数: 9375 | 26 The would-be tackler needs to be in a position,
or at least in a better position, to make the tackle in order to be "blocked
on the back".
In this play Manning was back against the ball,
and he was further away from from the ball-carrier than his blocker.
It's good no-call.
就像passing interference, 也得是WR本来可以接住球的才会吹。
【在 G******y 的大作中提到】 : 虽然不一定影响TD, 但是这么明显的应该吹,让Saints得球不得分,那个时候还很难说 : 啊
b********n 发帖数: 4256 | 27 "blocked on the back" should be one kind of personal fouls I guess?
so even though the foul was away from the ball or was away from the play,
should it still be called as a personal foul? isn't the intention to
call it a "foul" like that is to avoid injuries?
【在 B*****e 的大作中提到】 : The would-be tackler needs to be in a position, : or at least in a better position, to make the tackle in order to be "blocked : on the back". : In this play Manning was back against the ball, : and he was further away from from the ball-carrier than his blocker. : It's good no-call. : 就像passing interference, 也得是WR本来可以接住球的才会吹。
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 28 NO, illegal block in the back是指腰部以上,不是Personal foul.判罚是10吗,不是15码。如果是腰部以下,不管从哪个方向block, 就是Blocking below the waist,15码。
但你说的第二点是对的。Block in the back 即使away from the ball也应该吹(这球
还不是away from the ball).我常听到解说说某个illegal block in the back不影响
比赛,但a foul is a foul. That is a good call之类。从来没有说远离球就不吹得
【在 b********n 的大作中提到】 : "blocked on the back" should be one kind of personal fouls I guess? : so even though the foul was away from the ball or was away from the play, : should it still be called as a personal foul? isn't the intention to : call it a "foul" like that is to avoid injuries? : : blocked
b*****u 发帖数: 1978 | 29
Thanks for clarification.
推了背后(腰部以上),一定就是illegal block on the back?
照BigBlue的解释,blocker 比 would-be tackler 占据更有利位置;照我的理解,
blocker 比 would-be tackler 更接近球,blocker 推的方向是把 would-be tackler
(1) pass rusher 不断地 spin,试图接近QB,但blocker比他更接近QB,也就是占
据更有利位置,当然可以把pass rusher 往外推,如果pass rusher恰好是背身挤过
来,blocker 可以推他的背推出去(不是推向QB) ---- 这种情况太常见了,从没见
过吹illegal block on the back。
(2) 更搞笑的情况,如下:
A2─〉 〈─B
A1 持球跑,B 跑过去试图 tackle,但A2 作为blo
【在 B*****e 的大作中提到】 : The would-be tackler needs to be in a position, : or at least in a better position, to make the tackle in order to be "blocked : on the back". : In this play Manning was back against the ball, : and he was further away from from the ball-carrier than his blocker. : It's good no-call. : 就像passing interference, 也得是WR本来可以接住球的才会吹。
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 30 A rule is a rule。不要把block in the back和PI,Illegal contact之类混淆。前者
只要是block后面,就是犯规,不管你的意图。这个是rule book上定义的。实际比赛中
Illegal contact, PI都有前提条件,这个也是rule book上写好的。比如在不在pocket
至于“倘若真的无条件的“只要推后背就犯规”,那么,所有的would-be tackler都反
还有主动被动问题。blocker站在那里你自己用背靠上去当然不会被吹。 |
b*****u 发帖数: 1978 | 31 你前面不是说找不到rule book吗?怎么又振振有词说这就是rule book?
I clearly said this is MY understanding.
Show me the rule book before you claim this is the rule!
【在 l*****8 的大作中提到】 : A rule is a rule。不要把block in the back和PI,Illegal contact之类混淆。前者 : 只要是block后面,就是犯规,不管你的意图。这个是rule book上定义的。实际比赛中 : 远离球的犯规可能不吹是因为裁判一般都盯着有球的地方,不会注意。 : Illegal contact, PI都有前提条件,这个也是rule book上写好的。比如在不在pocket : 里拉,有没有tip拉,是不是catchable拉。 : 比赛不是只有影响结果的犯规才应该吹,实际比赛中stupid的远离球的犯规被吹得多了 : 去了。 : 至于“倘若真的无条件的“只要推后背就犯规”,那么,所有的would-be tackler都反 : 身用后背做武器好了。”的推理本身就很荒唐。你倒着跑怎么去tackle人家?而且这个 : 还有主动被动问题。blocker站在那里你自己用背靠上去当然不会被吹。
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 32 完整的rulebook我没找到。但我起码有依据。你自己的understanding worth nothing.
【在 b*****u 的大作中提到】 : 你前面不是说找不到rule book吗?怎么又振振有词说这就是rule book? : I clearly said this is MY understanding. : Show me the rule book before you claim this is the rule! : : pocket
b*****u 发帖数: 1978 | 33 You're right, I don't have the rule book either. But I have seen hundreds of
similar no-call case of such Pick-Run-Tackle-Block play, and I have seen
NONE that was called a foul. That makes me doubt whether your so called rule
exists in the first place? Did refs miss this rule ALL THE TIME?
Unless you find a video that shows a similar Pick-Run-Tackle-Block play that
was called foul, it's hard for me to believe what you said is the rule.
【在 l*****8 的大作中提到】 : 完整的rulebook我没找到。但我起码有依据。你自己的understanding worth nothing.
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 34 Show me the book, 多容易的一句话啊。
But I have seen hundreds of
similar no-call case of such Pick-Run-Tackle-Block play,
OK, show me these videos! |
b*****u 发帖数: 1978 | 35 That's easy. Remember last year's SB when Steelers got an INT near own
endzone and returned 100 yards for TD?
Check around 0'12". Similar cut back. Similar push on the would-be tackler,
clearly from "behind" as you defined it.
If I have time I would search for more. But can you find even one that IS
【在 l*****8 的大作中提到】 : Show me the book, 多容易的一句话啊。 : But I have seen hundreds of : similar no-call case of such Pick-Run-Tackle-Block play, : OK, show me these videos!
w*****r 发帖数: 153 | 36 Official rule:
A Block in the Back is a block that is delivered from behind an opponent
above his waist.
It is not a block in the back if:
(a) the opponent turns away from the blocker, or;
(b) if both of the blocker’s hands are on the opponent’s side. |
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 37 哈哈,这个就是好多人说的miss的call吧?那这个做证据?你还可以拿港人海鸟那场的
裁判作OPI call的依据把。
【在 b*****u 的大作中提到】 : That's easy. Remember last year's SB when Steelers got an INT near own : endzone and returned 100 yards for TD? : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mggnKtpQfM : Check around 0'12". Similar cut back. Similar push on the would-be tackler, : clearly from "behind" as you defined it. : If I have time I would search for more. But can you find even one that IS : called?
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 38 Thanks!
【在 w*****r 的大作中提到】 : Official rule: : A Block in the Back is a block that is delivered from behind an opponent : above his waist. : It is not a block in the back if: : (a) the opponent turns away from the blocker, or; : (b) if both of the blocker’s hands are on the opponent’s side.
A**d 发帖数: 13310 | 39 Keep lying about "the opponent turns away from the blocker".
Look at 0:06. which direction was Manning facing?
【在 l*****8 的大作中提到】 : Thanks! : 好像这个定义里没有啥远离球还是靠近球,有利还是没利。而且当时的情况不属于a,b : 的任何一种。
b*****u 发帖数: 1978 | 40 Can you provide a link please? That will be helpful. Thanks!
【在 w*****r 的大作中提到】 : Official rule: : A Block in the Back is a block that is delivered from behind an opponent : above his waist. : It is not a block in the back if: : (a) the opponent turns away from the blocker, or; : (b) if both of the blocker’s hands are on the opponent’s side.
b********n 发帖数: 4256 | 41
【在 l*****8 的大作中提到】 : 网上找illegal block in the back,看到了这张照片: : 我觉得符合定义。当然,我也认为这个判罚与否和输赢无关。
w*****r 发帖数: 153 | 42 2006 revision http://blogmedia.thenewstribune.com/media/2006%20NFL%20RULEBOOK.pdf.
【在 b*****u 的大作中提到】 : Can you provide a link please? That will be helpful. Thanks!
B*****e 发帖数: 9375 | 43 Troy Aikman commented on many occasions that
"If you want to call a penalty on EVERY play, you can."
【在 l*****8 的大作中提到】 : Thanks! : 好像这个定义里没有啥远离球还是靠近球,有利还是没利。而且当时的情况不属于a,b : 的任何一种。
a***n 发帖数: 5520 | 44 任何有身体接触的集体运动都是这样
【在 B*****e 的大作中提到】 : Troy Aikman commented on many occasions that : "If you want to call a penalty on EVERY play, you can." : : b